Quaternary borehole database for 1∶50 000 Shaliu River Map-sheet of Hebei Province, China
河北省1∶50 000沙流河幅是京津冀平原地区地质调查的重点图幅之一,晚新生代地层是图幅的主要调查对象,第四系钻孔数据库是地质调查核心成果的体现。本次工作利用钻孔施工和测试成果数据,结合收集的钻孔资料,建立了第四系钻孔数据库,主要包括1个钻孔基本信息图层、5个钻孔编录数据库、5个钻孔设计数据库及5张钻孔柱状图。本文从数据来源、数据处理方法、数据属性结构及数据质量控制等方面进行了归纳总结,以呈现基于数字地质调查系统的第四系钻孔数据库成果和建库实例。本数据库为唐山地区城市三维地质模型的建立提供了基础数据,服务于京津冀协同发展,同时也为平原区地质调查中钻孔数据的处理及建库提供了参考。
Abstract:The 1∶50 000 Shaliu River Map-sheet of Hebei Province is one of the key map-sheets for geological surveys of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei plain Region, and the Late Cenozoic in the mapping area was mainly surveyed, with Quaternary borehole database reflecting the core achievement of the geological survey. By taking advantage of borehole construction and test data, as well as combining the collected borehole data, Quaternary borehole database was thus built, which mainly includes one basic data layers for borehole, five borehole catalog databases, five borehole design databases and five borehole histograms. Data source, data processing method, data attribute structure and data quality control are summarized in this paper, so as to present the practice of Quaternary borehole databases on the basis of Digital Geological Survey System (DGSS). The database provides a 3D geologic model of Tangshan urban area with basic data, serving coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, which could also be referenced by borehole data processing and database construction in the geological survey of the other plain areas.
Key words:
- Hebei province /
- 1∶50 000 /
- Shaliu river map-sheet /
- quaternary borehole /
- database /
- geological survey engineering
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 河北省1∶50 000沙流河幅第四系钻孔数据库 数据库(集)作者 陈圆圆,河北省区域地质调查院
杨 瑞,河北省区域地质调查院
卜 令,河北省区域地质调查院
陈宏强,河北省区域地质调查院数据时间范围 2017—2018年 地理区域 东经 117°45′~118°00′,北纬39°50′~40°00′ 数据格式 .mpj,.mdb,.jpg 数据量 249 MB 数据服务系统网址 http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn 基金项目 河北1∶50 000沙流河幅(J50E001016)、左家坞幅(J50E001017)、鸦鸿桥幅(J50E002016)、丰润幅(J50E002017)区域地质调查(项目编号:DD20160042-4) 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 该数据库包括5个钻孔,收集钻孔(BK1、BK17、玉3、丰1)数据中包括钻孔柱状图(.mpj文件)及数据库(.mdb文件),施工钻孔(PZK10)数据中包括钻孔柱状图(.mpj文件)、岩心照片(.jpg文件)及数据库(.mdb文件),分别按照数字地质调查数据库建设标准以文件夹形式分别存储于不同级别目录中 表 2 河北省1∶50 000沙流河幅钻孔数据库钻孔基本信息
