地热能作为一种零碳、清洁能源,其开发利用对于碳中和具有重要价值。2015-2020年,全球新增地热发电约3649 GW,增长约27%;地热直接利用总装机容量增长52.0%。两者之和,所用热能比2015年增长72.3%。全球每年地热直接利用可防止7810万t碳和2.526亿t CO2排放到大气中。世界地热能发展呈现五大趋势:(1)发展非常规地热系统;(2)向海上地热资源开发进军;(3)降低钻探成本与石油热能协同生产;(4)加大浅层地热能的开发利用;(5)加强含水层热能储存技术研发。
Abstract:As a kind of zero carbon and clean energy, the development and utilization of geothermal energy is of great value for carbon neutralization. From 2015 to 2020, the global geothermal power generation increased by about 3649 GW, an increase of about 27%. Total installed capacity of geothermal utilization increased by 52.0%. The sum of the two, the used heat energy increased by 72.3% over 2015. The direct utilization of geothermal energy in the world can prevent 78.1 million tons of carbon and 252.6 million tons of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere every year. The world geothermal energy development presents the following five trends: development of unconventional geothermal system, development of offshore geothermal resources, reduction of drilling cost and cooperation of thermal energy production with petroleum, increase of the development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy, strengthening of the research and development of aquifer thermal energy storage technology.
表 1 2015—2020年世界各国地热发电和能源生产统计
Table 1. Statistics of world geothermal power and energy generation in 2015—2020
表 2 2020年地热发电装机容量最多的10个国家
Table 2. Top 10 countries with the most installed geothermal power capacity in 2020
表 3 2019年全球地热能直接利用数据汇总
Table 3. Summary of global geothermal energy directly-used data by region and continent in 2019
表 4 直接利用地热能(包括地源热泵,按总量和按照人口计算的全球前5个国家)
Table 4. Directly-used geothermal energy (including ground source heat pump, top five countries by total and population)
表 5 直接利用地热能全球排名前5的国家(按单位土地面积和按照增幅最快计算)
Table 5. Top five countries in the world for direct use of geothermal energy (calculated by unit land area and the fastest growth rate)
表 6 不用热泵直接利用地热能/使用热泵装机容量的全球前5个国家
Table 6. Top five countries in the world using geothermal energy without heat pump
表 7 1995—2020年地热直接利用各类用途的兆瓦数汇总
Table 7. Summary of MW for various categories of directly-used geothermal energy in 1995-2020
表 8 1995—2020年地热直接利用各类用途的TJ/a数汇总
Table 8. Summary of TJ/a for various categories of directly-used geothermal energy in 1995-2020
表 9 1995—2020年地热直接利用各类用途的容量因子
Table 9. Summary of capacity factors for various categories of geothermal energy direct-use in 1995-2020
表 10 世界范围内直接利用地热能节约的能源、碳和温室气体,包括冷却模式地源热泵
Table 10. Worldwide saving energy, carbon and greenhouse gases using geothermal energy including geothermal heat pumps in thecooling mode in terms of fuel oil
表 11 地热能直接利用对一些国家经济的重大贡献
Table 11. Significant Contribution of directly-used geothermal energy to a country's economy
表 12 各大洲地热能直接利用的分布情况
Table 12. Distribution of directly-used geothermal energy utilization by continents
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