The role, supply and demand of critical minerals in the clean energy transition under carbon neutrality targets and their recommendations
Abstract:Driven by the goal of "carbon neutrality", it is a general trend for the global energy system to develop towards cleaner, low-carbon or even carbon-free. In response to the demand for the transition to clean energy, the methods of statistical comparison, classified summary and comprehensive analysis are adopted to analyze and study the role and demand of critical minerals in department such as batteries, electricity networks, low-carbon power generation and hydrogen. Combined with the problems, such as high geographical concentration of current critical mineral output, long cycle of project development, and decline in resource quality, that cannot meet the needs of clean energy transition, it is proposed to ensure the diversified supply of key minerals, promote technological innovation in all links of the value chain, scale up recycling, enhance supply chain resilience and market transparency. It is suggested to mainstream higher environmental, social and governance standards into the main process, and strengthen international collaboration between producers and consumers.
图 1 2018年中国部分关键矿产对外依存度(据翟明国等,2021修改)
Figure 1.
图 2 欧盟关键矿产的主要供应国(EU,2020)
Figure 2.
图 3 某些矿产品生产的平均温室气体排放强度与一辆电动汽车和一辆内燃机车在生命周期内的温室气体排放量(IEA,2021)
Figure 3.
图 4 用于某些清洁能源技术的矿产(IEA,2021)
Figure 4.
图 5 到2050年,4DS、B2DS和REmap下能源技术(不含储能)对某些矿产的累积需求量(世界银行,2020)
Figure 5.
图 6 按情景划分的年平均电网扩建和更换需求(IEA,2021)
Figure 6.
图 7 不同情景下电网的铜、铝需求(IEA,2021)
Figure 7.
图 8 按情景划分的清洁能源技术对矿产的需求量(IEA,2021)
Figure 8.
图 9 核电的矿产需求(IEA,2021)
Figure 9.
图 10 可持续发展情景下煤炭和某些能源转型矿产的生产收入(IEA,2021)
Figure 10.
图 11 2019年某些矿产品和化石燃料产量排名前三的生产国所占份额(IEA,2021)
Figure 11.
图 12 可持续发展情景下电动汽车废旧锂离子电池及其储存、回收和再利用量(IEA,2021)
Figure 12.
表 1 关键矿产在清洁能源技术中的重要性(IEA,2021)
Table 1. The importance of critical minerals in clean energy technology(IEA, 2021)
表 2 锂电池、铅酸电池的子技术及用途(据World Bank,2020)
Table 2. Sub-technologies and applications of lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries (from World Bank, 2020)
表 3 关键矿产的应用领域
Table 3. Application fields of critical minerals
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