Land suitability evaluation of agricultural industrial park based on UAV remote sensing in Zhaojue County of Sichuan Province
昭觉县是大凉山腹地的典型彝族聚居县,也是国家级深度贫困县,以传统农业居多,为推动农业发展方式的转变,昭觉县开展了现代农业园建设。笔者通过无人机航测,获取了拟建园区的高分辨率影像,使用面向对象的影像分析软件,快速提取了土地利用现状等信息,结合收集的其他资料,筛选了坡度、坡向、断层、地质灾害、土地利用、灌溉、交通、自然保护区8个评价因子,在GIS的支持下,先开展单因子土地适应性评价,然后进行综合评价。结果显示:拟建园区土地适宜性以适宜性高和适宜性较高等级为主,二者合计2.56 km2、占79.26%,超过3/4,土地适宜性好,适宜建设现代农业产业园,适合建设标准化蔬菜温室大棚和露地蔬菜种植基地,建成后,不但可以为周边地市提供蔬菜供应,还可带动园区周围农户增收,促进周围农户脱贫,发展前景好。小型无人机遥感系统具有机动灵活、成本低的优势,能快速获取小区域、大尺度农业产业园区的基础数据,在西南地区小区域土地适宜性评价中应用效果好。小区域土地的自然环境与社会环境相对单一,许多大区域土地适宜性评价指标并不完全适用,需要根据土地利用的主要目的选择合适的评价指标。
Abstract:Zhaojue County is a typical Yi-inhabited County in the hinterland of Daliang Mountain. It is also a state-level deeply impoverished county with traditional agriculture as the main living means. In order to promote the transformation of agricultural development mode, modern agricultural park has been constructed in Zhaojue County. Through Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) aerial survey, the high-resolution images of the proposed park were obtained, and object-oriented image analysis software was used to quickly extract land use status and other information. Combined with other collected data, eight evaluation factors were selected, including slope, aspect, fault, geological hazard, land use, irrigation, transportation and nature reserve. With the support of Geographic Information System (GIS), the single-factor of land adaptability was evaluated first, and then the comprehensive evaluation was conducted. The results show that the land suitability of the proposed park is much suitable, with the total area of 2.56 km2, accounting for 79.26%, more than 3/4. It is suitable for building a modern agricultural industrial park, standardized vegetable greenhouses, and open field vegetable cultivation base. After construction, it will not only provide vegetable supply to the surrounding cities, but also increase the income of farmers around the park, and promote the poverty alleviation of farmers around the park, showing good development prospects. Small UAV remote sensing system has the advantages of flexibility and low cost. It can quickly obtain the basic data of small area and large-scale agricultural industrial park, and has ideal application effect in land suitability evaluation of small areas in Southwest China. The natural environment and social environment of small area land are relatively single, and many large regional land suitability evaluation indexes are not fully applicable, so it is necessary to select appropriate evaluation indexes according to the main purpose of land use.
表 1 无人机及相机主要技术指标
Table 1. Main technical specifications of UAV and camera
表 2 控制点均方根误差
Table 2. RMSE of ground control points
表 3 检查点均方根误差
Table 3. RMSE of check points
表 4 土地利用类型统计
Table 4. Statistics of land use types
表 5 土地适宜性评价指标
Table 5. Indicators of land suitability evaluation
表 6 土地适宜性统计
Table 6. The area and percentage of each land suitability class
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