中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

甘肃西成铅锌矿田黄渚关幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

贾祥祥, 王树明, 贾儒雅, 夏云, 任志翔. 2020. 甘肃西成铅锌矿田黄渚关幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 139-150. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z211
引用本文: 贾祥祥, 王树明, 贾儒雅, 夏云, 任志翔. 2020. 甘肃西成铅锌矿田黄渚关幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 139-150. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z211
JIA Xiangxiang, WANG Shuming, JIA Ruya, XIA Yun, REN Zhixiang. 2020. 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map Database of the Huangzhuguan Map-sheet in the Xicheng Pb-Zn Orefield, Gansu[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 139-150. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z211
Citation: JIA Xiangxiang, WANG Shuming, JIA Ruya, XIA Yun, REN Zhixiang. 2020. 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map Database of the Huangzhuguan Map-sheet in the Xicheng Pb-Zn Orefield, Gansu[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 139-150. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z211

甘肃西成铅锌矿田黄渚关幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范”(编号:121201004000172201)
    作者简介: 贾祥祥,男,1988年生,工程师,从事地质矿产调查和研究工作;E–mail:

1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map Database of the Huangzhuguan Map-sheet in the Xicheng Pb-Zn Orefield, Gansu

  • Fund Project: China Geological Survey Project “Prospecting Prediction and Technical Application Demonstration in Integrated Exploration Area” (No. 121201004000172201)
More Information
    Author Bio: JIA Xiangxiang, male, born in 1988, engineer, engages in geological and mineral survey and scientific research; E-mail: .
  • 甘肃省黄渚关幅(I47E013015)1∶50 000 矿产地质图根据《矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》(DD 2019—02)和行业的统一标准及要求,充分利用1∶50 000、1∶250 000等区域地质调查工作成果资料,采用数字填图系统进行野外地质专项填图,并应用室内与室外填编图相结合的方法编制完成。本图幅矿产地质图重点对泥盆系西汉水群的建造类型进行了重新划分,建立了泥盆纪成铅锌期3个建造单元,即含铅锌碳酸盐岩建造(D1a1a)、富铅锌碳酸盐岩建造(D1a1c)、贫铅锌千枚岩夹灰岩建造(D1a2);建立了图幅内EW向褶皱–断裂构造系统;突出表达铅锌矿含矿建造及与铅锌矿成矿密切相关的特殊岩性层,辅以岩相古地理略图和构造纲要图,创新表达了喷流沉积阶段及热液改造阶段与铅锌矿成矿有关的地质要素。本数据库包含16个地层单位、5期侵入岩、3期构造相关数据、4个同位素年龄数据、12个岩石全分析数据、30个矿点数据,数据容量约为30.6 MB。这些数据充分反映了1∶50 000矿产地质调查示范性成果,可对其他类似区域提供借鉴作用。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  甘肃西成铅锌矿田大地构造位置

    图 2  厂坝铅锌矿床成矿要素平面图

    图 3  图幅早泥盆世古地理略图

    Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    Figure 3. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据集(库)名称 甘肃省黄渚关幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库
    数据集(库)作者 沉积岩类:贾祥祥,甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局第一地质矿产勘查院
    数据时间范围 2016—2018年
    地理区域 东经105°30′00″~105°45′00″,北纬33°50′00″~34°00′00″
    数据格式 *.wl,*.wt,*.wp
    数据量 30.6 MB
    基金项目 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范”(编号:121201004000172201)
    语种 中文
    数据集(库)组成 数据库包括:1∶50 000地质图库、角图和整饰。地质图库包括沉积岩、岩浆岩、变质岩、第四系、脉岩、构造、地质界线、产状、矿床(点)、蚀变、岩性花纹、各类代号等。角图包括沉积岩建造、侵入岩建造、脉岩、构造,典型矿床(区)平面图、重要勘探线剖面图、地质剖面图及构造纲要图、岩相古地理图等,以及矿产图例、矿产地名录、矿化蚀变图例、成矿区(带)位置图;整饰部分包括接图表、中国地质调查局局徽、图名、比例尺、坐标参数、责任表等
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    表 2  甘肃西成铅锌矿田黄渚关幅矿产地信息简表

