中国地质调查局 中国地质科学院主办

甘肃岷县寨上—马坞金矿锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

邓辉, 赵得龙. 2020. 甘肃岷县寨上—马坞金矿锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 151-160. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z212
引用本文: 邓辉, 赵得龙. 2020. 甘肃岷县寨上—马坞金矿锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库[J]. 中国地质, 47(S2): 151-160. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z212
DENG Hui, ZHAO Delong. 2020. Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of the Suolong Map-sheet in Zhaishang–Mawu Gold Deposit, Minxian County, Gansu Province[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 151-160. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z212
Citation: DENG Hui, ZHAO Delong. 2020. Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of the Suolong Map-sheet in Zhaishang–Mawu Gold Deposit, Minxian County, Gansu Province[J]. Geology in China, 47(S2): 151-160. doi: 10.12029/gc2020Z212

甘肃岷县寨上—马坞金矿锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库

  • 基金项目: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范” (项目编号:121201004000150017-32)资助
    作者简介: 邓辉,男,1981年生,学士,工程师,主要从事地质勘查工作;E–mail:

Database of 1∶50 000 Mineral Geological Map of the Suolong Map-sheet in Zhaishang–Mawu Gold Deposit, Minxian County, Gansu Province

  • Fund Project: China Geological Survey Project entitled “Integrated Exploration Area Prospecting Prediction and Technology Application Demonstration” (Project No.: 121201004000150017-32)
More Information
    Author Bio: DENG Hui, male, born in 1981, bachelor degree, engineer, mainly engages in geological exploration; E-mail: .
  • 甘肃省岷县寨上—马坞金矿锁龙幅 (I48E010011)1∶50 000矿产地质图是根据《固体矿产地质调查技术要求(1∶50 000)》和行业的统一标准及要求,在充分利用1∶50 000区域地质调查、区域矿产调查等工作成果资料的基础上,采用数字填图系统进行野外地质专项填图,并应用室内与室外填编图相结合的方法完成的。本图对前泥盆系吴家山组、泥盆系大草滩组、石炭系巴都组、二叠系十里墩组的沉积建造类型进行了重新划分,并把图幅内侵入岩时代归纳为晚三叠纪、早二叠纪2期,建立了岩浆岩的演化序列。图幅内金成矿与二叠纪地层关系密切,大多矿床(点)产于十里墩组裂隙较为发育的碎屑岩中。本数据库包含7个地层单位和2期岩浆岩资料,光薄片212件,化学样192件,基岩光谱486件,土壤样2793件,Ar/Ar测年2件,流体包裹体测温8件,岩石化学分析样15件,调查区内发现金矿体3条、矿化点1处,估算(334)金金属量5.32 t。数据量约17.4 MB,充分反映了1∶50 000矿产地质调查示范性成果,对该区矿产资源研究、能源勘探等具参考意义。

  • 加载中
  • 图 1  甘肃岷县寨上—马坞金矿区域地质图(据李福林等,2015修改)

    图 2  甘肃省南部成矿带划分图(修改自张新虎等,2013余超等,2017)

    Figure 1. 

    Figure 2. 

    表 1  数据库(集)元数据简表

    条目 描述
    数据库(集)名称 甘肃省锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库
    数据库(集)作者 沉积岩类:邓辉,甘肃省地矿局第二地质矿产勘查院
    数据时间范围 2016—2017年
    地理区域 经纬度:东经104°30′~104°45′,北纬34°20′~34°30′
    数据格式 *.wl, *.wt, *.wp
    数据量 17.4 MB

