中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

粤港澳湾区1∶50 000斗门镇幅工程地质调查及岩土样品试验数据集

曾敏, 赵信文, 喻望, 顾涛. 2019. 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000斗门镇幅工程地质调查及岩土样品试验数据集[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 110-122. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z212
引用本文: 曾敏, 赵信文, 喻望, 顾涛. 2019. 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000斗门镇幅工程地质调查及岩土样品试验数据集[J]. 中国地质, 46(S2): 110-122. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z212
ZENG Min, ZHAO Xinwen, YU Wang, GU Tao. 2019. 1∶50 000 Engineering Geological Survey and Geotechnical Test Dataset of the Doumen Map-Sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 110-122. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z212
Citation: ZENG Min, ZHAO Xinwen, YU Wang, GU Tao. 2019. 1∶50 000 Engineering Geological Survey and Geotechnical Test Dataset of the Doumen Map-Sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area[J]. Geology in China, 46(S2): 110-122. doi: 10.12029/gc2019Z212

粤港澳湾区1∶50 000斗门镇幅工程地质调查及岩土样品试验数据集

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“粤港澳湾区1∶5万环境地质调查”(DD20160260)、“广州多要素城市地质调查”(DD20190291)
    作者简介: 曾敏,男,1982年生,高级工程师,主要从事水工环境地质与城市地质调查方面的研究;

1∶50 000 Engineering Geological Survey and Geotechnical Test Dataset of the Doumen Map-Sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

  • Fund Project: China Geological Survey projects titled “Environmental Geological Survey (1∶50 000) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (DD20160260) and “Multi-element Urban Geological Survey of Guangzhou” (DD20190219)
More Information
    Author Bio: ZENG Min, male, born in 1982, senior engineer, mainly engages in research on hydrogeological, engineering and environmental geology as well as urban geological survey; .
  • 本数据集依托2017年中国地质调查局“粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查”项目,在充分收集以往地质资料的基础上,开展了粤港澳大湾区珠江口西岸的斗门镇幅1∶50 000工程地质调查工作,编制了1∶50 000工程地质图及说明书,并依据此次调查及采取的样品进行测试获取的数据建立了本数据集。本数据集包含调查与实验测试两大类10种数据类型,其中遥感野外检查验证数据53条,基础调查数据168条,野外地质综合调查数据22条,工程地质调查数据77条,地质灾害调查数据23条,钻孔基本情况数据13条,原位试验成果数据583条,岩石样品试验数据36条,土工试验数据130条,野外照片数据669幅,共计1 774条数据。本数据集对查清粤港澳大湾区珠江口西岸的工程地质条件,评价软土地面沉降、崩塌滑坡不稳定性斜坡等地质灾害具有数据支撑意义。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  斗门镇幅工程地质简图

    Figure 1. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查斗门镇幅工程地质调查及岩土样品试验数据集
    数据库(集)作者 曾敏,中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
    数据时间范围 2017年
    地理区域 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000斗门镇幅(F49E011021)
    数据格式 Excel
    数据量 168.16 KB
    基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查”(DD20160260)
    语种 中文
    数据库(集)组成 本数据集包含10种数据类型,其中遥感野外检查验证数据53条,基础调查数据168条,野外地质综合调查数据22条,工程地质调查数据77条,地质灾害调查数据23条,钻孔基本情况数据13条,原位试验成果数据583条,岩石样品试验数据36条,土工试验数据130条,野外照片数据669条,共计1 774条数据
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    表 2  数据库(集)数据类型—属性表对应关系