    序号 矿产地名称 规模 成因类型 主要含矿
    1 甘肃省成县爷殿山铁矿 矿化点 热液型 砂岩建造
    2 甘肃省成县庙沟铅锌矿 矿化点 喷流沉积型 大理岩建造
    3 甘肃省西和县漩潭沟铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 千枚岩建造
    4 甘肃省成县厂坝北铅锌(铜)矿 矿化点 热液型 大理岩建造 Cu 244 kg
    5 甘肃省成县清水沟外围铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 片岩建造 Pb+Zn 165 913 t
    6 甘肃省成县挖泉山大理岩矿 大型 区域变质 大理岩建造
    7 甘肃省成县厂坝铅锌矿 特大型 喷流沉积型 硅钙面 Pb 586 910 t;
    Zn 2 807 870 t
    8 甘肃省成县厂坝白云岩矿 大型 区域变质 白云岩建造
    9 甘肃省成县清水沟钨矿 矿化点 热液型 砂岩建造
    10 甘肃省成县二郎对长沟金矿 矿点 蚀变岩型 砂岩建造
    11 甘肃省成县二郎对长沟铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造
    12 甘肃省成县李家沟铅锌矿 特大型 喷流沉积型 片岩建造
    13 甘肃省成县向阳山西铅锌矿 中型 喷流沉积型 片岩建造 Pb+Zn 2 414.9 t
    14 甘肃省成县徐明山铅锌矿 矿化点 喷流沉积型 大理岩建造 Pb 4 789 t; Zn 42 852 t
    15 甘肃省成县二郎对长沟铁矿 矿化点 热液型 硅钙面
    16 甘肃省成县老硐上铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 白云岩建造 Pb+Zn 105 304.9 t
    17 甘肃省成县向阳山铅锌矿 中型 喷流沉积型 硅钙面 Pb+Zn 208 809 t
    18 甘肃省成县大沙湾铜矿 矿化点 热液型 片岩建造
    19 甘肃省成县官子沟铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 大理岩建造 Pb 106.7 t; Zn 719.2 t
    20 甘肃省成县小沟里金矿 中型 热液型 千枚岩建造 Au 7 696.72 kg
    21 甘肃省成县空子沟铅锌矿 矿化点 喷流沉积型 千枚岩建造 Pb+Zn 2 778.34 t
    22 甘肃省成县冉家河铅锌矿 矿化点 喷流沉积型 千枚岩建造
    23 甘肃省成县甘沟铅锌多金属矿 中型 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造 Pb 6 518.6 t;
    Zn 54 958.4 t
    24 甘肃省成县小沟里铅锌矿 矿化点 喷流沉积型 千枚岩建造
    25 甘肃省成县马门下大理岩矿 大型 区域变质 大理岩建造
    26 甘肃省成县熊家河铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造 Pb 1 763 t; Zn 8 818 t
    27 甘肃省成县毕家山铅锌(铜)矿 大型 喷流沉积型 硅钙面 Pb 9 322.89 t;
    Zn 39 748.87 t
    28 甘肃省成县甘蔗沟铅锌多金属矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造 Pb+Zn 25 160.06 t; Ag 7 085.73 t
    29 甘肃省成县三架山铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造
    30 甘肃省成县陈家庄铅锌矿 矿点 喷流沉积型 碳酸盐岩建造
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    表 3  沉积岩建造一览表

