中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区1∶50 000地质矿产调查数据库

唐文龙, 付超, 邹键, 戴广凯, 彭丽娜, 朱学强, 马方. 2020. 胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区1∶50 000地质矿产调查数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 70-84. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z206
引用本文: 唐文龙, 付超, 邹键, 戴广凯, 彭丽娜, 朱学强, 马方. 2020. 胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区1∶50 000地质矿产调查数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 70-84. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z206
TANG Wenlong, FU Chao, ZOU Jian, DAI Guangkai, PENG Li’na, ZHU Xueqiang, MA Fang. 2020. 1∶50 000 Geological and Mineral Survey Database of Qixia–Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 70-84. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z206
Citation: TANG Wenlong, FU Chao, ZOU Jian, DAI Guangkai, PENG Li’na, ZHU Xueqiang, MA Fang. 2020. 1∶50 000 Geological and Mineral Survey Database of Qixia–Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 70-84. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z206

胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区1∶50 000地质矿产调查数据库

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产调查”(项目编号:DD20160044)资助
    作者简介: 唐文龙,男,1979年,硕士,高级工程师,从事矿产预测方面工作;E-mail:

1∶50 000 Geological and Mineral Survey Database of Qixia–Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province

  • Fund Project: a geological survey project entitled “Geological and Mineral Survey in Qixia-Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province” initiated by China Geological Survey ( DD20160044)
More Information
    Author Bio: TANG Wenlong, male, born in 1979, master degree, senior engineer, engages in mineral prediction; E-mail: .
  • 胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产调查是中国地质调查局开展新一轮矿产地质调查工作项目。填(编)的10幅1∶50 000矿产地质图是根据《固体矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》(DD 2019−02)和行业其他统一标准及要求,结合区域地质调查成果资料,采用数字填图系统进行野外地质专项填图,并应用室内与室外填编图相结合的方法完成的。在充分利用最新获得的1∶50 000遥感地质解译、地面高精度磁法测量、重力测量成果资料的基础上,全区新发现矿点矿(化)点31处,包括金矿(化)点24处、铜矿点4处、银铅矿点3处,圈定找矿靶区42处,其中A级25处、B级14处、C级3处,并纳入数据库中。胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产调查数据库是1∶50 000矿产地质图库和图饰、地球物理数据库、遥感数据库、样品数据库、综合成果数据库、勘探工程库等成果的集成,数据容量合计299 MB,包含矿产地数据275处,涉及多金属矿、贵金属矿以及非金属矿23种,预测金资源量836.94 t、银499 t、铜72.71万t、铅17.41万t、锌28.31万t、钼35.70万t、钨2.8万t、石墨164万t。对该区基础地质研究、矿产资源勘探等具重要参考意义。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产略图(据丁正江等,2015修改)

    图 2  胶东成矿区栖霞市幅1∶50 000建造–构造图示意图

    图 3  胶东成矿区栖霞市幅矿产地质图示意图

    Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    Figure 3. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区1∶50 000地质矿产调查数据库
    数据库(集)作者 栖霞市幅(J51E017004)、桃村幅(J51E017005)、山前店幅(J51E018004): 付超,彭丽娜,中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心
    高疃幅(J51E016005)、臧家庄幅(J51E016004)、大辛店幅(J51E015004)、岗嵛幅(J51E015005): 戴广凯,朱学强,山东省地质调查院
    水道幅(J51E017007)、观水幅(J51E017006)、冯家幅(J51E018007): 邹键,马方,山东省第三地质矿产勘查院
    数据时间范围 2016—2018年
    数据格式 MapGIS
    数据量 299 MB
    基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产调查”(项目编号:DD20160044)资助
    语种 中文
    数据库(集)组成 胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区地质矿产调查数据库包括 1∶50 000矿产地质图库和图饰、地球物理数据库、遥感数据库、样品数据库、综合成果数据库、勘探工程库等。矿产地质图库包括沉积岩、岩浆岩、火山岩、变质岩、第四系、脉岩、构造、地质界线、产状、矿床(点)、蚀变、岩性花纹、各类代号等;图饰包括接图表、柱状图、图例、图切剖面、典型矿床成矿要素图、典型矿床实测剖面图、矿产地名录、所属成矿区带位置图、责任表;地球物理数据库包括地球物理异常图和平面图;遥感数据库包括遥感异常提取、推测线性构造;综合成果数据库包括异常查证结果表、矿产地预测远景区图层、找矿靶区图层;勘探工程库包括探槽、钻孔等
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    表 2  大辛店幅成果数据库基本要素类、综合要素类和对象类数据表