序号 钻孔编号 层位 厚度/m 施工单位 来源 1 PZK10 Q、N 301 河北省区域地质调查院 钻探实测 2 玉3 Q、N 405.46 河北地矿局水文工程地质大队 资料收集 Jx 1.0 3 丰1 Q、N 212.8 河北地矿局水文工程地质大队 Jx 1.9 4 BK17 Q、N 200 河北建设勘察研究院有限公司 Jx 1 5 BK1 Q、N 69 河北建设勘察研究院有限公司 Jx 192 表 3 钻孔基本信息图层属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准代码 数据类型 量纲 实例 1 工作区或矿区名称 KCANB_NAME 字符型 亮甲店 2 勘探线号 KTX_CODE 字符型 KT2 3 矿区编号 KCANB_CODE 字符型 J50E001016 4 钻孔编号 ENG_NO 字符型 PZK10 5 工程名称 SECNAME 字符型 河北1∶50 000沙流河幅、左家坞幅、鸦鸿桥幅、丰润幅区域地质调查 6 剖面编号 SECT_CODE 字符型 PM1 7 钻孔档案编号 DENG_CODE 字符型 ZKD01 8 钻孔类别 ENG_TYPE 字符型 基准孔 9 开孔X COORD_X 数值型 m 574317.9 10 开孔Y COORD_Y 数值型 m 4414908 11 开孔H COORD_H 数值型 m 17 12 测量开孔X COORD_X1 数值型 m 574317.9 13 测量开孔Y COORD_Y1 数值型 m 4414908 14 测量开孔H COORD_H1 数值型 m 17 15 开孔日期 STA_DATE 日期型 20170526 16 终孔日期 END_DATE 日期型 20170630 17 设计方位角 DE_AZIMUTH 数值型 ° 90 18 设计倾角 DE_DIP_ANG 数值型 ° 0 19 设计孔深 DE_DEPTH 数值型 m 300 20 实际方位角 PR_AZIMUTH 数值型 ° 90 21 实际倾角 PR_DIP_ANG 数值型 ° 0 22 实际孔深 PR_DEPTH 数值型 m 300 23 终孔X E_COORD_X 数值型 m 574317.9 24 终孔Y E_COORD_Y 数值型 m 4414908 25 终孔H E_COORD_Z 数值型 m –283 26 测量终孔X E_COORD_X1 数值型 m 574317.9 27 测量终孔Y E_COORD_Y1 数值型 m 4414908 28 测量终孔H E_COORD_Z1 数值型 m –283 29 比例尺 SCALE 数值型 100(比例尺分母) 30 施工质量 CONS_QL 字符型 优 31 编录质量 RECO_QL 字符型 优 32 施工单位 CONS_UNIT 字符型 河北省地矿局第五地质大队 33 编录单位 RECO_UNIT 字符型 河北省区域地质调查院 34 探矿技术员 PROSPECTOR 字符型 王伟 35 地质编录员 GEOLOGIST 字符型 陈宏强 36 水文编录员 HYDRO_IST 字符型 李峰 37 质量检查员 QL_TESTER 字符型 陈超 表 4 钻孔编录数据库属性表
数据库名 属性表名 要素内容 主要属性内容 ZKFour.mdb ZK_BSample 标本采样
记录工作区或矿区编号(KCANB_CODE)、勘探线号(KTX_CODE)、工程编号(ENG_CODE)、剖面编号(SECT_CODE)、井深位置(POSITION)、分层号(LAYCODE)、标本编号(B_CODE)、标本类别(TYPE)、采样人(SAMPLING)、分析要求(ANALYSE)、备注(REMARK)、岩矿心编号回次自(F_CIR)、岩矿心编号总块数自(F_BLOCKS)、岩矿心编号本块数自(F_BLOCK_N)、岩矿心编号回次至(TO_CIR)、岩矿心编号总块数至(TO_BLOCKS)、岩矿心编号本块数至(TO_BLOCK_N)、岩矿心直径(ROCKDIAMETER)、重量(WEIGHT)、袋数(BAGS)、岩石名称(ROCKNAME)、采样日期(SAMDATE)、采取率(SAMRAO) ZK_Circle 钻孔回次
数据工作区或矿区编号(KCANB_CODE)、勘探线号(KTX_CODE)、工程编号(ENG_NO)、剖面编号(SECT_CODE)、回次序号(CIRCLE_N)、回次位置自(CIRCLE_FROM)、回次位置至(CIRCLE_TO)、岩心长(ROCK_L)、残留岩心(REMAIN_L)、进尺(DIG_L)、采取率(RATIO)、日期(CIRCLE_DATE)、备注(REMARK)、总块数(TOLBLK) ZK_CurveP 钻孔测井曲线
点记录工作区或矿区编号(KCANB_CODE)、勘探线号(KTX_CODE)、工程编号(ENG_CODE)、剖面编号(SECT_CODE)、测井日期(LOG_DATE)、测井曲线名称(LOG_NAME)、测井数据深度(LOG_DEPTH)、测井数据值(LOG_VALUE) ZK_Image 岩心编录照片记录 起始深度(HeiFrom)、终止深度(HeiTo)、照片文件路径(ImgName) ZK_Slayer 钻孔分层
数据工作区或矿区编号(KCANB_CODE)、勘探线号(KTX_CODE)、工程编号(ENG_CODE)、剖面编号(SECT_CODE)、分层号(LAYCODE)、上分层止孔深(SLAYER_FROM)、换层深度(SLAYER_TO)、回次岩心长(LAY_CIR_L)、分层岩心长(LAY_L)、进尺(DIG_L)、采取率(RATIO)、换层井深(CHANGE_L)、岩矿心编号回次自(F_CIR)、岩矿心编号总块数自(F_BLOCKS)、岩矿心编号本块数自(F_BLOCK_N)、岩矿心编号回次至(TO_CIR)、岩矿心编号总块数至(TO_BLOCKS)、岩矿心编号本块数至(TO_BLOCK_N)、接触关系(CONTACT)、分层回次号 (现)(TEXTURECODE)、分层回次号(保留)(TEXTURENAME)、标志面孔深(HOLEDEPTH)、标志面名称(HOLENAME)、轴心夹角(HOLEPM)、标志层代码(HOLECODE) ZK_NewLayer 室内分层
数据工作区或矿区编号(KCANB_CODE)、勘探线号(KTX_CODE)、工程编号(ENG_CODE)、剖面编号(SECT_CODE)、新分层号(NEWLAYCODE)、分层号自(LAYCODE_FROM)、分层号至(LAYCODE_TO)、新层深度自(NEWLAY_FROM)、新层深度至(NEWLAY_TO) ZK_GDC 古地磁测试
数据样品编号(SAM_CODE)、深度(DEPTH)、磁倾角(MAGNETIC_DIP) ZK_SD 色度测试
数据样品编号(SAM_CODE)、深度(DEPTH)、明暗度(L)、红绿色(a)、黄蓝色(b) ZK_CHL 磁化率测试
