The 1:100 000 Mineralogical Dataset of the Gouli Gold Deposit Integrated Exploration Area in Dulan County, Qinghai Province
青海都兰沟里金矿整装勘查区1:100 000地质矿产数据集由系统库、建造构造图、地质矿产图、地磁ΔT平面等值线图、地磁ΔT化极平面等值线图、化探综合异常图、矿产预测成果图及附表组成;每张图文件夹内有对应的编图说明。沟里整装勘查区总体被新元古代-早古生代东昆中缝合带(Pt3-P2末)、中-晚古生代兴海-苦海缝合带(D-P3)、晚古生代-早中生代(C-T2末)阿尼玛卿缝合带分割为4个二级构造单元。区内岩浆活动以奥陶纪-泥盆纪和二叠纪-三叠纪为主,分别代表了两期不同的造山旋回,成矿期可能在晚三叠世-早侏罗世。此次工作在整装勘查区内共圈定了1:50 000磁异常21处、化探综合异常80处;划分4个三级成矿带(区)、7个四级成矿亚带、8个五级矿带(矿田)、17个六级有利找矿区块;在有利找矿区块中筛选并提交找矿靶区14处;通过后续投入,区内相继发现了那更康切尔大型银矿、德龙金矿、迈龙金矿点、浪木日铜镍矿点、龙什更铜钴矿点等一批有找矿潜力的矿床(点);估算区内金资源总量588.04吨、银资源总量3 197.85吨、铅-锌资源总量235.83万吨,铜-钴资源总量121.49万吨。
Abstract:The 1:100 000 mineralogical dataset of the Gouli Gold Deposit integrated exploration area in Dulan County, Qinghai Province (also referred to as "the Area") consists of a systematic database, tectonic formation maps, mineralogical maps, geomagnetic ΔT plane isoline maps, geomagnetic ΔT RTP plane isoline maps, geochemical integrated anomalies maps, mineral prediction result maps, and attached tables. In the folder of each map, there are the corresponding preparation manuals for the map. The Area is divided into four second-order tectonic units by the Central Suture Zone of the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt from the Neoproterozoic Era to the Early Paleozoic Era (from Pt3 to the end of P2), the Xinghai-Kuhai Suture Zone from the Middle Paleozoic Era to the Late Paleozoic Era (from D to P3), and the A'nyemaqen Suture Zone from the Late Paleozoic Era to the Early Mesozoic Era (from C to the end of T2). The magmatic activities in the Area mainly occurred from the Ordovician to the Devonian and from the Permian to the Triassic, which represents two different orogenic cycles. The metallogenic period may be from the Late Triassic Epoch to the Early Jurassic Epoch. A total of 21 magnetic anomalies and 80 geochemical integrated anomalies on a scale of 1:50 000 were delineated in the Area. Furthermore, four grade Ⅲ metallogenic belts (areas), seven grade IV metallogenic sub-belts, eight grade V metallogenic belts (ore fields), and 17 grade VI favorable prospecting blocks were determined. 14 prospecting target areas were screened and submitted in the favorable prospecting blocks. In addition, a number of mineral deposits (occurrences) with prospecting potential were found in the Area through follow-up work, such as the Nagenkangqieer large-scale silver deposit, the Delong gold deposit, the Mailong gold occurrence, the Langmuri copper-nickel occurrence, and the Longshigeng copper-cobalt occurrence. It is estimated that the total amount of gold, silver, lead-zinc and copper-cobalt resources in the Area are 588.04 tons, 3 197.85 tons, 2 358 300 tons, and 1 214 900 tons respectively.