    图幅号 数据集 实体名称 文件名 数据类型
    基本要素类 地质体面实体 _GEOPOLYGON.wp Area
    地质(界)线 _GEOLINE.wl Line
    矿产地 _MINERAL_PNT.wt Point
    产状 _ATTITUDE.wt Point
    样品 SAMPLE.wt Point
    同位素测年 _ISOTOPE.wt Point
    钻孔 DRILLHOLE.wt Point
    火山口 _CRATER.wt Point
    河、湖、海、水库岸线 _LINE_GEOGRAPHY.wl Line
    综合要素类 构造变形带 _TECOZONE.wp Area
    蚀变带(面) _ALTERATION_POLYGON.wp Area
    变质相带 _METAMOR_FACIES.wp Area
    火山岩相带 _VOLCA_FACIES.wp Area
    矿化带 MINERAL_ZONE.wp Area
    标准图框(内图框) _MAP_FRAME.wl Line
    对象类 沉积(火山)岩岩石地层单位 _STRATA ACCESS
    变质岩地(岩)层单位 _METAMORPHIC ACCESS
    遥感推断地质构造 遥感异常图层 Rsanomaly.wp Area
    推断线性构造图层 Rslinear.wl Line
    推断环形构造图层 RSRing.wl Line
    地球物理数据类 重磁异常预测区图层 GRAVMAGNETICLINEAR.wl Line
    重磁异常预测区图层 GRAVMAGNETICLINEAR.wt Point
    地球化学数据类 水系沉积物异常图层 ANOMALY_STREAM.wl Line
    水系沉积物异常图层 ANOMALY_STREAM.wt Point
    成矿规律与矿产预测 矿产预测远景区图层 PredictedProspectiveArea.wp Area
    找矿靶区图层 TargetArea.wp Area
    地质工作部署建议图层 WorkPlan.wp Area
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    表 3  测区矿种数量及规模一览表

    矿种 规模 合计
    大型矿床 中型矿床 小型矿床 矿点 矿化点
    岩金 22 18 60 87 31 218
    砂金 1 2 3
    1 2 2 5
    1 1 8 10 20
    铜钼 1 1
    1 1 2
    3 3 6
    铅锌 2 2 4
    铜铅锌多金属 1 1 2
    钨钼 1 1
    4 4
    1 4 5
    石榴子石 1 1
    石墨矿 1 1
    总计 23 23 67 113 47 275
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    表 4  胶东成矿区栖霞—牟平地区找矿靶区一览表