    调查数据类型 属性表类型
    遥感野外检查验证数据 遥感野外检查验证记录表
    基础调查数据 调查点基础数据表
    野外地质综合调查数据 野外地质综合调查表
    工程地质调查数据 浅井记录表、岩石风化程度调查表
    地质灾害调查数据 崩塌调查表、滑坡调查表、不稳定斜坡调查表、地面沉降调查表
    钻孔基本情况数据 钻孔基本情况表
    原位试验数据 工程地质静力触探试验记录表、工程地质十字板剪切试验记录表、工程地质标贯试验记录表
    岩石样品试验数据 工程地质钻孔岩样试验表
    土工试验数据 土工试验综合成果表
    野外照片数据 野外照片数据表
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    表 3  遥感野外检查验证记录表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1131147952214441401
    野外编号 字符型 D1057
    经度 ° 浮点型 113114795
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22144414
    地面高程 m 字符型 7
    地理位置 字符型 广东省珠海市斗门区斗门镇深潭采石场
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    解译正确性 字符型 正确
    观测点遥感影像特征 字符型 图斑位于斗门镇斗门大道以东,温泉桥北东,形状不规则,颜色呈现浅灰褐色,表面纹理较光滑,可见挖痕和斑点,植被破损严重,无阴影覆盖
    遥感解译类别 字符型 露天开挖场地
    实际验证类别 字符型 露天开挖场地解译验证点
    实地观测记录 字符型 实地验证调查点D1057,解译结果与实际情况大致相符
    备注 字符型 KW06
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    表 4  调查点基础数据表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1130507302217329001
    野外编号 字符型 D2095
    经度 ° 浮点型 113050730
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22173290
    X坐标 浮点型 19714928
    Y坐标 浮点型 2467671
    地面高程 m 字符型 8
    地理位置 字符型 广东省江门市新会区古井镇奇乐村南峰旗
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    调查点类型 字符型 岩石风化调查点
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    表 5  野外地质综合调查表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1130556312218394801
    野外编号 字符型 D2092
    经度 ° 浮点型 113055631
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22183948
    地面高程 m 浮点型 20
    地理位置 字符型 广东省江门市新会区古井镇奇乐村马山水库
    调查点类型 字符型 综合地质调查点
    取样情况 字符型 现场取水样进行测试
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    地貌部位 字符型 丘陵岗地
    天气状况 字符型 阵雨转阴
    地层倾向 浮点型
    地层倾角 浮点型
    照片编号 字符型 1035–1039
    点间关系 字符型 点间多为低丘岗地地貌,山林遍布,植被茂密,环境较好
    地貌与地质 字符型 点处为低丘岗地地貌,自然坡度约为15°~20°,地势稍有起伏,相对高差约为2~6 m,主要岩性为燕山期侏罗系(J31)灰白、肉红中粗粒斑状黑云母二长花岗岩,中粗粒斑状结构,块状构造,强烈风化,顶部为全风化花岗岩,厚度约0~2 m,未见明显构造迹象
    水文地质 字符型 周边多为全风化-强风化花岗岩,顶部多为全风化花岗岩,厚度约为0~2 m,为松散孔隙水,水量较大,水质一般,其下为强风化花岗岩,可见原岩结构,为风化网状裂隙水,水量较大,水质较好,经大气降水补给,地面径流及面流江入水库,排泄至下游
    环境地质 字符型 因抽水作业,水位下降较大,水库库岸可见多处不稳定岸坡,极易发生垮塌和崩岸,另水库的下游即北西侧,二级水库及下游山塘都改为养殖场,农药化肥等农业污染可见
    工程地质 字符型 点处周边顶部为全风化花岗岩,松散土状,厚约0~2 m,下部为强风化花岗岩,可见原岩结构,经过现场回弹仪测量抗压强度为12 MPa
    访问及沿途 字符型 沿途访问马山水库管理站,水库堤坝曾经溃坝,后来重修,现用作古井镇饮用水源,供水量较大,水位较低
    人工地质剖面示意图 长二进制数据 (图片)
    调查点平面位置示意图 长二进制数据 (图片)
    备注 字符型 无;
    项目名称 字符型 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查
    调查单位 字符型 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
    调查日期 Y.M.D 字符型 2017-06-20
    调查人 字符型 喻望,曾敏,高志斌
    记录人 字符型 曾敏
    审核人 字符型 赵信文
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    表 6  浅井记录表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1130509972219449401
    野外编号 字符型 D1160
    经度 ° 浮点型 113050997
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22194494
    地面高程 m 浮点型 2
    X坐标 浮点型 19714821
    Y坐标 浮点型 2471780
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    地理位置 字符型 广东省江门市新会区古井镇慈爱村老蔡围
    天气 字符型
    气温 浮点型 34
    水文埋深 m 浮点型 0.4
    地形地貌 字符型 三角洲平原地貌,地势较为平坦,相对高差约为1~3 m;
    地质与环境地质 字符型 地表出露地层岩性为第四系全新统灯笼沙组(Q4dl)黏土、淤泥、粉细砂等
    水文地质 字符型 点位于崖门水道附近点处为花木厂钻孔揭露地层岩性为第四系全新统桂州组黏土,淤泥,淤泥质,砂层,为软土层
    生态与植被 字符型
    取样情况 字符型 未取样
    备注 字符型 D1160
