1∶50 000 Geological Map Spatial Database of Guye Map-sheet, Tangshan Map-sheet and Fangezhuangmeikuang Map-sheet, Hebei Province
河北省古冶幅(J50E002018)、唐山幅(J50E003017)、范各庄煤矿幅(J50E003018)1∶50 000地质图空间数据库是在充分收集以往地质资料的基础上, 在唐山市区及周边开展古冶幅、唐山幅、范各庄煤矿幅1∶50 000区域地质调查工作, 编制相应图幅的1∶50 000地质图, 并依据《数字地质图空间数据库标准》(DD 2006–06)建立而成。通过遥感解译、野外数字填图、第四系钻探、人工浅钻及浅层地震剖面等手段采集数据。数据库包括基本要素类、综合要素类、对象类及独立要素类。其中基本要素类共包括651个地质体面实体(第四系、沉积岩、变质岩、侵入岩等面实体)数据、1428个地质界线数据、194个产状数据、562个照片数据、70个年龄(锆石U–Pb测年、14C、OSL测年)数据、5个第四系钻孔数据; 综合要素类数据主要为标准图框(内图框); 对象类包括57个沉积岩岩石地层单位(包括第四系)数据、2个侵入岩岩石年代单位数据、断层、脉岩、面状水域、图幅基本信息数据; 独立要素类主要为角图, 未添加属性。本数据库建立过程始终坚持完善的质量控制体系, 确保了数据的真实性、可靠性和准确性, 为相应区域的经济可持续发展、城市规划建设、生态环境保护和重大工程施工等提供基础地质支撑。
Abstract:In accordance with the ‘Standard of Digital Geological Map Spatial Database’ (DD 2006–06), the 1∶50 000 Geological Map Spatial Database of Guye Map-sheet (J50E002018), Tangshan Map-sheet (J50E003017) and Fangezhuangmeikuang Map-sheet (J50E003018), Hebei Province was completed by fully collecting previous geological data, and conducting 1∶50 000 regional geological survey of Guye Map-sheet, Tangshan Map-sheet and Fangezhuangmeikuang Map-sheet in and around Tangshan City, with 1∶50 000 geological maps compiled. Data was collected by means of remote sensing interpretation, field digital mapping, Quaternary drilling, manual shallow drilling and shallow seismic profiles. The database includes four datasets, i.e. basic element, comprehensive element, object and independent element, of which the basic element dataset includes 651 pieces of geopolygons (Quaternary, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, intrusive rocks and other area entities), 1428 geological boundaries, 194 attitudes, 562 photos, 70 data for dating (zircon U–Pb, 14C and OSL dating), and five data pertaining to Quaternary drill holes; the comprehensive element dataset consists primarily of standard frame (internal map frame); the object dataset includes 57 data on sedimentary lithostratigraphic units (including the Quaternary), two data applied to intrusive lithochronological units, faults, dikes, water region and map-sheet basic information; the independent element dataset comprises primarily angular maps, with no attributes added. The database was constructed under a stringent quality control system throughout the entire process, which ensures the authenticity, reliability and accuracy of data, thus providing reliable geological support for sustainable economic development, urban planning, construction, ecological preservation and major engineering projects in corresponding regions.
图 1 河北省1∶50 000古冶幅、唐山幅、范各庄煤矿幅区域位置图(据胡云壮等, 2014修编)
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 河北省古冶幅、唐山幅、范各庄煤矿幅1∶50 000地质图空间数据库 数据库(集)作者 赵保强, 河北省地质调查院
张兆祎, 河北省地质调查院
王克冰, 河北省地质调查院
徐永利, 河北省地质调查院
王 川, 河北省地质调查院
耿晓磊, 河北省地质调查院数据时间范围 2016—2018年 地理区域 地理坐标:东经118°00′~118°30′, 北纬39°30′~39°40′; 东经118°15′~118°30′, 北纬39°40′~39°50′ 数据格式 MapGIS 数据量 54.8 MB 数据服务系统网址 http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“河北1∶50 000古冶幅(J50E002018)、唐山幅(J50E003017)、范各庄煤矿幅(J50E003018)幅区域地质调查(项目编号:DD20160042-5)” 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 本数据库由1∶50 000地质图库和图饰构成。地质图库包括9个基本要素类数据集(地质体面实体、地质界线、产状、照片、素描、化石、同位素测年、钻孔、河、湖、海、水库岸线等)、1个综合要素数据集(内图框)、6个对象类数据集(沉积岩岩石地层单位、侵入岩岩石年代单位、断层、脉岩、面状水域、图幅基本信息); 图饰为独立要素类数据, 主要有接图表、柱状图、图例、图切剖面(每个标准图幅包括1个基底剖面图和2个第四系剖面图)、责任表 表 2 基础数据量统计表