    中国地质调查局地质调查项目“整装勘查区找矿预测与技术应用示范” (项目编号:121201004000150017-32)资助
    数据库(集)组成 锁龙幅1∶50 000矿产地质图数据库包括1∶50 000地质图库、角图和整饰。地质图库包括沉积岩、岩浆岩、变质岩、第四系、构造、地质界线、产状、矿床(点)、蚀变、岩性花纹、各类代号等。角图部分包括沉积岩建造、侵入岩建造、变质岩建造、脉岩、构造、图切剖面图、典型矿床(区)平面图、重要勘探线剖面图、地质剖面图及创新性角图、矿产图例、矿产地名录、矿化蚀变图例、成矿区(带)位置图。整饰部分包括接图表、中国地质调查局局徽、图名、比例尺、坐标参数、责任签等
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    表 2  锁龙幅矿产地质图沉积岩建造数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 图幅号 Mapcode 字串符 I48E010011
    2 岩性名称 Litho 字串符 土黄—黄褐色石英砂岩,黄褐色泥质板岩
    3 地层代号 Strapha 字串符 P1sl1qu
    4 时代 Geoname 字串符 二叠系下统十里墩组下段
    5 地质体代码 Type_Code 字串符 YSAC2
    6 符号代码 Sign_Code 字串符 0404
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    表 3  锁龙幅矿产地质图侵入岩建造数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 图幅号 Mapcode 字串符 I48E010011
    2 岩性名称 Litho 字串符 中细粒含斑黑云二长花岗岩
    3 地质代号 Strapha 字串符 TLηγβ
    4 时代 Geoname 字串符 中生代三叠纪
    5 地质体代码 Type_Code 字串符 YSAC1
    6 符号代码 Sign_Code 字串符 0401
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    表 4  锁龙幅矿产地质图变质岩建造数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 图幅号 Mapcode 字串符 I48E010011
    2 岩性名称 Litho 字串符 灰黑—灰色板岩
    3 地层代号 Strapha 字串符 P1sl1sl
    4 时代 Geoname 字串符 二叠系下统十里墩组下段
    5 地质体代码 Type_Code 字串符 YSAC2
    6 符号代码 Sign_Code 字串符 0404
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    表 5  锁龙幅矿产地质图断裂构造数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 图幅号 Mapcode 字串符 I48E010011
    2 断层编号 Line_Code 字串符 F25
    3 右侧填图单位 Right_Body 字串符 P1sl1ssl
    4 左侧填图单位 Left_Body 字串符 P1sl1ssl
    5 断层性质 Type 字串符 正断层
    6 断层走向/° Trend 字串符 61
    7 断层倾向/° Dip 字串符 151
    8 断层面倾角/° Dip_Ang 字串符 80
    9 接触关系 Relation 字串符 断层接触
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    表 6  锁龙幅矿产地质图产状数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 路线号 Routecode 字串符 L5001
    2 地质点号 Geopoint 字串符 D5003
    3 产状类型名称 Type 字串符 层理
    4 产状走向/° Trend 字串符 80
    5 产状倾向/° Dip 字串符 350
    6 产状倾角/° Dip_Ang 字串符 75
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    表 7  锁龙幅矿产地质图矿产地数据属性表

    序号 数据项名称 标准编码 数据类型 实例
    1 矿种名称 Commodities_Name 字串符 Au
    2 矿产地数 Ore_Sums 整数型 1
    3 矿石品位 Ore_Grade 字串符 Au 1.44 g/t
    4 规模 Deposite_Size 字串符 中型矿床
    5 成矿时代 Metallogenetic_Epoch 字串符 三叠纪
    6 矿产地名 Placename 字串符 锁龙金矿
    7 矿化类型 Genesis_Types 字串符 中低温热液型
    8 成因类型 Industrial_Types 字串符 构造蚀变岩型
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    表 8  早泥盆世—晚二叠世陆表海盆地构造演化阶段岩石地层单位