    浅井柱状剖面图 长二进制数据 (图片)
    项目名称 字符型 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查
    调查单位 字符型 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
    调查日期 Y.M.D 字符型 2017-06-17
    调查人 字符型 顾涛
    记录人 字符型 顾涛
    审核人 字符型 赵信文
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    表 7  地面沉降调查表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1130258842219497601
    野外编号 字符型 D2111
    地理位置 字符型 广东省江门市新会区崖门镇南昌村
    经度 ° 浮点型 113025884
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22194976
    地面沉降名称 字符型 南昌村沉降
    地面高程 m 浮点型
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    城市名称 字符型 广东省江门市
    天气 字符型 阵雨转多云
    诱发因素 字符型 周边南昌村内房屋较多,2001年9月铺设的水泥路面以及小型河桥梁等荷载,以及村内民井提水成为软土沉降
    地貌特征 字符型 为山前平原地貌,地形无起伏,相对高差约为0~1 m,崖门水道的两侧,主要地层岩性为第四系全新统(Qh)深灰色,灰黑色淤泥,淤泥质土,呈软塑状,工程地质力学性质较差
    发展趋势 字符型 将持续沉降
    造成危害状况 字符型 房屋墙体开裂,地面裂缝以及供电,供水管的局部挤压,断错,潜在威胁着本村300余户,500余人;
    防治措施 字符型 局部墙体重新修补,部分砂浆已垮落,建议加强监测及房屋修补工作
    平面示意图 长二进制数据 (图片)
    剖面示意图 长二进制数据 (图片)
    备注 字符型 矩形
    项目名称 字符型 粤港澳湾区1∶50 000环境地质调查
    调查单位 字符型 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心
    照片编号 字符型 1142–1152
    调查日期 Y.M.D 字符型 2017-06-24
    调查人 字符型 喻望,曾敏,高志斌
    记录人 字符型 曾敏
    审核人 字符型 赵信文
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    表 8  钻孔基本情况表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1131438202219194601
    野外编号 字符型 DMZGCZK1
    经度 ° 浮点型 113143820
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22191946
    X坐标 浮点型 19731176
    Y坐标 浮点型 2471239
    地理位置 字符型 广东省珠海市斗门区西江清荷农村(江珠高速公路东北)
    地面高程 m 浮点型 1.193
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    孔口高程 m 浮点型 1.193
    钻机类型 字符型 XY-100
    钻孔类型 字符型 工程地质钻孔
    开孔日期 Y.M.D 字符型 2017.10.08
    终孔日期 Y.M.D 字符型 2017.10.11
    井斜 ° 浮点型 0
    开孔直径 mm 浮点型 130
    终孔直径 mm 浮点型 91
    终孔深度 m 浮点型 74.15
    含水层初见水位 m 浮点型 0.7
    成井深度 m 浮点型 74.15
    静止水位 m 浮点型 0.55
    质量等级 字符型 良好
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    表 9  工程地质标贯试验记录表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1131438202219194601
    野外编号 字符型 DMZGCZK1
    经度 ° 浮点型 113143820
    纬度 ° 浮点型 22191946
    X坐标 浮点型 19731176
    Y坐标 浮点型 2471239
    地理位置 字符型 广东省珠海市斗门区西江清荷农村(江珠高速公路东北)
    地面高程 m 浮点型 1.193
    图幅编号 字符型 斗门镇幅F49E011021
    钻孔ID 字符型 1
    试验编号 字符型 1
    杆长 m 浮点型 16.93
    修正击数 浮点型 8.2
    试验深度 m 浮点型 14.8
    实测击数 浮点型 11
    承载力基本值 MPa 浮点型 14.8
    起始深度 m 浮点型 14.8
    终止深度 m 浮点型 15.25
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    表 10  工程地质钻孔岩样试验表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1131217612219437401
    样品编号 字符型 DMZGCZK2-1
    岩芯编号 字符型 DMGCZK02岩芯
    岩性 字符型 砂岩
    测试编码 字符型 1452
    饱和抗压强度 MPa 浮点型 43.3
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    表 11  土工试验综合成果表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1131438202219194601
    样品编号 字符型 DMZGCZK1-1
    土样深度 m 浮点型 3.40−3.60
    室内命名 字符型 淤泥质土
    含水率 % 浮点型 45.3
    比重 浮点型 2.64
    湿密度 g/cm3 浮点型 1.74
    干密度 g/cm3 浮点型 1.2
    孔隙比 浮点型 1.2
    饱和度 % 浮点型 99.3
    液限 % 浮点型 43.9
    塑限 % 浮点型 24.6
    塑性指数 浮点型 19.3
    液性指数 浮点型 1.07
    凝聚力 kPa 浮点型 7.8
    内摩擦角 ° 浮点型 6
    压缩系数 浮点型 0.87
    压缩模量 浮点型 2.53
    测试编码 字符型 委0011755(2016)0942
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    表 12  野外照片数据表