    序号 名称 位置 矿种 类别
    1 下雨村金矿床深部找矿靶区 烟台市牟平区西南24 km处的高陵镇下雨村北山,行政区划属烟台市牟平区高陵镇 A类
    2 磨山金矿深部找矿靶区 烟台市牟平区南约15 km,行政区划属牟平区高
    3 磨山金矿床外围找矿靶区 位于烟台市牟平区南约15 km,行政区划属牟平区高陵镇 A类
    4 双山屯金矿深部找矿靶区 位于烟台市牟平城区西南12 km,双山屯村东,行政区划属牟平区武宁镇和高陵镇 A类
    5 下潘格庄金矿深部找矿靶区 下潘格庄矿区位于牟平城区西南约15 km,行政区划属高陵镇管辖 A类
    6 上潘格庄金矿找矿靶区 山东省烟台市牟平区上潘家庄南部一带 A类
    7 唐家沟金矿深部找矿靶区 位于乳山市城区北约18 km处的唐家沟村南东,行政区划隶属乳山市午极镇 A类
    8 西直格庄金矿深部找矿靶区 位于牟平城区南25 km,行政区划隶属牟平区水
    9 邓格庄—金牛山金矿深部找矿靶区 位于牟平区城区南30 km处的西邓格庄村南,东邓格庄—金牛山一带,行政区划属水道镇管辖 A类
    10 英格庄金矿床深部找矿靶区 位于乳山市城区北约14 km处的英格庄村东,行政区划属下初镇 A类
    11 福禄地金矿深部找矿靶区 位于山东省烟台市牟平区城南约25 km的西邓格庄村北一带,行政区划属牟平区莒格庄镇管辖 A类
    12 金青顶矿区金矿床深部找矿靶区 位于乳山市东北25 km,行政区划属乳山市下初镇 A类
    13 黑岚沟金矿深部预测靶区 山东省蓬莱市大辛店镇 A类
    14 齐沟金矿一分矿深部预测
    山东省蓬莱市大辛店镇 A类
    15 燕山金矿深部预测靶区 山东省蓬莱市大柳行镇 A类
    16 门楼金矿深部预测靶区 山东省蓬莱市大柳行镇 A类
    17 齐家沟金矿深部预测靶区 山东省蓬莱市大辛店镇 A类
    18 香夼铅锌矿深部预测靶区 山东省栖霞市臧家庄镇 铅锌 A类
    19 王家庄铜矿深部预测靶区 山东省福山区东厅镇 A类
    20 邢家山钼(钨)矿深部预测靶区 山东省福山区东厅镇 A类
    21 刁龙嘴找矿靶区 三山岛西部海域 金铅 A类
    22 大流口金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市大流口村 A类
    23 上崖头银铅多金属找矿靶区 山东栖霞市上崖头村—虎鹿夼村一带 银、铅 A类
    24 东山庄金矿找矿靶区 山东省栖霞市臧家庄镇 A类
    25 高家银矿找矿靶区 山东省蓬莱市庄园街道 A类
    26 芙蓉岛找矿靶区 位于潘家屋子以南,芙蓉岛东部海域,三山岛断裂(F3)西南延伸部位 B类
    27 双山金矿找矿靶区 山东省栖霞市臧家庄镇与蓬莱市村里集镇交界 B类
    28 阎家疃金矿床深部找矿靶区 烟台市牟平区城南7 km,阎家疃村南部,行政区划隶属牟平区文化街道办事处 B类
    29 辉湛金矿找矿靶区 山东省烟台市牟平区辉湛村北部一带 B类
    30 东桑杭埠—黑牛台金矿床深部找矿靶区 位于烟台市牟平区城南东约30 km处的黑牛台一带,行政区划隶属牟平区玉林店镇 B类
    31 西邓格庄—高行山金矿深部找矿靶区 位于烟台市牟平区城区南约20 km,水道镇西北约3 km,处行政区划属烟台市牟平区水道镇 B类
    32 育林山—岔河金矿深部找矿靶区 位于烟台市牟平城区南32 km处的岔河村北一带,行政区划属牟平区水道镇管辖 B类
    33 郭落庄金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市郭落庄村一带 B类
    34 后夼金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市草庵村—草夼村一带 B类
    35 盘子涧金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市盘子涧村一带 B类
    36 马家窑金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市马家窑—安子夼一带 B类
    37 町夼金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市町夼村一带 B类
    38 上范家沟铜金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市上范家沟村一带 B类
    39 曲家庵口金矿找矿靶区 山东省蓬莱市大柳行镇 B类
    40 罗家金找矿靶区 山东栖霞市罗家村一带 C类
    41 占疃金找矿靶区 栖霞市占疃村—李家圈村一带 C类
    42 马院山多金属矿找矿靶区 山东省栖霞市经济开发区 铅锌 C类
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Items Description
    Database (dataset) name 1∶50 000 Geological and Mineral Survey Database of Qixia–Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province
    Database (dataset) authors Qixia City Map-sheet (J51E017004), Taocun Map-sheet (J51E017005), Shanqiandian Map-sheet (J51E018004): Fu Chao, Peng Li’na, Tianjin Center, China Geological Survey
    Gaotong Map-sheet (J51E016005), Zangjiazhuang Map-sheet (J51E016004), Daxindian Map-sheet (J51E015004), Gangyu Map-sheet (J51E015005): Dai Guangkai, Zhu Xueqiang, Shandong Institute of Geological Survey
    Shuidao Map-sheet (J51E017007), Guanshui Map-sheet (J51E017006), and Fengjia Map-sheet (J51E018007): Zou Jian, Ma Fang, No.3 Exploration Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of Shandong Province
    Data acquisition time From 2016 to 2018
    Data format MapGIS
    Data size 299 MB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project The geological survey project entitled Geological and Mineral Survey of Qixia–Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province initiated by China Geological Survey (DD20160044)
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition The Database consists of libraries of 1∶50 000-scale mineral and geologic maps and their map decorations, geophysical databases, remote sensing databases, sample databases, comprehensive result databases, and prospecting engineering databases.
    The 1∶50 000-scale mineral and geologic map library includes sedimentary rocks, magmatic rocks, volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, Quaternary, dikes, structures, geological boundaries, attitude, deposits (mineralized points), alteration, lithologic pattern, and various codes.
    Map decorations consist of index map, diagrams, legends, transverse cutting profiles, metallogenic factor maps of typical deposits, measured profiles of typical deposits, mineral deposit list, location maps of metallogenic belts and a duty table.
    The geophysical database consists of geophysical anomaly maps and plans.
    The remote sensing database consists of extraction data of remote sensing anomaly and inferred linear structures.
    The comprehensive result database consists of a table of anomaly verification results, predicted mineral deposit prospect area layers and prospecting target area layers.
    The prospecting engineering database includes the data of trenches and boreholes
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    Table 2.  Feature classes, complex classes, and object classes in the result databases of the Daxindian map-sheet