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 青海都兰沟里金矿整装勘查区1∶100 000地质矿产数据集 数据库(集)作者 周红智,中国地质大学(武汉),中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
徐崇文,中国地质大学(武汉)数据时间范围 2016.05—2018.12 地理区域 青海省海西州都兰县−玛多县,经纬度范围:东经98°00′~99°15′,北纬35°10′~36°00′ 数据格式 MapGIS 6.7矢量格式(*.wt,*.wl,*.wp)、*.msi、*.xls、*.doc 数据量 177.7 MB 数据服务系统网址 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范”青海都兰沟里金矿整装勘查区矿产调查与找矿预测子项目2016−2018(12120100400150017-37、 12120100400160901-62、12120100400172201-51)资助 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 该地质矿产数据集由系统库(沟里Slib)、青海都兰沟里金矿整装勘查区1∶100 000建造构造图、地质矿产图、地磁ΔT平面等值线图、地磁ΔT化极平面等值线图、化探综合异常图组成;每张图件以建造构造图为底图编制而成,并配有相应镶图及图例,修饰部分主要为边框、比例尺、图例等;每张图文件夹内有对应编图说明word文件及整装区数据字典。本数据集还包括3个Excel表格:青海省沟里整装区成矿区带划分及成矿预测列表、青海省沟里整装区建议新立勘查项目及重点续作勘查项目列表、青海省沟里整装区锆石U-Pb年龄测试数据。 表 2 沟里地区1∶50 000土壤测量元素异常下限及浓度分带一览表
元素 异常下限计算值 异常下限实际使用值 异常中带下限 异常内带下限 Ag 119.97 119.97 179.95 239.93 As 16.83 21.24 31.85 42.47 Au 2.72 2.72 4.08 5.43 Bi 0.54 0.54 0.82 1.09 Co 17.87 17.87 26.80 35.74 Cu 38.46 38.46 57.69 76.92 Mo 1.94 1.94 2.91 3.89 Pb 37.31 37.31 55.97 74.62 Sb 1.50 1.50 2.25 3.00 Sn 4.50 4.50 6.75 9.00 W 1.64 1.64 2.46 3.28 Zn 93.08 93.08 139.62 186.16 备注:Au和Ag的单位是×10−9,其他元素为×10−6。 表 3 1∶50 000水系沉积物测量单元素异常汇总表
百分比(%)Ag 115 40 34.78% Mo 69 11 15.94% As 71 15 21.13% Pb 90 27 30.00% Au 298 85 28.52% Sb 82 21 25.61% Co 146 66 45.21% Sn 181 43 23.76% Bi 119 55 46.22% W 156 36 23.08% Cu 126 31 24.60% Zn 108 24 22.22% 表 1 Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name The 1∶100 000 Mineralogical Dataset of the Gouli Gold Deposit Integrated Exploration Area in Dulan County, Qinghai Province Database (dataset) authors Zhou Hongzhi, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan); Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
Zhang Xinming, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Zhang Songtao, The Third Non-ferrous Metals Geological Exploration Institute, Qinghai Provincial Non-ferrous Metals Geological Exploration Bureau
Shen Zhiyuan, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Xu Chongwen, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Data acquisition time 2016.05−2018.12 Geographical region In Dulan County and Maduo County, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. Geographic coordinates: east longitude 98°00′~99°15′and north latitude 35°10′~36°00′ Data formats MapGIS 6.7 (*.wt, *.wl, *.wp), *.msi, *.xls, *.doc Data size 177.7 MB Data service system URL Fund projects China Geological Survey Project “Demonstration Project for Prospecting Prediction and Technical Application in Integrated Exploration Areas”, sub-project named “Mineral Investigation & Prospecting Prediction of the Gouli Gold Deposit Integrated Exploration Area in Dulan County, Qinghai Province” from 2016 to 2018 (No. 12120100400150017-37, 12120100400160901-62, and 12120100400172201-51) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The dataset consists of a systematic database, formation tectonic maps, mineralogical maps, geomagnetic △T plane isoline maps, geomagnetic △T RTP plane isoline maps, and geochemical integrated anomaly maps. Each map is prepared with a tectonic formation map as its base map, equipped with corresponding mosaic maps and legends, and decorated with borders, scales, legends, etc. In the folder of each map, there is the corresponding preparation manual in Word format of the map as well as a data dictionary of the Area. In addition, the dataset includes three Excel files, namely Metallogenic Areas (Belts) Division and Metallogenic Prediction in Qinghai Gouli Integrated Exploration Area, List of Suggested Newly Established Exploration Projects and Important Subsequent Exploration Projects in Qinghai Gouli Integrated Exploration Area, and Zircon U-Pb Age Test Data of the Qinghai Gouli Integrated Exploration Area. 表 2 Thresholds and Concentrations of Single Element Anomalies According to the 1∶50 000 Soil Survey in the Area
Element Calculated
thresholdActual threshold
usedThreshold of
anomaly mesozoneThreshold of
anomaly inner zoneAg 119.97 119.97 179.95 239.93 As 16.83 21.24 31.85 42.47 Au 2.72 2.72 4.08 5.43 Bi 0.54 0.54 0.82 1.09 Co 17.87 17.87 26.80 35.74 Cu 38.46 38.46 57.69 76.92 Mo 1.94 1.94 2.91 3.89 Pb 37.31 37.31 55.97 74.62 Sb 1.50 1.50 2.25 3.00 Sn 4.50 4.50 6.75 9.00 W 1.64 1.64 2.46 3.28 Zn 93.08 93.08 139.62 186.16 Note: the units of Au and Ag are ×10−9 and the other elements are ×10−6. 表 3 Summary of Single Element Anomalies According to the 1∶50 000 StreamSediment Survey
ElementNumber of anomalies Number of single point anomalies Percentage of number of single point anomalies (%) Item
ElementNumber of anomalies Number of single point anomalies Percentage of number of single point anomalies (%) Ag 115 40 34.78% Mo 69 11 15.94% As 71 15 21.13% Pb 90 27 30.00% Au 298 85 28.52% Sb 82 21 25.61% Co 146 66 45.21% Sn 181 43 23.76% Bi 119 55 46.22% W 156 36 23.08% Cu 126 31 24.60% Zn 108 24 22.22% -
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