天津1∶50 000黄庄公社幅(J50E004015)地质图在充分收集利用已有地质资料的基础上,根据行业规范要求,采用数字填图系统进行地质填图及数据库建设。数据库包含基本要素、综合要素、对象要素和独立要素等4个数据集,共计23种数据类型,数据量为43.8 MB,其中地质体面实体数据96个、地质 (界) 线数据320条、摄像 (照片)数据85个、同位素测年数据9个、钻孔数据 10个,沉积(火山)岩石地层单位数据13个。地质图总结了浅表沉积物地貌成因类型及其垂向地质结构、上新世晚期以来的地层结构特征及岩相古地理演化、基岩地质构造、环境工程地质问题,同时探索了沿海低平原覆盖区地质调查工作方法和地质图的创新图面表达方式,为覆盖区区域地质调查起到了示范作用。本数据库可以为地质环境保护,自然资源管理,水文、工程、环境地质调查提供详实的基础地质资料,能够支撑国家重要经济区可持续发展、重大工程建设与地质环境保障、城市规划和生态环境保护。
Abstract:1∶50 000 geologic map of the Huangzhuang map-sheet (J50E004015), Tianjin was mapped by employing the Digital Geological Survey System (DGSS), and consequently a database was built by fully collecting and making use of existing geological data, as well as following industrial specifications. The database includes four datasets, i.e. a basic element, comprehensive element, object element and independent element, in total 23 different categories of data types, accumulating to a data size of 43.8 MB. Among them, there are 96 geological entities, 320 geological (boundaries) lines and 85 videos (photos), as well as nine samples of isotope dating, 10 boreholes and 13 sedimentary (volcanic) lithostratigraphic units. In the geologic map, the genetic type of the superficial deposit landform and its vertical geological structure, stratigraphic structure feature and lithofacies palaeogeographic evolution since the Late Pliocene, as well as the bedrock geological structure, and environmental engineering geological problems were all summarized; the methodology for the geological survey and innovative map presentation of the geologic map in the low coastal plain coverage area was explored simultaneously, which all play an exemplary role for regional geological survey in the coverage area. The database can provide detailed and basic geological data for geological environmental protection, natural resource management, in addition to hydrological, engineering and environmental geological surveying, thus supporting a sustainable development of an important national economic zone, major engineering construction, geological and ecological environmental protection, and urban planning.
Key words:
- Tianjin /
- Huangzhuang Map Sheet /
- 1∶50 000 /
- database /
- low plain coverage /
- Quaternary /
- geological survey engineering
表 1 数据库(集)元数据简表
条目 描述 数据库(集)名称 天津市1∶50 000黄庄公社幅地质图数据库 数据库(集)作者 黄 猛,天津市地质调查研究院
陈 星,天津市地质调查研究院
王 莉,天津市地质调查研究院
马青云,天津市地质调查研究院数据时间范围 2016—2018年 地理区域 东经117°30′~117°45′,北纬39°20′~39°30′ 数据格式 MapGIS 数据量 43.8 MB 数据服务系统网址 http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn 基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“燕山—太行成矿带丰宁和天镇地区地质矿产调查”(项目编号: DD20160042)资助 语种 中文 数据库(集)组成 1∶50 000黄庄公社幅地质图数据库包括基本要素、综合要素、对象要素和独立要素等4个数据集,共计23种数据类型。基本要素数据集由地质体面实体、地质(界)线、样品、摄像(照片)、同位素测年、钻孔、河、湖、海、水库岸线等组成。综合要素数据集为标准图框(内图框)。对象要素数据集由沉积(火山)岩石地层单位、面状水域与沼泽、图幅基本信息组成。独立要素为图饰内容,包含综合柱状图、图切剖面、镶图、图例、接图表等 表 2 地质体面实体属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 内容描述实例 1 标识号 *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000049 2 原编码 Source_Id Character 3 类型代码 *Feature_Type Character Qhq$r$s 4 地质体名称 Geobody_Name Character 全新世岐口组边滩沉积 5 时代 Geobody_Era Character Qh 6 下限年龄值/a.B.P Geobody_Age1 Double 0 7 上限年龄值/a.B.P Geobody_Age2 Double 2500 8 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 沉积(火山)岩石地层单位 注:$表示上角标。 表 3 地质(界)线属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 内容描述实例 1 要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000158 2 原编码 Source_Id Character 3 代码 *Feature_Type Character 02 4 类型 Boundary_Name Character 不整合 5 左侧地质体代号 Left_Boundary_Code Character Qhq$l$v 6 右侧地质体代号 Right_Boundary_Code Character Qhq$r$s 7 界面走向/° Strike Integer 330 8 界面倾向/° Dip_Direction Integer 60 9 界面倾角/° Dip_Angle Integer 1 注:$表示上角标。 