    字段名称 量纲 数据类型 实例
    统一编号 字符型 1130509972219449401
    拍照时间 Y.M.D 字符型 2017-06-17
    照片种类 字符型 彩色
    拍照人 字符型 顾涛
    照片类型 字符型 钻孔基本情况表
    照片 长二进制数据 (图片)
    照片说明 字符型 钻孔基本情况表D1160
    拍照参数 字符型 自动
    地质现象描述 字符型 点位于崖门水道附近点处为花木厂钻孔揭露地层岩性为第四系全新统桂州组黏土,淤泥,淤泥质,砂层,为软土层
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Items Description
    Database (dataset) name 1∶50 000 Engineering Geological Survey and Geotechnical Test Dataset of the Doumen Map-Sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
    Database (dataset) authors Zeng Min, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Zhao Xinwen, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Yu Wang, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Gu Tao, Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey
    Data acquisition time 2017
    Geographic area 1∶50 000 Geological Map of the Doumen map-sheet in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (F49E011021)
    Data format Excel
    Data size 168.16 KB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project China Geological Survey project titled “Environmental Geological Survey(1∶50 000) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (DD20160260)
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition The dataset has 10 types of data including 53 series of data from field verification and remote sensing interpretation, 168 series of basic survey data, 22 series of data from integrated geological field survey, 77 series of data from engineering geological survey, 23 series of data from geological hazard survey, 13 series of data on basic information of drilled boreholes, 583 series of data from results of in-situ tests, 36 series of data from rock sample tests, 130 series of data from geotechnical tests and 669 series of data from field pictures, in total 1 774 series of data.
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    Table 2.  Correspondence between the Data Types and Properties of the Database (Dataset)

