The occurrence characteristics and metallotectonic evolution of Cihai iron ore deposit in Xinjiang
摘要: 磁海铁矿床产于早二叠世东天山南缘裂陷槽大地构造环境中,为次火山-矿浆侵入-热液充填交代矿床。通过对该隐伏矿床的露天挖掘开采,发现铁矿床在成矿后,早期有多期次辉绿岩墙以不同方向穿插于向北陡倾之铁矿体中,从而使铁矿体的完整性受到破坏,肢解成众多向南倾小矿体。经矿区调研填图,圈定出主矿体是由两条呈倾向340°、倾角70°~80°的巨型扁豆状矿囊组成。被成矿后期脉岩穿插肢解呈"向南倾斜的小矿体",构成了矿体的假产状。笔者重新建立了磁海铁矿床的矿体模型和成矿演化构造模式。Abstract: Cihai iron ore deposit is a subvolcanic-ore pulpintru sive-hydrothermal scouring replacement deposit,which is occurred in the rift of the southern margin of the Eastern Tian shan Mountains in the Lower Permian epoch. Through opencut mining of Cihai hidden iron ore deposit in recent years,it is found that there are multip eriodic diabase walls penetrated the steeply north-inclining ironore bodies in different directions in early postmineral period so as to destroy the in tegrity of the ironore bodies and divide them in to many small southinclining bodies. By survey and m app ing,the authors a scerta in that the ma in bodies con sist of two bulky lens-shaped bags of ore with 340° direction of dip and 70°~80° angle of inclination. In fact,those small south-inclining bodies are the main ironore bodies postminerald iabase walls dismem bered and their occurrence is the pseudo-occurrence of the main ironore bodies. In this article,the authors recon struct the shape of ironore bodies and the metallo tectonic model of Cihai iron ordeposit.
Key words:
- Cihai /
- irono redeposit /
- dismem bered bodies /
- metallo tectonic evolution
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