图层名称 图层内容 图层名称 图层内容 TKBASELIN.WL 主体图框线 柱状图.WP 岩性柱状图区 TKBASEPNT.WT 图名、图眉、栏目、分层厚度标注 柱状图.WL 岩性柱状图线 GEODESLIN.WL 地质分层线 柱状图.WT 岩性柱状图花纹 GEODESPNT.WL 地质描述内容 测井曲线.WL 测井曲线 时代.WL 地质年代分界线 测井曲线.WT 测井曲线标注 时代.WT 地质年代标注 岩心照片.TIF 岩心照片 表 6 钻孔柱状图设计数据库属性表
数据库名 属性表名 要素内容 主要属性内容 ZK_Histogram.mdb ZKHis_Whole 柱状图组成 类型(TYPENAME)、字体高度(HEIGHT)、字体宽度(WIDTH)、字体间隔(SPACE)、字体角度(ANGLE)、中文字体(IFNT)、西文字体(CHNT)、字形(IFNX)、排列方式(HVPL)、颜色(CLR) ZKHis_Ruler 标尺表 名称(RULERNAME)、类型(RULERTYPE)、最小值(MINVAL)、最大值(MAXVAL)、最小单位(MINUNIT)、最小标注(MINLABUNIT)、小数位数(MINLABNUM)及相关字体参数 ZKHis_Group 分组表 分组名称(GROUPNAME)、内容表(DB_TBL)、ID字段(FLD_ID)、开始字段(FLD_FROM)、结束字段(FLD_TO)、拉胡子(GROUPFLEX) ZKHis_HeadComp 从属表 名称(HEADNAME)、别名(HEADALIAS)、从属(PARENTID)、表高(TBLHEIGHT)、字体高度(HEIGHT)、字体高度(WIDTH)、字体间隔(SPACE)、字体角度(ANGLE)、中文(IFNT)、西文(CHNT)、字形(IFNX)、排列(HVPL)、颜色(CLR) ZKHis_Column 柱状图栏目 名称(COLNAME)、别名(COLALIAS)、单位(COLUNIT)、标尺(COLRULER)、从属(HEADID)、栏宽(COLWID)、内容表(DB_TBL)、内容字段(FLD_VAL)、高度字段(FLD_HEI)、分类(CLASSNO)、分组(GROUPNO)及相关字体参数 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name Quaternary borehole database of the 1∶50 000 Shaliu River Map-sheet, Hebei Province, China Database (dataset) authors ChenYuanyuan, Hebei Institute of Regional Geological Survey
Yang Rui, Hebei Institute of Regional Geological Survey
Zhao Huaping, Hebei Institute of Regional Geological Survey
Bu Ling, Hebei Institute of Regional Geological Survey
Chen Hongqiang, Hebei Institute of Regional Geological SurveyData acquisition time 2017—2018 Geographic area E 117°45′–118°00′, N 39°50′–40°00′ Data format .mpj,.mdb,.jpg Data size 249 MB Data service system URL http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn Fund project The regional geological survey on 1∶50 000 Shaliu River Map-sheet (J50E001016), Zuojiawu Map-sheet (J50E001017), Yahongqiao Map-sheet (J50E00 2016) and Fengrun Map-sheet (J50E00 2017) of Hebei Province (project No.: DD20160042-4) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The database includes 5 boreholes. The collecting borehole (BK1, BK17, YU3 and FENG1) data includes borehole histograms (.mpj) and database (.mdb); the drilled borehole (PZK10) data includes borehole histograms (.mpj), core pictures (.jpg) and database (.mdb). The data are respectively stored in different level of catalogs as files according to database construction standard of DGSS Table 2. Basic information of borehole in the quaternary borehole database of the 1∶50 000 Shaliu river map-sheet of Hebei province
No. Borehole No. Layer Depth/m The drilling Data source 1 PZK10 Q, N 301 Hebei Institute of Regional