    Category of surveyed data Category of data attribute tables
    Data from field verification and remote sensing interpretation Table of field verification and remote sensing interpretation record
    Data from basic survey Table of basic data of survey points
    Data from integrated geological field survey Table of integrated geological field survey
    Data from engineering geological survey Table of shallow well record, Table of weathering degree of rocks survey
    Data from geological hazard survey Table of collapse survey, Table of landslide survey, Table of unstable slope survey, Table of ground subsidence survey
    Data on basic information of drilled boreholes Table of basic information of drilled boreholes
    Data from results of in-situ tests Table of SPT record of engineering geology, Table of CPT record of engineering geology, Table of VST record of engineering geology
    Data from rock sample tests Table of borehole rock sample tests of engineering geology
    Data from geotechnical tests Table of comprehensive results of geotechnical tests
    Data from field pictures Table of field pictures data
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    Table 3.  Table of Field Verification and Remote Sensing Interpretation Record

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1131147952214441401
    Field No. Char D1057
    Longitude ° Float 113114795
    Latitude ° Float 22144414
    Surface elevation m Char 7
    Geographical location Char Shentan Quarry, Doumen map-sheet, Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Correctness of interpretation Char Correct
    Characteristics of remote sensing image of observation points Char The map spot is located to the east of Doumen Avenue in the Doumen map-sheet and to the north-east of the Wenquan Bridge, with an irregular shape, light grayish brown color, smooth surface texture, visible digging marks and spots and serious vegetation damage. It has no shadow coverage.
    Type of remote sensing interpretation Char Open Pit Excavation Site
    Type of field verification Char Interpretation and Verification Points of Open Pit Excavation Site
    Record of field observation Char In in-situ verification and investigation point (D1057), the interpretation result is generally consistent with the actual situation.
    Remark Char KW06
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    Table 4.  Table of Basic Data of Survey Points

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1130507302217329001
    Field No. Char D2095
    Longitude ° Float 113050730
    Latitude ° Float 22173290
    X-coordinate Float 19714928
    Y-coordinate Float 2467671
    Surface elevation m Char 8
    Geographic location Char Nanfeng Qi, Qile Village, Gujing Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Type of survey point Char Weathering rock survey point
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    Table 5.  Table of Integrated Geological Field Survey

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1130556312218394801
    Field No. Char D2092
    Longitude ° Float 113055631
    Latitude ° Float 22183948
    Surface elevation m Float 20
    Geographical location Char Mashan Reservoir, Qile, Gujing, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province
    Type of survey point Char Integrated Geological Field Survey Points
    Sampling Char In-situ Water Sampling for Testing
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Topographic feature Char Hilly Land
    Weather Char Shower Turned Cloudy
    Stratigraphic dip direction Float
    Formation dip Float
    Photo No. Char 1035–1039
    Relation between Points Char From point to point, the landform is mainly low hills, with dense forest and vegetation and a good environment.
    Landform and geology Char The landform of the surveyed point is low hills with a natural slope of about 15°–20°. The terrain is slightly undulating and the relative height difference is about 2 to 6 m. The main lithology is gray and white, flesh red medium-coarse grained porphyritic biotite monzogranite of the Yanshanian Jurassic (J31) with medium-coarse grained porphyritic structure and block structure. It is strongly weathered. The top is fully weathered granite, with a thickness of about 0 to 2 m, showing no obvious structural signs.
    Hydrogeology Char Most of the surrounding area is completely-strongly weathered granite and the top is mostly fully weathered granite, with a thickness of about 0 to 2 m. The water here belongs to loose pore water with large volume and average quality. The bottom is strongly weathered granite and the initial rock can be identified. The water there belongs to weathered crevice water with a large volume and good quality. Supplied by precipitation, it flows to the reservoir through surface runoff and surface flow, then the water is discharged downstream.
    Environmental geology Char Due to the pumping operation, the water level has dropped significantly and many unstable bank slopes can be seen on the reservoir bank, which are prone to collapse. The area downstream of the reservoir (the northwest side of the reservoir), the secondary reservoir and the downstream mountain ponds had been converted to farms and agricultural pollution, such as pesticides and fertilizers, was found.
    Engineering geology Char The surrounding area of the surveyed point is mostly completely decomposed granite with a loose soil shape and thickness of about 0 to 2 m. The lower part is strong-weathered granite and the initial rock can be identified. The compressive strength measured by the in-situ rebound tester is 12 MPa.
    Visit and en-route Char Along the way, we visited the Mashan Reservoir Management Station. The dam of the reservoir once broke and was later rebuilt. It is now used as a drinking water source in Gujing. The water supply volume is large and the water level is relatively low.
    Artificial geological profile sketch (image) Long (image)
    Survey point plan(image) Long (image)
    Remark Char N/A
    Project name Char Environmental Geological Survey(1∶50 000) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
    Investigation entity Char Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey
    Date of investigation Y.M.D Char June 20, 2017
    Investigator Char Yu Wang, Zeng Min, Gao Zhibin
    Recorder Char Zeng Min
    Approver Char Zhao Xinwen
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    Table 6.  Table of Shallow Well Record