    年代地层 岩石地层单位 地层代号 岩石组合特征
    二叠系 上统 大关山组 下段 P2dg1 (sl+mls) 黄褐色粉砂质板岩与青灰色微晶灰岩互层,偶见浅黄色泥质板岩、灰色结晶灰岩
    P2dg1ss 灰白色含砾石英砂岩、砂砾岩
    P2dg1qu 黄褐色石英砂岩,偶见浅灰色石英细砂岩
    下统 十里墩组 上段 P1sl2ssl 粉砂质板岩
    P1sl2sl 泥质板岩、硅质板岩,偶夹薄层微晶灰岩
    下段 P1sl1qu 土黄—黄褐色石英砂岩,偶见黄褐色泥质板岩
    P1sl1ds 灰色岩屑石英砂岩,偶夹灰白色石英砂岩
    P1sl1ssl 黑色粉砂质板岩,该层是构造蚀变岩型金矿主要的赋矿岩性层
    P1sl1 (ds+sl) 灰白—灰黑色岩屑石英砂岩与灰黑色板岩互层,该层是构造蚀变岩型金矿主要的赋矿岩性层
    P1sl1sl 灰黑—灰色板岩
    石炭系 上统 下加岭组 上段 C2x2ls 砂屑灰岩、含生物碎屑砂屑灰岩夹泥灰岩、含炭质板岩组成的韵律层
    下段 C2x1st 褐灰色钙质岩屑砂岩、钙质粉砂岩、石英砂岩
    下统 巴都组 C1b (ss+sl) 深灰色中层长石石英砂岩、石英砂岩、粉砂质板岩等
    泥盆系 上统 大草滩组 上岩段 D3d2st 紫红色中薄层状粉砂岩、泥岩夹灰绿色中层状含细砾长石石英砂岩、石英砂岩互层
    下岩段 D3d1fq 灰绿色中厚层状长石石英砂岩、粉砂岩夹紫红色粉砂质泥岩或泥岩互层
    下统 黄家沟组 二段 D1h2qu 灰白色中厚层状石英砂岩建造
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    Table 1.  Metadata Table of Database (Dataset)

    Item Description
    Database (dataset) name 1∶50 000 Mineral Geologic Map of the Suolong Map-sheet, Gansu Province
    Database (dataset) authors Sedimentary rocks: Deng Hui, The Second Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Metamorphic rocks: Deng Hui, The Second Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Intrusive rocks: Zhao Delong, The Second Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Provincial Geology and Mineral Bureau
    Data acquisition time 2016–2017
    Geographical area 104°30′−104°45′E; 34°20′−34°30′N
    Data formats *.wl, *.wt, *.wp
    Data size 17.4 MB
    Data service system URL
    Fund project The project titled Prospecting Prediction and Technological Application Demonstration of Integrated Exploration Areas (No.: 121201004000150017-32) initiated by the China Geological Survey
    Language Chinese
    Database (dataset) composition The mineral geological map database of the Suolong Map-sheet consists of a map library, corner maps, and map decorations. The map library covers sedimentary rocks, magmatic rocks, metamorphic rocks, the Quaternary, structures, geologic boundaries, attitude, deposits (ore occurrences), alternation, lithologic patterns, and various geologic codes. The corner maps involve the sedimentary rock suites, intrusion suites, metamorphic rock suites; vein rocks, structures, cross-sections, plans of typical deposits (mining areas), major exploration line sections, geological sections, innovative corner maps, mineral legends, deposit list, mineralized alternation legends, and the map of metallogenic zone/belt locations. The map decorations include an index map, the logo of the China Geological Survey, map name, scale, coordinate parameters, and signatures
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    Table 2.  Data attributes of sedimentary rock suites on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Map-sheet no. Mapcode string I48E010011
    2 Lithologic name Litho string Earth yellow−yellowish brown quartz sandstone, and yellowish brown argillaceous slate
    3 Stratigraphic code Strapha string P1sl1qu
    4 Era Geoname string Lower member of Lower Permian Shilidun Formation
    5 Geologic block code Type_Code string YSAC2
    6 Symbol code Sign_Code string 0404
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    Table 3.  Data attributes of intrusive rock suites on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Map-sheet no. Mapcode string I48E010011
    2 Lithologic name Litho string Medium-fine grained porphyritic biotite monzonitic adamellite
    3 Stratigraphic code Strapha string TLηγβ
    4 Era Geoname string Triassic (Mesozoic)
    5 Geologic block code Type_Code string YSAC1
    6 Symbol code Sign_Code string 0401
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    Table 4.  Data attributes of metamorphic rock suites on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    S. No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Map-sheet no. Mapcode string I48E010011
    2 Lithologic name Litho string Greyish black – gray slate
    3 Stratigraphic code Strapha string P1sl1sl
    4 Era Geoname string Lower member of Lower Permian Shilidun Formation
    5 Geologic block code Type_Code string YSAC2
    6 Symbol code Sign_Code string 0404
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    Table 5.  Data attributes of fault structures on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    S. No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Map-sheet no. Mapcode string I48E010011
    2 Fault no. Line_Code string F25
    3 Mapping units of the right side Right_Body string P1sl1ssl
    4 Mapping units of the left side Left_Body string P1sl1ssl
    5 Fault nature Type string Normal fault
    6 Fault strike /° Trend string 61
    7 Fault dip /° Dip string 151
    8 Dip angel of fault surface/° Dip_Ang string 80
    9 Contact relationship Relation string Fault contact
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    Table 6.  Data attributes of attitude on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    S. No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Route no. Routecode string L5001
    2 Geological point no. Geopoint string D5003
    3 Attitude type name Type string Bedding
    4 Attitude strike/° Trend string 80
    5 Attitude dip/° Dip string 350
    6 Attitude dip angle/° Dip_Ang string 75
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    Table 7.  Data attributes of mineral deposits on the 1∶50 000 mineral geological map of Suolong Map-sheet