Geological SurveyActual measurement of drilling 2 YU3 Q, N 405.46 Hydrological and Engineering Geological Brigade, Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration Collection Jx 1.0 3 FENG1 Q, N 212.8 Hydrological and Engineering Geological Brigade, Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration Collection Jx 1.9 4 BK17 Q, N 200 Hebei Research Institute of Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Co., Ltd Collection Jx 1 5 BK1 Q, N 69 Hebei Research Institute of Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Co., Ltd Collection Jx 192 Note: Q–Quaternary; N–Neogene; Jx–Jixian System Table 3. Layer attribute table for basic information of boreholes
NO. Data item Standard code Data type Dimension Example 1 Name of working area or mining area KCANB_
NAMEcharacter Liangjiadian 2 Exploration line No. KTX_CODE character KT2 3 Mining No. KCANB_
CODEcharacter J50E001016 4 Borehole No. ENG_NO character PZK10 5 Project name SECNAME character Regional geological survey for 1∶50 000 Shaliu River Mapsheet, Zuojiawu Mapsheet, Yahongqiao Mapsheet, Fengrun Mapsheet of Hebei Province 6 Section No. SECT_CODE character PM1 7 Borehole file No. DENG_CODE character ZKD01 8 Type of borehole ENG_TYPE character type Basic hole 9 Open hole X COORD_X Numeric m 574317.9 10 Open hole Y COORD_Y Numeric m 4414908 11 Open hole H COORD_H Numeric m 17 12 Measured open hole X COORD_X1 Numeric m 574317.9 13 Measured open hole Y COORD_Y1 Numeric m 4414908 14 Measured open hole H COORD_H1 Numeric m 17 15 Start date of drilling STA_DATE Date 20170526 16 End date of drilling END_DATE Date 20170630 17 Designed azimuth DE_AZIMUTH Numeric ° 90 18 Designed dip angle DE_DIP_ANG Numeric ° 0 19 Designed borehole depth DE_DEPTH Numeric m 300 20 Actual azimuth PR_AZIMUTH Numeric ° 90 21 Actual dip angle PR_DIP_ANG Numeric ° 0 22 Actual borehole depth PR_DEPTH Numeric m 300 23 End hole X E_COORD_X Numeric m 574317.9 24 End hole Y E_COORD_Y Numeric m 4414908 25 End hole H E_COORD_Z Numeric m –283 26 Measured end hole X E_COORD_X1 Numeric m 574317.9 27 Measured end hole Y E_COORD_Y1 Numeric m 4414908 28 Measured end hole H E_COORD_Z1 Numeric m –283 29 Scale SCALE Numeric 100 (scale denominator) 30 Construction quality CONS_QL character Excellent 31 Cataloging quality RECO_QL character Excellent 32 Construction unit CONS_UNIT character 5th Geological Brigade, Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration 33 Cataloging unit RECO_UNIT character Hebei Institute of Regional Geological Survey 34 Prospector PROSPECTOR character Wang Wei 35 Geologist GEOLOGIST character Chen Hongqiang 36 Hydrological geologist HYDRO_IST character Li Feng 37 Quality tester QL_TESTER character Chen Chao Table 4. Attribute table of borehole catalog database