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1130509972219449401
    Field No. Char D1160
    Longitude ° Float 113050997
    Latitude ° Float 22194494
    Surface elevation m Float 2
    X-coordinate Float 19714821
    Y-coordinate Float 2471780
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Geographical location Char Laocaiwei, Ci’ai, Gujing, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province
    Weather Char Clear
    Temperature Float 34
    Water level depth m Float 0.4
    Topographic feature Char The landform is a delta plain with relatively flat terrain and a relative height difference of about 1 to 3 m
    Geology and environmental geology Char The lithology of the strata exposed on the surface is clay, silt, fine sand, etc. of Quaternary Holocene Stratigraphy Denglongsha Fm (Q4dl)
    Hydrogeology Char The surveyed point was near the Yamen waterway and exposed by the Huamuchang borehole. Its stratum lithology is clay, silt, mucky and sand layer of the Quaternary Holocene Guizhou Formation, which belongs to the soft soil layer.
    Ecology and vegetation Char
    Sampling Char Unsampled
    Remark Char D1160
    Column profile of shallow well Long (image)
    Project name Char Environmental Geological Survey (1∶50 000) in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
    Investigation entity Char Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey
    Date of investigation Y.M.D Char June 17, 2017
    Investigator Char Gu Tao
    Recorder Char Gu Tao
    Approver Char Zhao Xinwen
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    Table 7.  Table of Ground Subsidence Survey

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1130258842219497601
    Field No. Char D2111
    Geographical location Char Nanchang, Yamen, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province
    Longitude ° Float 113025884
    Latitude ° Float 22194976
    Name of land subsidence Char Nanchang Subsidence
    Surface elevation m Float
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Name of city Char Jiangmen, Guangdong Province
    Weather Char Shower turned cloudy
    Inducing factor Char Around the surveyed point, there are many houses in Nanchang. Some loads including the cement pavement built in Sept. 2001, small bridges and the wells had become the inducing factors of soft soil subsidence.
    Topographic feature Char The landform is a piedmont plain with flat terrain and a relative height difference of about 0 to 1 m. On both sides of the Yamen Waterway, the main stratum lithology is dark gray, grayish black silt, muddy soil of Quaternary Holocene (Qh) with soft plastics shape and poor engineering geomechanical properties.
    Development trend Char Will continue to subside
    Hazard Char The hazards were house wall cracks, ground cracks, the local compression and fault of the power supply and water supply pipes, which potentially threatened more than 500 people of over 300 households in the village.
    Prevention and treatment Char Some walls had been repaired again and some mortar had collapsed. It is suggested to strengthen monitoring and house repair work.
    Plan sketch Long (image)
    Profile sketch Long (image)
    Remark Char Rectangle
    Project name Char Environmental Geological Survey(1∶50 000) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
    Investigation entity Char Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey
    Photo No. Char 1142–1152
    Date of investigation Y.M.D Char June 24, 2017
    Investigator Char Yu Wang, Zeng Min, Gao Zhibin
    Recorder Char Zeng Min
    Approver Char Zhao Xinwen
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    Table 8.  Table of Basic Information of Drilled Boreholes