表 4 样品属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 内容描述实例 1 要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000004 2 原编码 Source_Id Character D0095_3 3 样品编号 Sample_Code Character 03 4 样品类型代码 *Feature_Type Character TW 5 样品类型名称 Sample_Name Character 同位素年龄样 6 样品岩石名称 Rock_Name Character 灰黑色黏土 7 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 0 表 5 同位素测年属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 数据项描述 1 要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000003 2 原编码 Source_Id Character D0095_2 3 样品编号 Sample_Code Character QHZ09-14C02 4 样品名称 Sample_Name Character 棕灰色黏土 5 年龄测定方法 Measuring_Kinds Character 加速器质谱(AMS)碳-14测试 6 测定年龄/ a B.P. Age Character 5360±30 7 所测定地质体单位及代号 Geobody_Code Character Qhg$b$r 8 测定分析单位 Unit Character 美国BETA实验室 9 测定分析日期 Date Character 2018-08-18 10 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 0 注:$表示上角标。 表 6 钻孔属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 数据项描述 1 要素标识号 *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000002 2 原编码 Source_Id Character QHZ04 3 钻孔编号 Zk_Code Character QHZ04 4 钻孔深度/m Zk_Depth Float 70 5 基岩或目的层孔深/m Rock_Depth Float 70 6 基岩或目的层岩性 Rock_Type Character 灰黄色黏土、粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂,含较多钙质结核及潴育化斑块 7 基岩或目的层时代 Base_Bed_Era Character Qp@2 8 松散沉积层的年代 Loose_Lay_Era Character Qp@2 9 松散沉积层的分层厚度/m Loose_Lay_Thickness Float 70 10 松散沉积层的岩性 Loose_Lay_Lithology Character 灰色、深灰色、棕黄色、灰黄色黏土、粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂、粉砂、细砂、中砂 11 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 0 注:@表示下角标。 表 7 沉积(火山)岩岩石地层单位属性表
序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 数据项描述 1 要素分类(地质代码) *Feature_Type Character Qhg$b$r 2 地层单位名称 Strata_Name Character 全新世高湾组海滩脊沉积 3 地层单位符号(地质体面实体代码) Strata_Code Character Qhg$b$r 4 地层单位时代 Strata_Era Character Qh 5 岩石组合名称 Association_Name Character 黏土质粉砂、粉砂及粉砂质黏土,含贝壳壳体及碎屑 6 岩石组合主体颜色 Color Character 主要岩石的颜色 7 岩层主要沉积构造 Sedi_Structure Character 交错层理、平行层理、透镜状层理、脉状层理 8 生物化石带或生物组合 Assemblage_Zone Character 有孔虫、海相介形类、蛤类 9 地层厚度/m Strata_Thickness Character 0~3.0 10 含矿性 Commodities Character 11 子类型标识 Subtype Integer 注:$表示上角标。 Table 1. Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)
Items Description Database (dataset) name Database of the 1∶50 000 Geological Map of Huangzhuang, Tianjin Database (dataset) authors Huang Meng, Tianjin Institute of Geological Survey
Chen Xing, Tianjin Institute of Geological Survey
Wang Li, Tianjin Institute of Geological Survey
Ma Qingyun, Tianjin Institute of Geological SurveyData acquisition time 2016−2018 Geographic area 117°30'−117°45' E, 39°20'−39°30' N Data format MapGIS Data size 43.8 MB Data service system URL http://dcc.cgs.gov.cn Fund project China Geological Survey project named ‘Geological and mineral survey of the Fengning and Tianzhen area in the Yanshan—Taihang metallogenic belt’ (DD20160042) Language Chinese Database (dataset) composition The geologic map database of the 1∶50 000 Huangzhuang map-sheet includes 4 datasets, i.e. basic element, comprehensive element, object element and independent element, a total of 23 catogories of data types. A dataset of the basic element is composed of the surface entity of the geological body, geological (boundary) line, sample, camera-shooting (photo), isotopic dating, borehole, river, lake, sea, shoreline of reservoir, etc. A dataset of the comprehensive element is a standard framework (inner framework). A dataset of the object element is composed by a stratigraphic unit of sedimentary (volcano) rocks, planar water, marsh and basic information of the map sheet. The independent element is the map embellishment, which includes a comprehensive histogram, map cutting profile, map embedding, legend, map set, etc Table 2. Attribute table of surface entity of geological body
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Example for content description 1 Identification number *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000049 2 Original code Source_Id Character 3 Type code *Feature_Type Character Qhq$r$s 4 Geological body name Geobody_Name Character Marginal bank deposit of the Qikou Formation of Holocene 5 Era Geobody_Era Character Qh 6 Lower age value/a.B.P Geobody_Age1 Double 0 7 Upper age value/a.B.P Geobody_Age2 Double 2500 8 Subtype identification Subtype Integer Stratigraphic unit of sedimentary (volcano) rocks Note: $ denotes superscript. Table 3. Attribute table of geological (boundary) line