    岩石地层单位 建造单元特征
    代号 建造类型 厚度/m 岩石组合
    新近系 甘肃群 N1G 砾岩建造 695 红色块状砾岩、砂砾岩、黏土质粉砂岩、黏土岩
    白垩系 鸡山组 K1js 陆相碎屑岩建造 1202 杂色泥岩、粉砂岩夹紫红色砂岩、砾岩,炭质泥岩夹劣质煤层
    三叠系 光盖山组 上段 T1gg2 碳酸盐岩夹砂岩建造 789 灰–深灰色薄层状灰岩夹薄层状钙质细砂岩、钙质粉砂岩、钙质板岩,偶见砾屑灰岩夹层
    下段 T1gg1 碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩建造 124 岩屑(石英)砂岩、钙质砂岩、钙质粉砂岩、钙质板岩夹薄层灰岩、角砾状灰岩、灰质砾岩透镜体
    泥盆系 上统 西汉水群 双狼沟组 上段 D3sl2 粉砂岩与砂岩互层夹灰岩建造 223. 长石石英细砂岩、粉砂岩、钙质砂岩夹薄层结晶、灰岩、泥灰岩
    下段 D3sl1 千枚岩与板岩互层夹灰岩建造 267.9 绢云千枚岩、千枚岩、绢云板岩、板岩、钙质粉砂质板岩
    中统 红岭山组 D2–3hl 生物泥晶灰岩夹礁灰岩 476 生屑灰岩、条带状泥晶灰岩、泥质条带灰岩、生屑泥晶灰岩,局部夹礁灰岩碎块、礁灰岩条带
    黄家沟组 上段 D2h2 板岩夹千枚岩建造 454.4 下部为绿泥石千枚岩夹薄层微晶灰岩生物灰岩透镜体,上部为千枚状板岩夹千枚岩
    下段 D2h1 砂岩建造 350.7 薄层状长石石英砂岩、变长石砂岩
    下统 安家岔组 上段 焦沟层 D1a2 贫铅锌千枚岩夹灰岩
    434.2 下部为中层状细晶灰岩与绢云千枚岩互层,中部为中层状结晶灰岩、条带状细晶灰岩,上部为绢云绿泥千枚岩夹结晶灰岩、薄层状泥晶灰岩、中层条带状结晶灰岩 在厂坝一带受热变质作用相变为石英片岩夹大理岩化灰岩、大理岩透镜体
    下段 厂坝层 D1a1c 富铅锌碳酸盐岩建造 908.2 薄层状条带状细晶灰岩、薄层条带状灰岩、大理岩化灰岩、中厚层状含炭质灰岩 在厂坝一带受热变质作用相变为,下部二云石英片岩、二云片岩、方解石石英片岩等;上部为石英岩夹大理岩
    D1a1b 砂岩建造 191.2 中厚层状–块状长石石英砂岩、石英千
    D1a1a 含铅锌碳酸盐岩建造 360 绢云千枚岩夹礁灰岩、礁灰岩碎块、骨架灰岩
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    表 4  侵入岩建造一览表

    时代 建造单元特征
    岩体名称 代号 建造类型 岩性特征 年龄/Ma
    中生代 三叠纪 晚三叠世 厂坝岩体 ηγT 黑云母二长花岗岩建造 灰白色中–粗粒黑云母二长花岗岩 184~196(K–Ar)
    榆树坝岩体 ηοT 闪长岩建造 细粒石英二长岩、中细粒石英二长闪长岩 217±4(锆石U–Pb)
    黄渚关—沿川子岩体 ηδοT 辉长岩建造 紫苏辉长岩 184~222(K–Ar)
    严家河岩体 γδμT 花岗闪长玢岩建造 灰白色花岗闪长玢岩
    挖泉山岩体 ψδT 辉石闪长岩
    深绿色辉石闪长岩 195.5(K–Ar)
    晚古生代 泥盆纪 双碌碡岩体 ΣPz1 超基性岩建造 暗绿色超基性岩
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Items Description
    Database (Dataset) name 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map Database of the Huangzhuguan Map-sheet, Gansu
    Database (Dataset) authors Sedimentary rocks: Jia Xiangxiang, The First Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Magmatic rocks: Wang Shuming, The First Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Metamorphic rocks: Jia Xiangxiang, The First Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Geological structures: Jia Ruya, Development and Research of China Geological Survey; Mineral Exploration Technical Guidance Center, Ministry of Natural Resources
    Data acquisition time 2016–2018
    Geographic area 105°30′00″–105°45′00″E, 33°50′00″–34°00′00″N
    Data format *.wl, *.wt, *.wp
    Data size 30.6 MB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project China Geological Survey Project “Prospecting Prediction and Technical Application Demonstration in Integrated Exploration Area” (No.: 121201004000172201)
    Language Chinese
    Database (Dataset) composition The database includes a 1∶50 000 geological map library, corner maps and finishing. The geological map library includes sedimentary rocks, magmatic rocks, metamorphic rocks, Quaternary, dykes, structures, geological boundaries, attitudes, ore deposits (spots), alterations, lithologic patterns, and various codes. The corner map includes sedimentary rock formations, intrusive rock formations, dykes, structures, typical ore deposit plane map, profile map of important exploration lines, geological profile map, and tectonic outline map, lithofacies paleogeographic sketch map, as well as mineral legend, mineral deposit directory, mineralization alteration legend, and metallogenic zone location map. The finishing part includes the index map, China Geological Survey emblem, map name, scale, coordinate parameters, and duty table
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    Table 2.  List of the mineral deposits occurred in the Huangzhuguang Map-sheet area, Xicheng lead-zinc orefield, Gansu

