Bibliometric analysis of the current research focus on vegetation restoration in karst areas
文章检索1985-2021年间Web of Science核心合集数据库(简称WoS)和CNKI中国期刊全文数据库中有关岩溶区植被恢复的相关文献信息,通过国内外发文趋势、高频关键词分析、关键词共现和聚类分析及主题时间演变分析等,探讨有关岩溶植被恢复研究的热点与趋势。结果表明:在1985-2021年间WoS和CNKI数据库分别收录相关文献319和351篇,37年间的发文量呈现波动性上升的趋势,整体分为三个阶段:第一阶段(2005年以前),该阶段为研究的启蒙阶段,发文量较少;第二阶段(2005-2015年),随着国内外学者对岩溶地区生态重建研究的重视,该阶段文献数量有显著增加;第三阶段(2015-2021年),为快速发展阶段,国际上发文量呈现直线性上升,国内发文量呈现波动式上升,而国内研究增长速率明显高于国际研究。石漠化、植被演替、土壤养分、物种多样性等为文献的高频关键词,是国内外研究的共同关注点,其中,植被演替规律、土壤中养分及物种多样性是岩溶石漠化地区的核心问题。国际上对岩溶植被恢复研究更加关注生态系统服务功能、气候变化等,而国内前期主要倾向于岩溶石漠化地区植被恢复研究,后期主要是关注植被恢复对土壤性质变化及植物群落构成的影响。近年来,岩溶生态系统服务功能、岩溶植被恢复的环境效益、岩溶碳汇、岩溶关键带等逐步成为当前岩溶植被恢复研究领域的新型热点问题。为促进岩溶植被恢复研究的发展,建议加强国内与国际间的合作,通过野外布设观测点,长期观测和对比分析不同区域岩溶植被恢复的动态。通过研究岩溶植被系统恢复的技术、模式及评价方法等,进一步揭示基于山水林田湖草生命共同体及乡村产业视角下的岩溶生态系统的构建、植被多样性的多尺度格局。
Abstract:Vegetation plays an important role in the flow of material energy and nutrient cycle in the ecosystem. Karst vegetation is one of the main factors to maintain the stability of karst ecosystem function. At the same time, as a medium connecting soil, atmosphere and rock, plants not only present the characteristics of water balance in hydrologic and ecological processes, but also are an important link in regional vegetation restoration which is the basis of ecological construction and rocky desertification control in karst areas. In order to comprehensively understand the research progress, development trend and hot issues of karst vegetation restoration at home and abroad, literature related to this topic from 1985 to 2021 was retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection Database (WoS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) in this study. Based on high-frequency keyword analysis, keyword co-occurrence and cluster analysis, time evolution analysis of research subject, etc., the focuses and trends of karst vegetation restoration were analyzed. The results show that 319 and 351 related articles were collected respectively in WoS and CNKI databases from 1985 to 2021, and the number of articles published in 37 years experienced an increase with fluctuation. The publishing of these articles could be divided into three stages, the first stage (before 2005), an initiation stage of the research, in which the number of articles published was small; the second stage (2005-2015), a stage with a significant increase of literature due to great attention from domestic and foreign scholars to the ecological reconstruction of karst areas; the third stage (2015-2021), a rapid development stage, in which the number of international publications saw a continuous increase, while the domestic number showed a rise with fluctuation, and the growth rate of domestic research is significantly higher than that of international research.
Rocky desertification, vegetation succession, soil nutrients and species diversity are high-frequency keywords in the literature, reflecting the common concerns of domestic and foreign research. Among them, vegetation succession law, soil nutrients and species diversity are the core issues in studies on karst rocky desertification areas. International studies on karst vegetation restoration pay more attention to ecosystem services and climate change, while domestic studies mainly focus on vegetation restoration in karst rocky desertification areas in the early stage, and pay more attention to the effects of vegetation restoration on soil properties and plant community composition in the later stage. In recent years, the diverse configuration of karst vegetation restoration technology and mode, for example, Huajiang Mode, Pingshang Mode, Huanjiang Mode, Pingguo Mode, etc. put forward through test, research and development, has become one of the research focuses. In addition, environmental benefits of vegetation restoration (moisture, nutrients, soil and water loss, etc.), soil seed banks, microbe and plant functional groups, vegetation restoration and forestry industry (understory economy and ecological industry), karst plant restoration and karst carbon sink, etc. have gradually become new hot issues in the research field of karst vegetation restoration. In the research of "vegetation restoration", the issues about industrial development such as fruit forest for ecological economy, governance and management modes for ecological economy, etc. have also been taken into account. In recent years, the restoration of karst vegetation (the control of rocky desertification) in China is closely related to the projects of poverty alleviation and elimination, for example, Huajiang Mode—the establishment of comprehensive management of industry for ecological environment in medium-intensity rocky desertification areas in karst plateau canyon, Pingshang Mode—the facilitation of vegetation restoration by planting honeysuckle in the rocky desertification control of Zhenfeng county, Huanjiang Mode characterized with ecological migration, and the Pingguo Mode characterized with the dragon fruit planting in Pingguo county.
Due to the slow soil formation rate, thin soil layer and easy soil erosion, the karst area falls into a typical vulnerable ecosystem in the world, and the vegetation restoration in this area is very difficult. Therefore, the vegetation restoration mode is selected for the purpose of improving soil structure and coordinating the balance among soil water, fertilizer, air and heat. In order to promote the development of karst vegetation restoration research, it is suggested to strengthen domestic and international cooperation, and to set up some observation points in the field to observe and compare the dynamics of karst vegetation restoration in different regions for a long time. By comparing the spatio-temporal changes of large scale at home and abroad, the function and significance of vegetation restoration process on ecological restoration in karst areas can be analyzed through monitoring data. Through the restoration technology, model and evaluation method of karst vegetation system, the construction of karst ecosystem and the multi-scale pattern of vegetation diversity from the perspective of life community of mountain, forest, field, lake and grass and the perspective of rural industry can be further revealed. By comparing the research at home and abroad, some new ideas will be provided for ecological restoration in karst areas.
Key words:
- vegetation restoration /
- vegetation succession /
- karst /
- rocky desertification /
- VOSviewer
表 1 WoS和CNKI数据库中排名前10的关键词
Table 1. List of the top 10 keywords in WoS and CNKI database
关键词 出现次数 关联强度 关键词 出现次数 关联强度 environmental sciences 179 1 270 植被恢复 112 149 vegetation 69 491 喀斯特 100 97 agriculture 61 469 石漠化 40 62 karst 56 415 植被演替 28 31 restoration 55 421 土壤养分 16 26 geology 47 383 物种多样性 13 31 forestry 44 274 喀斯特山地 13 13 soil 42 332 自然恢复 13 11 rocky desertification 40 329 石灰岩 11 11 succession 40 305 物种组成 10 29 -
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