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Example for content description 1 Element ID number *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000158 2 Original code Source_Id Character 3 Code *Feature_Type Character 02 4 Type Boundary_Name Character Unconformity 5 Left geological body code Left_Boundary_Code Character Qhq$l$v 6 Right geological body code Right_Boundary_Code Character Qhq$r$s 7 Interface trend/° Strike Integer 330 8 Interface inclination/° Dip_Direction Integer 60 9 Interface dip/° Dip_Angle Integer 1 Note: $ denotes superscript. Table 4. Attribute table of sample
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Example for content description 1 Element ID number *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000004 2 Original code Source_Id Character D0095_3 3 Sample No. Sample_Code Character 03 4 Sample type code *Feature_Type Character TW 5 Sample type name Sample_Name Character Isotopic age sample 6 Sample rock name Rock_Name Character Cinereus clay 7 Subtype identification Subtype Integer 0 Table 5. Attribute table of isotopic dating
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Description of data item 1 Element ID number *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000003 2 Original code Source_Id Character D0095_2 3 Sample No. Sample_Code Character QHZ09-14C02 4 Sample name Sample_Name Character Brown-grey clay 5 Age determination method Measuring_Kinds Character Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) carbon-14 test 6 Dating/a B.P. Age Character 5360 ± 30 7 Unit and code of the determined geological body Geobody_Code Character Qhg$b$r 8 Determining and analyzing unit Unit Character American BETA laboratory 9 Determining and analyzing date Date Character 2018-08-18 10 Subtype identification Subtype Integer 0 Note: $ denotes superscript. Table 6. Attribute table of borehole
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Description of data item 1 Element ID number *Feature_Id Character AJ50E004015000000002 2 Original code Source_Id Character QHZ04 3 Borehole No. Zk_Code Character QHZ04 4 Borehole depth/m Zk_Depth Float 70 5 Borehole depth of bed rock or target stratum /m Rock_Depth Float 70 6 Bed rock or target stratum lithology Rock_Type Character Grayish yellow clay, silty clay and clayey silt, with much more caliche nodule and hydromorphic plaque 7 Bed rock or target stratum age Base_Bed_Era Character Qp@2 8 Loose sedimentary layer age Loose_Lay_Era Character Qp@2 9 Stratified depth of loose sedimentary rock/m Loose_Lay_Thickness Float 70 10 Loose sedimentary layer lithology Loose_Lay_Lithology Character Grey, dark grey, claybank, grayish yellow clay, silty clay, clayey silt, silt, fine sand and medium sand 11 Subtype identification Subtype Integer 0 Note: @ denotes subscript. Table 7. Attribute table of sedimentary (volcano) rock stratigraphic unit
No. Name of data item Standard code Data type Description of data item 1 Element classification (geological code) *Feature_Type Character Qhg$b$r 2 Stratigraphic unit name Strata_Name Character Holocene Gaowan Formation and beach ridge deposit 3 Stratigraphic unit symbol (code for the surface entity of the geological body) Strata_Code Character Qhg$b$r 4 Stratigraphic unit era Strata_Era Character Qh 5 Rock association name Association_Name Character Clayey silt, silt, silty clay, conch contained shell and debris 6 Main rock association color Color Character Main color of the rocks 7 Main deposit structures of rock stratum Sedi_Structure Character cross bedding, parallel bedding, lentoid bedding and nervation bedding 8 Fossil organism belt or biological combination Assemblage_Zone Character Foraminifer, marine ostracoda and clams 9 Strata thickness/m Strata_Thickness Character 0–3.0 10 Ore-bearing potential Commodities Character 11 Subtype identification Subtype Integer Note: $ denotes superscript. -
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