    Map-sheet No. Dataset Entity name File title Data type
    J51E015004 (Daxindian map sheet) Feature classes Geologic polygon entity _GEOPOLYGON.wp Area
    Geologic (boundary) line _GEOLINE.wl Line
    Mineral deposit _MINERAL_PNT.wt Point
    Attitude _ATTITUDE.wt Point
    Sample SAMPLE.wt Point
    Isotopic dating _ISOTOPE.wt Point
    Borehole DRILLHOLE.wt Point
    Crater _CRATER.wt Point
    Shoreline of river, lake, sea, or reservoir _LINE_GEOGRAPHY.wl Line
    Complex classes Tectonic deformation zone _TECOZONE.wp Area
    Alteration zone (section) _ALTERATION_POLYGON.wp Area
    Metamorphic facies zone _METAMOR_FACIES.wp Area
    Volcanic facies zone _VOLCA_FACIES. wp Area
    Mineralized zone MINERAL_ZONE. wp Area
    Standard map frame (inner map frame) _MAP_FRAME.wl Line
    J51E015004 (Daxindian map sheet) Object
    Petrostratigraphic unit of sedimentary (volcanic) rocks _STRATA ACCESS
    Chronologic unit of intrusions _INTRU_LITHO_CHRONO ACCESS
    Petrostratigraphic unit of metamorphic rocks _METAMORPHIC ACCESS
    Special geological body _SPECIAL_GEOBODY ACCESS
    Informal stratigraphic unit INF_STRATA ACCESS
    Dike (section) _DIKE_OBJECT ACCESS
    Planar waters and swamp _WATER_REGION ACCESS
    Basic information of map sheets _SHEET_MAPINFO ACCESS
    Geologic structures inferred from remote sensing Layer of remote sensing anomalies Rsanomaly.wp Area
    Inferred linear structure layer Rslinear.wl Line
    Inferred annular structure layer RSRing.wl Line
    Geophysical data Layer of predicted areas
    with gravity and magnetic anomalies
    Layer of predicted areas
    with gravity and magnetic anomalies
    Geochemical data Layer of stream sediment anomalies ANOMALY_STREAM. wl Line
    Layer of stream sediment anomalies ANOMALY_STREAM. wt Point
    Metallogenic rule and mineral prediction Layer of predicted mineral prospect areas PredictedProspectiveArea.wp Area
    Layer of prospecting target areas TargetArea.wp Area
    Layer of recommended geological work deployment WorkPlan.wp Area
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    Table 3.  Mineral types and scale of the deposits in the Qixia-Muping Area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province

