The control of neo-tectonic activity over geothermal resource in the Taxkorgan Basin on the northeastern margin of the Pamir
Abstract:The northeastern Pamir on the northwest margin of the Tibetan Plateau is one of the regions with strong neotectonic movement. Located in the northeastern Pamir, the Taxkorgan basin is controlled by regional Kongur tensile faulting. The strong neotectonism, high terrestrial heat and abundant underground water of the basin constitute the regional tectonic and hydrogeological conditions for geothermal resources. Tectonic investigation in Quman area of northern Taxkorgan basin indicates the NNE-striking normal faults of f1 and f2 were active in late Quaternary whereas the subtle EW-striking fault of f3, whose nature was different in different structural stages, was developed only below the Quaternary sediments. These faults are the secondary fractures of Tashkorgan fault formed in different tectonic episodes. Based on the data of geological structure, age model of the section of the lacustrine deposits, EH-4 electromagnetic image and drilling, the authors hold that the NNE-striking normal faults were conduit-pipe and EW-striking thrust fault was heat conduction pathway. The atmospheric precipitation from the surrounding areas of the basin was heated by convection heating along the intersection of the different striking faults. The geothermal model involves heat source from terrestrial heat flow, gradually heating of deep circulated underground water and tectonic control of water and heat.
图 5 EH-4不同测深反演平面图(测量范围见图 2)
Figure 5.
表 1 新疆塔县湖相地层碳屑的AMS14C测年结果
Table 1. AMS14C dating results of carbon deposits in the lacustrine strata of Taxian County, Xinjiang
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