数据类型 数据量 单位 野外地质观测点 2030 个 地质界线 1717 条 产状 350 个 野外照片 600 张 钻探 第四系钻探(进尺997.4 m) 5 眼 浅钻(0~20 m) 335 米 物探 浅层地震剖面测量(点距100 m) 300 点 样品采集(主要) 稀土元素、微量元素、硅酸盐全岩地球化学 30 件 薄片鉴定 225 件 古地磁样 878 件 色度 910 件 同位素年龄(U-Pb法) 2 件 光释光(OSL)测年 36 件 14C同位素测年 29 件 微古生物鉴定 227 件 粒度分析(薄片) 336 件 表 3 地质体面实体数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 地质体面实体标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000383(软件根据编码规则自动编号) 地质代码 Character Pt@2$2y$2 地质体面实体名称 Character 杨庄组二段 地质体面实体时代 Character Pt@2$2 地质体面实体下限年龄值 Double 0(0表示为空值) 地质体面实体上限年龄值 Double 0(0表示为空值) 子类型标识 Integer 0(0表示沉积地层单位) 注:“$”表示上标; “@”表示下标。 表 4 地质(界)线数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000001133 地质界线(接触)代码 Character 01 地质界线类型 Character 整合 界线左侧地质体代号 Character Pt@2$2w$1 界线右侧地质体代号 Character Pt@2$2w$2 界面走向/° Integer 110 界面倾向/° Integer 200 界面倾角/° Integer 33 子类型标识 Integer 0(0表示地质界线) 注:“$”表示上标; “@”表示下标。 表 5 产状数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000099 产状类型名称代码 Character 01 产状类型名称 Character 岩层产状 走向/° Integer 345 倾向/° Integer 255 倾角/° Integer 28 表 6 照片数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000133 照片编号 Character D1171_1 照片题目 Character 燧石质角砾岩 照片说明 Character 巨厚层状燧石质角砾岩, 角砾成分以燧石为主, 少量白
云岩, 角砾均呈棱角状及次棱角状, 角砾大小一般3~5
cm, 大者可达10 cm表 7 化石数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000013 化石样品编号 Character D1216HS01 化石所属生物门类(地质代码) Character 块茎状高于庄叠层石 化石属或种名 Character Gaoyuzhuangia bulbosa Zhu et al 化石产出层位 Character 高于庄组三段白云岩 含化石地层单位代号 Character Pt@2$2g$3 化石时代 Character Pt@2$2 注:“$”表示上标; “@”表示下标。 表 8 同位素数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000014 样品编号 Character P7-OSL2 样品名称 Character 灰白色细砂 年龄测定方法 Character OSL测年 测定年龄 Character 22.11±1.14 ka 被测定出地质体单位及代号 Character Qp@3 测定分析单位 Character 北京光释光实验室科技有限公司 测定分析日期 Character 2018-09-25 注:“@”表示下标。 表 9 钻孔数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000001000 钻孔编号 Character KK01 钻孔深度 Character 80.22 m 基岩或目的层孔深 Character 71.23 m 基岩或目的层岩性 Character 灰白色细晶白云岩, 灰黄色泥质白云岩 基岩或目的层时代 Character Pt@2$2w$2 松散沉积层的年代 Character Qh, Qp@3, Qp@2, Qp@1, N@2 松散沉积层的分层厚度 Character Qh, 0~2 m; Qp@3, 2~18.39 m; Qp@2, 18.39~26 m; Qp@1, 26~47.77
m; N@2, 47.77~71.23 m松散沉积层的岩性 Character 粉砂质黏土, 黏土质粉砂, 砾质粉砂质黏土, 泥砾层等 注:“$”表示上标; “@”表示下标。 表 10 河、湖、海、水库岸线数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素标识号 Character AJ50E002018000000069 图元类型 Character 21021 图元名称 Character 单线时令河 表 11 标准图框(内图框)数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 图名 Character 古冶幅 图幅代号 Character J50E002018 比例尺 Character 1∶50 000 坐标系统 Character 1980年国家大地坐标系 高程系统 Character 1985国家高程基准 左经度 Character 1181500 下纬度 Character 394000 图形单位 Character mm 表 12 沉积(火山)岩岩石地层单位数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素分类(地质代码) Character O@1y 地层单位名称 Character 冶里组 地层单位符号 Character O@1y 地层单位时代 Character O@1 岩石组合名称 Character 豹皮状泥晶灰岩、泥质条纹灰岩、砾屑灰岩 岩石组合主体颜色 Character 灰色、浅灰色 岩层主要沉积构造 Character 具泥质条纹 生物化石带或生物组合 Character 三叶虫Asaphellussp., Hystricurus sp., Pcnchiaspis sp.,
Endoaspisrectangulosa; 腹足类Maciuriscs sp.; 腕足类Acrothele sp.地层厚度 Character 96.9~149.4 m 含矿性 Character 石灰岩矿 注:“@”表示下标。 表 13 断层数据属性表
字段名称 字段类型 实例 要素分类代码 Character F4 断层类型(地质代码) Character F4 断层名称 Character 磨石板断裂 断层编号 Character J50E002018F4 断层性质 Character 逆断层 断层上盘地质体代号 Character Pt@2$2w$1, Pt@2$2w$2, Pt@2$2w$3, Pt@3$1l, Pt@3$1j 断层下盘地质体代号 Character Pt@2$2g$3, Pt@2$2g$4, Pt@2$2y$1, Pt@3$1j, Pt@2$2w$1, Pt@3$1l 断层破碎带宽度 Character 5~10 m 断层走向/° Integer 300 断层倾向/° Integer 210 断层面倾角/° Integer 60 估计断距 Float 0(0表示为空值) 断层形成时代 Character 印支期 活动期次 Character 印支期 注:“$”表示上标; “@”表示下标。 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name 1∶50 000 Geological Map Spatial Database of Guye Map-sheet, Tangshan Map-sheet and Fangezhuangmeikuang Map-sheet, Hebei Province Database (dataset) authors Zhao Baoqiang, Hebei Institute of Geological Survey
Zhang Zhaoyi, Hebei Institute of Geological Survey
Wang Kebing, Hebei Institute of Geological Survey
Xu Yongli, Hebei Institute of Geological Survey
Wang Chuan, Hebei Institute of Geological Survey