    Mineral type Scale Total
    Large-scale Medium-scale Small-scale Ore occurrence Mineralized point
    Rock gold 22 18 60 87 31 218
    Placer gold 1 2 3
    Ag 1 2 2 5
    Cu 1 1 8 10 20
    Cu–Mo 1 1
    Mo 1 1 2
    Pb 3 3 6
    Pb–Zn 2 2 4
    Cu–Pb–Zn polymetal 1 1 2
    W–Mo 1 1
    Mn 4 4
    Fe 1 4 5
    Garnet 1 1
    Graphite 1 1
    Total 23 23 67 113 47 275
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    Table 4.  List of prospecting target areas in the Qixia-Muping area, Jiaodong Metallogenic Province

    No. Name Location Mineral type Grade
    1 Deep prospecting target area of the Xiayucun gold deposit In the north mount of Xiayu Village, Gaoling Town, 24 km in the southwest of Muping District, Yantai. It belongs to Gaoling Town, Muping District, Yantai administratively Au Grade A
    2 Deep prospecting target area of the Moshan golddeposit About 15 km in the south of Muping District, Yantai. It belongs to Gaoling Town, Muping District administratively. Au Grade A
    3 Peripheral prospecting target area of the Moshan gold deposit About 15 km in the south of Muping District, Yantai. It belongs to Gaoling Town, Muping District administratively. Au Grade A
    4 Deep prospecting target area of the Shuangshantun gold deposit In the east of Shuangshancun Village, which is about 12 km to the southwest of Muping urban area, Yantai. It belongs to Wuling Town and Gaoling Town, Muping District administratively. Au Grade A
    5 Deep prospecting target area of the Xiapangezhuang gold deposit Xiapange Au deposit is located about 15 km to the southwest of Muping urban area. It belongs to Gaoling Town administratively. Au Grade A
    6 Prospecting target area of the the Shangpangezhuang gold deposit Around the south of Shangpangezhuang Village, Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Au Grade A
    7 Deep prospecting target area of the angjiagou gold deposit In the southeast of Tangjiagou Village which is about 18 km to the north of Rushan urban area. It belongs to Wuji Town, Rushan administratively. Au Grade A
    8 Deep prospecting target area of the Xizhigezhuang gold deposit 25 km to the south of Muping urban area. It belongs to Shuidao Town, Muping District administratively Au Grade A
    9 Deep prospecting target area of the Denggezhuang–Jinniushan gold deposit In the south of Xidenggezhuang Village which is 30 km to the south of Muping urban area and Dongdenggezhuang–Jinniushan area. It belongs to Shuidao Town administratively Au Grade A
    10 Deep prospecting target area of the Yinggezhuang gold deposit In the east of Yinggezhuang Village which is about 14 km to the north of Rushan urban area. It belongs to Xiachu Town administratively Au Grade A
    11 Deep prospecting target area of the Fuludi gold deposit In the north of Xidenggezhuang Village which is about 25 km to the south of Muping urban area, Yantai, Shandong. It belongs to Jugezhuang Town, Muping District administratively Au Grade A
    12 Deep prospecting target area of the Jinqingding gold deposit 25 km to the northeast of Rushan City. It belongs to Xiachu Town, Rushan administratively Au Grade A
    13 Deep prospecting target area of the Heilangou gold deposit In Daxindian Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    14 Deep prospecting target area of No. 1 branch of the Qigou gold deposit In Daxindian Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    15 Deep prospecting target area of the Yanshan gold deposit In Daliuxing Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    16 Deep prospecting target area of the Menlou gold deposit In Daliuxing Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    17 Deep prospecting target area of the Qijiagou gold deposit In Daxindian Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    18 Deep prospecting target area of the Xiangkuang lead–zinc deposit In Zangjiazhuang Town, Qixia City, Shandong Province Pb–Zn Grade A
    19 Deep prospecting target area of the Wangjiazhuang copper deposit In Dongting Town, Fushan District, Shandong Province Cu Grade A
    20 Deep prospecting target area of the Xingjiashan molybdennum (tungsten) deposit In Dongting Town, Fushan District, Shandong Province Cu Grade A
    21 Prospecting target area of the Diaolongzui deposit In the west waters of Sanshan Island Au–Pb Grade A
    22 Prospecting target area of the Daliukou gold deposit In Daliukou Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    23 Prospecting target area of the Shangyatou silver–lead polymetallic deposit In Shangyatou Vilage–Hulukuang Vilage area, Qixia City, Shandong Province Ag–Pb Grade A