    No. Mineral deposit name Size Origin type Main ore-forming formation-structure Estimated resources
    1 Yedianshan iron deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Hydrothermal type Sandstone formation
    2 Miaogou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Exhalative sedimentary type Marble formation
    3 Xuantangou lead-zincdeposit, Xihe County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Phyllite formation
    4 North Changba lead-zinc (copper) deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Hydrothermal type Marble formation Cu 244 kg
    5 Qingshuigou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Schist formation Pb+Zn 165 913 t
    6 Waquanshan marble deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Large Regional metamorphic type Marble formation
    7 Changba lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Super-large Exhalative sedimentary type Si-Ca interface (interface between the pluton and carbonate rock) Pb 586 910 t;
    Zn 2 807 870 t
    8 Changba dolomite deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Large Regional metamorphic type Dolomite formation
    9 Qingshuigou tungsten deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Hydrothermal type Sandstone formation
    10 Erlangduichanggou gold deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Altered rock type Sandstone formation
    11 Erlangduichanggou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock formation
    12 Lijiagou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Super-large Exhalative sedimentary type Schist formation
    13 West Xiangyangshan lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Medium Exhalative sedimentary type Schist formation Pb+Zn 2 414.9 t
    14 Xumingshan lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Exhalative sedimentary type Marble formation Pb 4 789 t; Zn 42 852 t
    15 Erlangduichanggou iron deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Hydrothermal type Si-Ca interface (interface between the pluton and carbonate rock)
    16 Laodongshang lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Dolomite formation Pb+Zn 105 304.9 t
    17 Xiangyangshan lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Medium Exhalative sedimentary type Si-Ca interface (interface between the pluton and carbonate rock) Pb+Zn 208 809 t
    18 Dashawan copper deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Hydrothermal type Schist formation
    19 Guanzigou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Marble formation Pb 106.7 t; Zn 719.2 t
    20 Xiaogouli gold deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Medium Hydrothermal type Phyllite formation Au 7 696.72 kg
    21 Kongzigou lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Exhalative sedimentary type Phyllite formation Pb+Zn 2 778.34 t
    22 Ranjiahe lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Exhalative sedimentary type Phyllite formation
    23 Gangou lead-zinc plymetallic deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Medium Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock formation Pb 6 518.6 t; Zn 54 958.4 t
    24 Xiaogouli lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Mineralized spot Exhalative sedimentary type Phyllite formation
    25 Mamenxia marble deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Large Regional metamorphic type Marble formation
    26 Xiongjiahe lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock formation Pb 1 763 t; Zn 8 818 t
    27 Bijiashan lead-zinc (copper) deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Large Exhalative sedimentary type Si-Ca interface (interface between the pluton and carbonate rock) Pb 9 322.89 t; Zn 39 748.87 t
    28 Ganzhegou lead-zinc polymetallic deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock Pb+Zn 25 160.06 t;
    Ag 7 085.73 t
    29 Sanjiashan lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock formation
    30 Chenjiazhuang lead-zinc deposit, Chengxian County, Gansu Ore occurrence Exhalative sedimentary type Carbonate rock formation
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    Table 3.  List of sedimentary rock formations