    S. No. Data item Standard code Data type Example
    1 Mineral type name Commodities_Name string Au
    2 Mineral deposit sum Ore_Sums int 1
    3 Ore grades Ore_Grade string Au 1.44 g/t
    4 Scale Deposite_Size string Medium-sized deposit
    5 Metallogenic epochs Metallogenetic_Epoch string Triassic
    6 Deposit name Placename string Suolong gold deposit
    7 Mineralization types Genesis_Types string Medium-low temperature hydrothermal type
    8 Genetic types Industrial_Types string Tectonic altered rock type
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    Table 8.  Lithostratigraphic units in the tectonic evolutionary stage of epicontinental-sea basins from Early Devonian to Late Permian

    Epoch Lithostratigraphic unit Stratum code Rock association
    Permian Upper Daguanshan Formation Lower member P2dg1 (sl+mls) Alternating layers consisting of yellowish brown silty slate and caesious micrite, with light-yellow argillaceous slate and gray crystalline limestone occasionally visible
    P2dg1ss Hoary gravel-bearing quartz sandstone and sandy conglomerate
    P2dg1qu Yellowish brown quartz sandstone, with light gray fine-grained quartz sandstone occasionally visible
    Lower Shilidun Formation Upper member P1sl2ssl Silty slate
    P1sl2sl Argillaceous and siliceous slate, occasionally interbedded with thin laminated microcrystalline limestone
    Lower member P1sl1qu Earth yellow–yellowish brown quartz sandstone, with yellowish brown argillaceous slate occasionally visible
    P1sl1ds Gray lithic quartz sandstone, occasionally interbedded with grayish-white quartz sandstone
    P1sl1ssl Black silty slate, serving as the main ore-hosting lithologic layers of tectonic altered rock type of gold deposits
    P1sl1 (ds+sl) Alternating layers consisting of grayish-white–grayish-black lithic quartz sandstone and grayish-black slate, serving as the main ore-hosting lithologic layers of tectonic altered rock type of gold deposits
    P1sl1sl Grayish-black−gray slate
    Carboniferous Upper Xiajialing Formation Upper member C2x2ls Rhythmites composed of calcarenite and bioclastic calcarenite interbedded with marl and carbonaceous slate
    Lower member C2x1st Brownish-gray calcareous lithic sandstone, calcareous siltstone, and quartz sandstone
    Lower Badu Formation C1b (ss+sl) Dark gray medium laminated feldspar-quartz sandstone, quartz sandstone, silty slate, etc.
    Devonian Upper Dacaotan Formation Upper member D3d2st Amaranthine medium-thin laminated siltstone and mudstone interbedded with grayish-green medium laminated alternating layers consisting of quartz sandstone and feldspar-quartz sandstone bearing fine gravel
    Lower member D3d1fq Mainly grayish-green medium-thick laminated feldspar-quartz sandstone and siltstone, interbedded with alternating layers consisting of amaranthine silty mudstone or mudstone
    Lower Huangjiagou Formation Second member D1h2qu A grayish-white medium-thick laminated quartz sandstone suite
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收稿日期:  2020-05-06
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