研究目的 自2009年“蓝碳”这一概念首次被提出以来,海岸带蓝碳生境在封存大气CO2中的重要作用越来越受到世界各国环境科学家、社会科学家和经济学家的关注,如何有效管理海岸带蓝碳成为热门话题之一。
研究方法 基于近些年来国内外对海岸带湿地蓝碳管理的研究进展,本文系统梳理了海岸带湿地蓝碳的储量和分布情况,并总结了影响海岸带蓝碳生境及其碳库保存的主要因素。
研究结果 中国海岸带地区滨海湿地的蓝碳总量和碳汇潜力巨大,但随着海岸带地区开发越发频繁,已对海岸带蓝碳碳汇能力造成了巨大的影响。
结论 本文提出需要综合环境科学、社会科学和经济学,强化已有蓝色碳汇的保护和管理,加强对未来新增蓝碳碳汇的潜力评价,以此提升中国在碳循环、全球气候变化以及碳减排增汇等方面研究的国际地位,同时为国家相关应对策略与政策提供科学依据,并能为近来实施的滨海湿地修复工程提供有力支撑。
Abstract:This paper is the result of coastal geological survey engineering.
Objective Since the term "blue carbon" was first used in 2009, the important role of blue carbon habitats in sequestering atmospheric CO2 has received an increasing attention from environmental scientists, social scientists, and economists all over the world, and how to effectively manage coastal blue carbon has become one of the hottest topics.
Methods Based on recent publications concerned with the sustainable management of coastal wetland ecotones and the services they provide in terms of blue carbon storage, we synthesized current researches regarding blue carbon, the spatial distribution of blue carbon within coastal ecotones, and the factors that control blue carbon sequestration.
Results The total amount of blue carbon and carbon sequestration potential are huge in China's coastal wetlands. However, with the development of coastal zones becoming more and more extensive, a blue carbon sink capacity of coastal zones has been greatly affected.
Conclusions Further studies are clearly needed to identify how a synthesis of environmental, social, and economic issues can facilitate the conservation and management of blue carbon sinks, and strengthen the potential evaluation of new blue carbon sinks in the future. A blue carbon research will improve China's image within the international scientific community that concerns the researches of carbon cycle, global climate change, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Blue carbon studies will also provide basic scientific understanding needed to identify relevant national strategies and policies with respect to coastal wetland restoration.
图 1 海岸带三大主要蓝碳生境储量估算(据Macreadie et al., 2019; Friedlingstein et al., 2022修改)
Figure 1.
图 2 三大蓝碳生境的分布及面积占比(据Pendleton et al., 2012修改)
Figure 2.
表 1 全球及主要地区三大主要滨海湿地系统蓝碳储量一览
Table 1. Blue carbon stocks of three dominated coastal wetland ecosystems in global and major regions
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