The application of the distributive fluvial system in the South Xihu depression, East China Sea and its indication of oil and gas potential
本文以西湖凹陷南部地区为例,首次将分支河流体系(Distributive Fluvial System)研究思路应用到东海盆地沉积体系的研究中来。通过总结大型分支河流体系形成条件,与国外案例类比认为西湖凹陷南部近物源,构造稳定,存在大型盆山体系,具备发育大型分支河流体系条件;在此基础上根据花港组岩心、古生物特征对分支河道类型进行了划分,认为分支河道类型以陆上环境下的分汊状辫状河道和单辫状河道为主,不同类型的河道均具备发育厚层砂体的潜能;结合古地形和沉积体系平面特征,对分支河流体系展布模式的研究结果表明,区域花港组时期发育两套分支河流体系,展布型式为自西斜坡分别至东北、东南向发散,分支河流体系末梢属于“轴向终止”型,且西湖凹陷轴向限制型河流与南部“分支河流体系”汇聚地带具有油气藏勘探潜力。
Abstract:Taking the South Xihu depression as a study case, the authors applies the research idea of distributive fluvial system (DFS) to the study of the sedimentary system of the East China Sea Basin. By summarizing the forming conditions of large DFS, it is concluded that the south Xihu depression is near the source and under stable tectonic condition, and there also exists large basin and mountain systems, which is favorable for forming large DFS. Based on the characteristics of the core and paleontology of Huagang Formation, the author divided branch channels into some types, and indicated that the main types of FS are braided bifurcating and single braided channels. Different types of channels have the potential for developing thick sand bodies. Combined with the features of the paleotopography and sedimentary system distribution, the study of the patterns of DFS distribution shows that the study area has developed two sets of DFS, which are distributed respectively from western slope to the northeast and southeast. The DFS end belongs to "the axial end" type, suggesting that the axial limited rivers of Xihu depression and DFS has formed a convergence zone with reservoir exploration potential.
图 9 分支河流体系河道发育模式(吴崇筠和薛叔浩,1993)
Figure 9.
表 1 分支河流体系河道模式类型划分
Table 1. Channel types of distributive fluvial system
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