Source teacing and He-Ar-S isotopic compositions of ore-forming fluid in the Zhengguang large gold deposit, Heilongjiang Province
研究目的 黑龙江争光金矿床位于兴安地块东缘嫩江—黑河北东向断裂带西北侧的奥陶纪多宝山岛弧带上。本文通过对主成矿期的矿石样品研究,探讨了成矿流体的来源。
研究方法 选择9件主成矿期的黄铁矿和方铅矿进行了系统研究,测定了He、Ar和S同位素组成。
研究结果 其含金石英脉中黄铁矿和方铅矿的流体包裹体3He/4He=1.95×10-6~5.03×10-6,40Ar/36Ar=349.1~453.9。幔源He占13.17%~44.67%,平均27.58%,显示了成矿流体以大气降水为主,但同时有地幔流体成分,表明金矿床成矿作用与地幔活动有着密切的关系。矿物δ34S=-1.2‰~-3.9‰,平均-2.33‰,可能来自深源地幔流体,但其中有地壳流体的加入。
结论 洋壳向兴安地块俯冲,俯冲流体交代地幔楔发生部分熔融,流体上升至地表浅部与下渗的大气降水混合形成成矿流体,由于温度和压力的下降和流体沸腾作用导致成矿流体物理化学条件的改变,从而使成矿物质沉淀。
- He-Ar-S同位素 /
- 壳幔相互作用 /
- 争光大型金矿 /
- 地质调查工程 /
- 大兴安岭
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
Objective Zhengguang gold deposit in Heilongjiang Province is located in the Ordovician Duobaoshan island arc belt on the northwest side of Nenjiang—Heihe NE trending fault zone in the eastern margin of Xing'an block. By study of the ore samples in the main metallogenic period, we aim to explore the source of ore-forming fluids.
Methods Nine ore samples from the main metallogenic stage were selected for systematic study of the He, Ar and S isotopic compositions.
Results The results show that the 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios for fluid inclusions of pyrite and galena in the gold-bearing quartz veins are 1.95×10-6-5.03×10-6 and 349.1-453.9, respectively. The mantle-derived He accounting for 13.17%-44.67%, averagely 27.58%, indicating that the metallogenic fluid is mainly atmospheric precipitation, with the composition of mantle fluid as well, reflecting that the mineralization of gold deposit is closely related to mantle activity. The δ34S of minerals is-1.2‰ --3.9‰, averagely -2.33‰, probably from deep mantle fluid, also with the addition of crustal fluid.
Conclusions The oceanic crust subducted toward Xing'an block, with mantle wedge metasomatized by the subducted fluid, and resulted in partial melting and fluid rising to the shallow surface mixed with the downward precipitation to form the metallogenic fluids. The decrease of temperature and pressure and fluid boiling lead to the change of physical and chemical conditions of the metallogenic fluids and precipitate metallogenic materials.
图 1 黑龙江争光矿区地质图(据黑龙江齐齐哈尔矿产勘查开发总院, 2009修改)
Figure 1.
图 4 黄铁矿流体包裹体40Ar/36Ar-R/Ra图(据Mamyrin and Tolstihkin, 1984修改)
Figure 4.
图 5 黄铁矿流体包裹体4He-3He图(底图据Burnard et al., 1999修改)
Figure 5.
表 1 争光金矿黄铁矿和方铅矿流体包裹体He-Ar-S同位素组成
Table 1. Isotopic composition of He-Ar-S in fluid inclusions of pyrite and galena in Zhengguang gold deposit
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