中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办


王懿铮, 杨忠芳, 刘旭, 李程, 季文兵, 张起钻, 卓小雄, 王磊. 2023. 广西贵港市覃塘区土壤Cu地球化学特征与生态健康研究[J]. 中国地质, 50(1): 237-248. doi: 10.12029/gc20200411001
引用本文: 王懿铮, 杨忠芳, 刘旭, 李程, 季文兵, 张起钻, 卓小雄, 王磊. 2023. 广西贵港市覃塘区土壤Cu地球化学特征与生态健康研究[J]. 中国地质, 50(1): 237-248. doi: 10.12029/gc20200411001
WANG Yizheng, YANG Zhongfang, LIU Xu, LI Cheng, JI Wenbing, ZHANG Qizuan, ZHUO Xiaoxiong, WANG Lei. 2023. Geochemical characteristics of copper in soil of Qintang district, Guigang city, Guangxi and its ecological health research[J]. Geology in China, 50(1): 237-248. doi: 10.12029/gc20200411001
Citation: WANG Yizheng, YANG Zhongfang, LIU Xu, LI Cheng, JI Wenbing, ZHANG Qizuan, ZHUO Xiaoxiong, WANG Lei. 2023. Geochemical characteristics of copper in soil of Qintang district, Guigang city, Guangxi and its ecological health research[J]. Geology in China, 50(1): 237-248. doi: 10.12029/gc20200411001


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 王懿铮, 女, 1997年生, 硕士生, 地球化学专业; E-mail:
    通讯作者: 杨忠芳, 女, 1961年生, 教授, 主要从事生态地球化学工作; E-mail:
  • 中图分类号: S153

Geochemical characteristics of copper in soil of Qintang district, Guigang city, Guangxi and its ecological health research

  • Fund Project: Supported by Department of land and resources of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region "Geochemistry of selenium and heavy metal elements in soils of central and Eastern Guangxi" (Gui Guotu[2015]44) and "Study on the causes and ecological effects of Se, Ge, Cd and other elements in Guangxi soil"(Gui Guotu[2017]2676)
More Information
    Author Bio: WANG Yizheng, female, born in 1997, master candidate, majors in environmental geochemistry; E-mail: .
    Corresponding author: YANG Zhongfang, female, born in 1961, professor, mainly engaged in ecological geochemistry related research; E-mail:
  • 研究目的





    研究区土壤Cu含量范围为6~74 mg/kg,平均值、中位值分别为28 mg/kg、26 mg/kg,仅有1.6%超过了GB15618中规定的Cu含量风险筛选值,且主要分布在碳酸盐岩出露区,该地区土壤中普遍发育铁锰结核,土壤Cu等重金属生物活性较低。研究区水稻Cu含量范围为0.790~4.440 mg/kg,平均值、中位值为2.452 mg/kg、2.718 mg/kg,60件水稻样品均未超过NY861-2004规定的Cu限量值。


    研究区内为保障人体健康、降低生态风险的水稻Cu含量最佳范围为0.615~8.204 mg/kg。研究区内安全开发、种植水稻的土壤Cu含量最佳范围为684 mg/kg。

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  • 图 1  研究区地理位置

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  研究区内表层土Cu含量地球化学图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  水稻籽实Cu与土壤Cu含量散点图

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  土壤Cu含量与Mn含量散点图

    Figure 4. 

    图 5  土壤Cu含量与S含量散点图

    Figure 5. 

    表 1  广西城乡居民18岁以上人群各类食物摄入量(g/人日)

    Table 1.  Food intake of people over 18 years old in urban and rural areas of Guangxi (g/day)

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    表 2  土壤样品分析方法配套方案

    Table 2.  Supporting scheme of analytical method for soil

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    表 3  土壤样品元素全量分析方法准确度和精密度要求

    Table 3.  Accuracy and precision requirements of analytical method for total elements in soil

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 4  土壤样品元素分析方法准确度和精密度

    Table 4.  Accuracy and precision of analytical method for elements in soil samples

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 5  农作物样品分析方法配套方案

    Table 5.  Supporting scheme of analytical method for crop

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 6  农作物样品分析方法准确度和精密度

    Table 6.  Accuracy and precision of analytical method for elements in crop samples

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 7  土壤Cu污染风险筛选值(mg/kg)

    Table 7.  Risk screening value of copper pollution in soil (mg/kg)

    下载: 导出CSV

    表 8  富集系数(BAF)与土壤元素相关性(n=60)

    Table 8.  Correlation analysis of BAF with soil elements(n=60)

    下载: 导出CSV
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收稿日期:  2020-04-11
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刊出日期:  2023-02-25