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1131438202219194601
    Field No. Char DMZGCZK1
    Longitude ° Float 113143820
    Latitude ° Float 22191946
    X-coordinate Float 19731176
    Y-coordinate Float 2471239
    Geographical location Char Xijiang Qinghe (Northeast of the Jiangzhu Expressway), Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province
    Surface elevation m Float 1.193
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Borehole head elevation m Float 1.193
    Drill rig type Char XY-100
    Borehole type Char Engineering Geological Borehole
    Open hole date Y.M.D Char October 8, 2017
    End hole date Y.M.D Char October 11, 2017
    Borehole deviation ° Float 0
    Open hole caliber mm Float 130
    End hole caliber mm Float 91
    End hole depth m Float 74.15
    Initial water level of aquifer m Float 0.7
    Well depth m Float 74.15
    Static water level m Float 0.55
    Quality grade Char Good
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    Table 9.  Table of SPT Record of Engineering Geology

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1131438202219194601
    Field No. Char DMZGCZK1
    Longitude ° Float 113143820
    Latitude ° Float 22191946
    X-coordinate Float 19731176
    Y-coordinate Float 2471239
    Geographical location Char Xijiang Qinghe (Northeast of the Jiangzhu Expressway), Doumen District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province
    Surface elevation m Float 1.193
    Map No. Char Doumen Map-sheet F49E011021
    Borehole ID Char 1
    Test No. Char 1
    Rod length m Float 16.93
    Corrected number of blows Float 8.2
    Test depth m Float 14.8
    Measured number of blows Float 11
    Basic value of bearing capacity MPa Float 14.8
    Starting depth m Float 14.8
    End depth m Float 15.25
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    Table 10.  Table of Borehole Rock Sample Tests of Engineering Geology

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1131217612219437401
    Sample No. Char DMZGCZK2-1
    Core No. Char DMGCZK02 Core
    Lithology Char Sandstone
    Test code Char 1 452
    Saturated compressive strength MPa Float 43.3
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    Table 11.  Table of Comprehensive Results of Geotechnical Tests

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1131438202219194601
    Sample No. Char DMZGCZK1-1
    Depth of soil sample m Float 3.40–3.60
    Lab name Char Silty soil
    Moisture content % Float 45.3
    Specific gravity Float 2.64
    Wet density g/cm3 Float 1.74
    Dry density g/cm3 Float 1.2
    Void ratio Float 1.2
    Saturation % Float 99.3
    Liquid limit % Float 43.9
    Plastic limit % Float 24.6
    Plasticity index Float 19.3
    Liquidity index Float 1.07
    Cohesion kPa Float 7.8
    Internal friction angle ° Float 6
    Compressibility Float 0.87
    Compression modulus Float 2.53
    Test code Char 0011755(2016)0942
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    Table 12.  Table of Field Pictures Data

    Field name Dimension Data category Real example
    Unified No. Char 1130509972219449401
    Date of photography Y.M.D Char June 17, 2017
    Picture type Char Color
    Photographer Char Gu Tao
    Type of photo content Char Table of basic information of drilled boreholes
    Photo Long (image)
    Description of photography Char Table of basic information of drilled boreholes (D1160)
    Parameter Char Auto
    Description of geological phenomenon Char The surveyed point was near the Yamen waterway and exposed by the Huamuchang borehole. The stratum lithology is clay, silt, mucky and sand layer of the Quaternary Holocene Guizhou Formation, which belongs to the soft soil layer.
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