Database Attribute table Elements Main properties ZKFour.mdb ZK_BSample Sampling record of specimen No. of working area or mining area (KCANB_CODE), Exploration line No. (KTX_CODE), Project No. (ENG_CODE), Section No. (SECT_CODE), Borehole depth position (POSITION), Layering code (LAYCODE), Specimen code (B_CODE), Specimen type (TYPE), Sampling person (SAMPLING), Analysing requirement (ANALYSE), Remark (REMARK), Circle of rock core No. from (F_CIR), Total blocks of rock core No. from (F_BLOCKS), Block number of rock core No. from (F_BLOCK_N), Circle of rock core No. to (TO_CIR), Total blocks of rock core No. to (TO_BLOCKS), Block number of rock core No. to (TO_BLOCK_N), Diameter of rock core (ROCKDIAMETER), Weight (WEIGHT), Bags (BAGS), Rock name (ROCKNAME), Sampling date (SAMDATE), Sampling rate (SAMRATO) ZK_
CircleBorehole circle data No. of working area or mining area (KCANB_CODE), Exploration line No. (KTX_CODE), Project No. (ENG_NO), Section No. (SECT_CODE), Circle No. (CIRCLE_N), Circle position from (CIRCLE_FROM), Circle position to (CIRCLE_TO), Core length (ROCK_L), Remaining core (REMAIN_L), Footage (DIG_L), Sampling rate (RATIO), Date (CIRCLE_DATE), Remark (REMARK), Total blocks (TOLBLK) ZK_
CurvePCurve point record of borehole logging No. of working area or mining area (KCANB_CODE), Exploration line No. (KTX_CODE), Project No. (ENG_CODE), Section No. (SECT_CODE), Logging date (LOG_DATE), Name of logging curve (LOG_NAME), Depth of logging (LOG_DEPTH), Value of logging data (LOG_VALUE) ZK_
ImageRecord of core catalog picture Initial depth (HeiFrom), Ending depth (HeiTo), File path of picture (ImgName) ZK_
SlayerBorehole layering data No. of working area or mining area (KCANB_CODE), Exploration line No. (KTX_CODE), Project No. (ENG_CODE), Section No. (SECT_CODE), Layering No. (LAYCODE), Ending hole depth of the upper layer (SLAYER_FROM), Boundary depth (SLAYER_TO), Circle core length (LAY_CIR_L), Layering core length (LAY_L), Footage (DIG_L), Sampling rate (RATIO), Boundary borehole depth (CHANGE_L), Circle of core No. from (F_CIR), Total blocks of core No. from (F_BLOCKS), Block number of core No. from (F_BLOCK_N), Circle of core No. to (TO_CIR), Total blocks of core No. to (TO_BLOCKS), Block number of core No. to (TO_BLOCK_N), Contact relation (CONTACT), Layering circle code (now) (TEXTURECODE), Layering circle name(reserved) (TEXTURENAME), Borehole depth of mark layer (HOLEDEPTH), Name of mark layer (HOLENAME), Pivot angle (HOLEPM), Code of mark layer (HOLECODE) ZK_NewLayer Indoor layering data No. of working area or mining area (KCANB_CODE), Exploration line No. (KTX_CODE), Project No. (ENG_CODE), Section No. (SECT_CODE), New layer No. (NEWLAYCODE), Layer No. from (LAYCODE_FROM), Layer No. to (LAYCODE_TO), New layer depth from (NEWLAY_FROM), New layer depth to (NEWLAY_TO) ZK_GDC Paleomagnetism data Sample No. (SAM_CODE), Depth (DEPTH), Magnetic dip (MAGNETIC_DIP) ZK_SD Chroma data Sample No. (SAM_CODE), Depth (DEPTH), Lightness (L), Red-green (a), Yellow-blue (b) ZK_CHL Magnetic susceptibility data Sample No. (SAM_CODE), Low frequency (LOW_FREQUENCY), High frequency (HIGH_FREQUENCY), Weight (WEIGHT), Mass Magnetisability (MASS_SUSCEPTIBILITY) ZK_LD Grading analysis data Sample No. (SAM_CODE), Median diameter (MEDIAN_DIAMETER), Average grain diameter (AVERAGE_DIAMETER), Standard deviation (STANDARD_DEVIATION), Skewness (SKEWNESS), Kurtosis (KURTOSIS), Sand content (SAND_CONTENT), Silt content (SILT_CONTENT), Clay content (CLAY_CONTENT) Table 5. Basic information of borehole histogram layers
Layer name Layer description Layer name Layer description TKBASELIN.WL Line of main picture frame Column.WP Lithological column polygon TKBASEPNT.WT Picture name, Picture header,
Column, Layer depthColumn.WL Lithological column line GEODESLIN.WL Geological stratification line Column.WT Lithological column pattern GEODESPNT.WL Geological description Logging curve.WL Logging curve line Age.WL Geological age division line Logging curcve.WT Logging curve label Age.WT Geological age Core picture.TIF Core picture Table 6. Attribute table of borehole histogram design database
Database Attribute table Elements Main properties ZK_Histogram.mdb ZKHis_
WholeConstitution of histogram Type (TYPENAME), Font height (HEIGHT), font width (WIDTH), Font space (SPACE), Font angle (ANGLE), Chinese language font (IFNT), Western language font (CHNT), Character pattern (IFNX), Arrangement mode (HVPL), Color (CLR) ZKHis_
RulerRuler table Name (RULERNAME), Type (RULERTYPE), Minimum value (MINVAL), Maximum value (MAXVAL), Minimum unit (MINUNIT), Minimum label (MINLABUNIT), Decimal digits (MINLABNUM) and Relevant font parameters ZKHis_
GroupGroup table Group name (GROUPNAME), Table of content (DB_TBL), ID field (FLD_ID), Initial field (FLD_FROM), Ending field (FLD_TO), Group flex (GROUPFLEX) ZKHis_HeadComp Subordinate table Name (HEADNAME), Alias (HEADALIAS), Subordination (PARENTID), Table height (TBLHEIGHT), Font height (HEIGHT), Font width (WIDTH), Font space (SPACE), Font angle (ANGLE), Chinese language (IFNT), Western language (CHNT), Character pattern (IFNX), Arrangement mode (HVPL), Color (CLR) ZKHis_
ColumnHistogram column Name (COLNAME), Alias (COLALIAS), Unit (COLUNIT), Ruler (COLRULER), Subordination (HEADID), Column width (COLWID), Table of content (DB_TBL), Content field (FLD_VAL), Height field (FLD_HEI), Classification (CLASSNO), Group (GROUPNO) and relevant font parameters -
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