Geng Xiaolei, Hebei Institute of Geological SurveyData acquisition time 2016—2018 Geographic area 118°00′–118°30' E, 39°30′– 39°40′ N; 118°15′–118°30′ E, 39°40′–39°50′ N Data format MapGIS Data size 54.8 MB Data service system URL http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn Fund project China Geological Survey project titiled “Regional Geological Survey of 1∶50 000 Guye Map-sheet (J50E002018), Tangshan Map-sheet (J50E003017), Fangezhuangmeikuang Map-sheet (J50E003018), Hebei Province” (Project No.: DD20160042-5) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition This database consists of a 1∶50 000 geological map library and map decorations. The geological map library includes nine basic element datasets (geological polygon, geological boundary, attitude, photograph, sketch, fossil, isotope age, drillhole, river-lake-sea-reservoir coastline), one comprehensivex element dataset (internal map frame) and six object datasets (sedimentary rock lithostratigraphic unit, intrusive rock lithochronological unit, fault, dike, water region, basic map-sheet information); the map decorations are independent element data, including index map, columnar section, legend, cutting profile (each standard map-sheet includes one basement section and two Quaternary sections) and duty table Table 2. Statistics of basic data volume
Data type Data volume Unit Field geological observation point 2030 − Geological boundary line 1717 − Attitude 350 − Field photograph 600 − Drilling Quaternary drilling (footage 997.4 m) 5 − Coring drill (0–20 m) 335 Meter Geophysical prospecting Shallow seismic profile survey (point distance 100 m) 300 Point Sample collection (main) Rare earth elements, trace elements and silicate whole-rock geochemistry 30 Piece Microscope petrography identification 225 Piece Paleomagnetic sample 878 Piece Chromaticity 910 Piece Isotopic age (U–Pb method) 2 Piece Optical luminescence (OSL) dating 36 Piece 14C isotope dating 29 Piece Micropaleontological identification 227 Piece Particle size analysis (slice) 336 Piece Table 3. Attribute table of geological polygon
Field name Field type Examples Geological polygon identification number Character AJ50E0020180 00000383 (automatically numbered by software according to coding rules) Geological code Character Pt@2$2y$2 Geological polygon name Character Member 2 of Yangzhuang Formation Geological polygon era Character Pt@2$2 Lower age limit of geological polygon Double 0 (0 denotes null) Upper age limit of geological polygon Double 0 (0 denotes null) Subtype identification Integer 0 (0 denotes sedimentary stratigraphic units) Note: “$” indicates superscript; “@” indicates subscript. Table 4. Attribute table of geological (boundary) line
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E0020180 00001133 Geological boundary line (contact) code Character 01 Boundary name Character Integration Geobody code on the left side of the boundary Character Pt@2$2w$1 Geobody code on the right side of the boundary Character Pt@2$2w$2 Strike/° Integer 110 Dip direction/° Integer 200 Dip angle/° Integer 33 Subtype identification Integer 0 (0 indicates geological boundary) Note: “$” indicates superscript; “@” indicates subscript. Table 5. Attribute table of attitude
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000000099 Attitude type code Character 01 Attitude name Character Attitude of strata Strike/° Integer 345 Dip direction/° Integer 255 Dip angle/° Integer 28 Table 6. Attribute table of photograph
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000000133 Sample code Character D1171_1 Photo title Character Cherty breccia Photo note Character Giant thick-laminated cherty breccia; the breccia composition is mostly chert, with a small amount of dolomite; the shape is invariably angular and sub-angular; breccia size is generally 3–5 cm, and can reach up to 10 cm Table 7. Attribute table of fossil