    Lithostratigraphic Unit Characteristics of Formation Unit
    System Series Group Formation Member Code Formation Type Thickness/m Rock Combination
    Neogene Gansu Group N1G Conglomerate formation 695 Red massive conglomerate, gritstone, clayey siltstone, claystone
    Cretaceous Jishan Formation K1js Continental clastic rock formation 1202 Particolored mudstone, siltstone with purplish red sandstone, conglomerate, carbonaceous mudstone with dirt coal seam
    Triassic Guanggaishan Formation Upper T1gg2 Carbonate rock with sandstone formation 789 Gray to dark gray thin stratiform limestone with thin stratiform calcareous fine sandstone, carbonaceous siltstone, calcareous slate, occasionally with calcirudyte interbeds
    Lower T1gg1 Clastic rock with carbonate rock formation 124 Lithic (quartz) sandstone, calcareous sandstone, carbonaceous siltstone, calcareous slate with thin limestone, brecciated limestone, calcareous conglomerate lenses
    Devonian Upper Xihanshui Group Shuanglanggou Formation Upper D3sl2 Siltstone-sandstone interlayer with limestone formation 223. Feldspar quartz fine sandstone, siltstone, calcareous sandstone with thin crystals, limestone, marlite
    Lower D3sl1 Phyllite-slate interlayer with limestone formation 267.9 Sericite phyllite, phyllite, sericite slate, slate, calcareous silty slate
    Middle Honglingshan Formation D2–3hl Biomicrite with reef limestone formation 476 Bioclastic limestone, banded micrite, argillaceous banded limestone, bioclastic micrite, with local reef fragment limestone, reef limestone bands
    Huangjiagou Formation Upper D2h2 Slate with phyllite formation 454.4 The lower part consists of chlorite phyllite with thin micrite biolithite lenses; the upper part consists of phyllitic slate with phyllite
    Lower D2h1 Sandstone formation 350.7 Thin stratiform feldspar quartz sandstone, meta-feldspar sandstone
    Lower Anjiacha Formation Upper Jiaogou layer D1a2 Pb-Zn-poor phyllite with limestone formation 434.2 The lower part consists of medium-thick stratiform micrite-sericite phyllite interlayer; the middle part consists of medium-thick stratiform crystalline limestone, banded micrite; the upper part consists of sericite chlorite with crystalline limestone, thin stratiform micrite, medium-thick stratiform banded crystalline limestone In and around Changba, the lithology changes to quartz schist with marblized limestone, marble lenses as a result of thermal metamorphosis.
    Lower Changba layer D1a1c Pb-Zn-rich carbonate rock formation 908.2 Thin stratiform banded fine-grained limestone, thin banded limestone, marblized limestone, medium-thick stratiform carbonaceous limestone In and around Changba, the lithology changes to two-mica quartz schist, two-mica schist, calcite quartz schist in the lower part, and quartzite with marble in the upper part, as a result of thermal metamorphosis.
    D1a1b Sandstone formation 191.2 Medium-thick stratiform to massive feldspar quartz sandstone, quartz phyllite In and around Changba, the lithology changes to quartz schist, biotite quartz schist as a result of thermal metamorphosis
    D1a1a Pb-Zn-bearing carbonate rock formation 360 Sericite phyllite with reef limestone, reef fragment limestone, skeleton limestone
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    Table 4.  List of intrusive rock formations

    Time Characteristics of Formation Unit
    Era Period Epoch Rock Body Name Code Formation Type Lithology Age/Ma
    Mesozoic Triassic Late Triassic Changba rock body ηγT Biotite monzonitic granite formation Grayish white medium to coarse-grained biotite monzonitic granite 184–196 (K–Ar)
    Yushuba rock body ηοT Diorite formation Fine-grained quartz monzonite, medium-fine-grained quartz monzonite diorite 217±4 (Zircon U–Pb)
    Huangzhuguan–Yangchuanzi rock body ηδοT Gabbro formation Hypersthene gabbro 184–222 (K–Ar)
    Yanjiahe rock body γδμT Granite diorite porphyrite formation Grayish white granite diorite porphyrite
    Waquanshan rock body ψδT Pyroxene diorite formation Dark green pyroxene diorite 195.5 (K–Ar)
    Late Paleozoic Devonian Shuangliuzhou rock body ΣPz1 Ultramafic rock formation Dark green ultramafic rock
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