    24 Prospecting target area of the Dongshanzhuang gold deposit In Zangjiazhuang Town, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade A
    25 Prospecting target area of the Gaojia silver deposit In Zhuangyuan sub-district, Penglai City, Shandong Province Ag Grade A
    26 Prospecting target area of the Furong Island In the south of Pangjiawuzi area, west waters of Furong Island, and the part of the Sanshan Island fault (F3) extending towards southwest Au Grade B
    27 Prospecting target area of the Shuangshan gold deposit At the junction of Zangjiazhuang Town of Qixia City and Cunliji Town of Penglai City Au Grade B
    28 Deep prospecting target area of the Yanjiatuan gold deposit In the south of Yanjiatuan Village and 7 km to the south of Muping urban area, Yantai City. It belongs to Wenhua Sub-district Office, Muping District administratively Au Grade B
    29 Prospecting target area of the Huizhan gold deposit In the north of Huizhan Village, Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    30 Deep prospecting target area of the Dongsanghangbu–Heiniutai gold deposit In Heinitai area which is about 30 km to the southeast of Muping urban area, Yantai City. It belongs to Yulingdian Town, Muping District administratively Au Grade B
    31 Deep prospecting target area of the Xidenggezhuang–Gaogxingshan gold deposit About 20 km to the south of Muping urban area and about 3 km to the northwest of Suidao Town in Yantai City. It belongs to Shuidao Town, Muping District, Yantai City administratively Au Grade B
    32 Deep prospecting target area of the Yulingshan–Chahe gold deposit In the north of Chahe Village which is 32 km to the south of Muping urban area, Yantai City. It belongs to Suidao Town, Muping District administratively. Au Grade B
    33 Prospecting target area of the Guoluozhuang gold deposit Near Guoluozhuang Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    34 Prospecting target area of the Houkuang gold deposit Around Caoan Village–Caokuang Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    35 Prospecting target area of the Panzijian gold deposit Around Panzijian Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    36 Prospecting target area of the Majiayao gold deposit In Majiayao-Anzikuang area, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    37 Prospecting target area of the Tingkuang gold deposit Around Dingkuang Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    38 Prospecting target area of the Shangfanjiagou gold–copper deposit Around Shangfanjiagou Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Cu Grade B
    39 Prospecting target area of the Qujia’ankou gold deposit In Daliuxing Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province Au Grade B
    40 Prospecting target area of the Luojia gold deposit Around Luojia Village, Qixia City, Shandong Province Au Grade C
    41 Prospecting target area of the Zhantuan gold deposit In Zhantuan Village–Lijiaquan Village area, Qixia City Au Grade C
    42 Prospecting target area of the Mayuanshan polymetallic deposit In the Qixia Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province Pb–Zn Grade C
      Notes: Grade A prospecting target areas boast favorable geological conditions. They coincide with existing prospecting prediction models at a high degree, feature nearly definite ore-bearing formations and ore-controlling structures, and display strong, large-scale mineralization-related alteration with apparent zones. Furthermore, there are existing deposits corresponding to these areas, with predicted resources being up to a middle scale or above.
     Grade B prospecting target areas boast less favorable geological conditions. They coincide with existing prospecting prediction models at a less high degree, feature less definite ore-bearing formations and ore-controlling structures, and display strong, small-scale mineralization-related alteration with unapparent zones. There are existing ore occurrences (mineralized points) corresponding to grade B prospecting target areas, with predicted resources being up to a middle scale or above.
     Grade C prospecting target areas boast less favorable geological conditions, featuring indefinite ore-bearing formations and ore-controlling structures and weak alteration, with predicted resources being up to a middle scale or above.
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