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000000013 Fossil sample code Character D1216HS01 Biological category of fossil Character Tuber-like Gaoyuzhuang stromatolite Genus or species Character Gaoyuzhuangia bulbosa Zhu et al Bed Character Dolomite of the 3rd Member of Gaoyuzhuang Formation Code of fossil-bearing lithostratigraphic unit Character Pt@2$2g$3 Era Character Pt@2$2 Note: “$” indicates superscript; “@” indicates subscript. Table 8. Attribute table of isotope
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000000014 Sample code Character P7-OSL2 Sample name Character Grey-white fine sand Age measuring method Character OSL dating Age Character 22.11±1.14 ka Unit and code of measured geobody Character Qp@3 Measuring and analysing unit Character Beijing Optical Luminescence Laboratory Technology Co., Ltd. Measuring and analysing date Character 2018-09-25 Note: “@” indicates subscript. Table 9. Attribute table of drillhole
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000001000 Drillhole code Character KK01 Drilling depth Character 80.22 m Depth of bedrock or target layer Character 71.23 m Lithology of bedrock or target layer Character Grey-white fine grained dolomite, grey-yellow argillaceous dolomite Era of bedrock or target layer Character Pt@2$2w$2 Era of loose sedimentary layer Character Qh, Qp@3, Qp@2, Qp@1, N@2 Thickness of loose sedimentary layer Character Qh, 0–2 m; Qp@3, 2–18.39 m; Qp@2, 18.39–26 m; Qp@1, 26–47.77 m; N@2, 47.77–71.23 m Lithology of loose sedimentary layer Character Silty clay, clayey sand, gravel silty clay, muddy gravel layer, etc Note: “$” indicates superscript; “@” indicates subscript. Table 10. Attribute table of River-Lake-Sea-Reservoir coastline
Field name Field type Examples Feature identification number Character AJ50E002018000000069 Feature type Character 21021 Feature name Character Single-track seasonal river Table 11. Attribute table of standard frame (internal map frame)
Field name Field type Examples Map name Character Guye Map-sheet Sheet code Character J50E002018 Scale Character 1∶50 000 Coordinate system Character 1980 National Geodetic Coordinate System Height system Character 1985 National Elevation Datum Left Longitude Character 1 181 500 Lower latitude Character 394 000 Coordinates unit Character mm Table 12. Attribute table of sedimentary (volcanic) rock lithostratigraphic unit
Field name Field type Examples Feature type (geological code) Character O@1y Stratigraphic unit name Character Yeli Formation Stratigraphic unit code Character O@1y Stratigraphic unit era Character O@1 Rock association name Character Leopard skin-like micritic limestone, argillaceous stripe limestone, gravel limestone Rock association color Character Grey, light-grey Sedimentary structure Character With argillaceous stripes Biological assemblage zone Character Trilobites: Asaphellus sp., Hystricurus sp., Pcnchiaspis sp., Endoaspisrectangulosa; Gastropods: Maciuriscs sp.; Brachiopods: Acrothele sp. Stratigraphic thickness Character 96.9–149.4 m Commodities Character Limestone ore Note: “@” indicates subscript. Table 13. Attribute table of fault
Field name Field type Examples Feature type Character F4 Fault type (geological code) Character F4 Fault name Character Grindstone fracture Fault code Character J50E002018F4 Fault character Character Reverse fault Fault hanging wall geobody code Character Pt@2$2w$1, Pt@2$2w$2, Pt@2$2w$3, Pt@3$1l, Pt@3$1j Fault footwall geobody code Character Pt@2$2g$3, Pt@2$2g$4, Pt@2$2y$1, Pt@3$1j, Pt@2$2w$1, Pt@3$1l Fault fracture zone width Character 5–10 m Fault strike/° Integer 300 Fault dip/° Integer 210 Fault dip angle/° Integer 60 Estimated fault distance Float 0 (0 denotes null) Formative era of fault Character Indosinian period Movement period Character Indosinian period Note: “$” indicates superscript; “@” indicates subscript. -
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