Assessment of cadmium accumulation in rice and risk on human health in the northeast Sichuan Province
研究目的 重金属镉主要通过“土壤-植物”系统进入食物链进而影响人体健康,开展农作物镉积累研究对保障人类健康安全具有重要意义。
研究方法 系统采集了四川省东北部南充市、巴中市、广安市等地的土壤及水稻样品,采用ICP-MS方法检测了土壤和水稻中的镉含量,并运用CART决策树和相关系数法进行了数据分析。
研究结果 结果显示,川东北地区表层土壤镉含量相对较低,为0.071~0.92 mg/kg,平均0.254 mg/kg,几乎所有(99.9%)样品镉含量都低于标准限值;水稻(糙米)镉含量差异性较大,为0.002~0.803 mg/kg,平均0.076 mg/kg,超标率达14.0%;水稻镉超标区成人每日通过稻谷摄入的镉达90.4 μg/d,已超过允许摄入量标准60 μg/d。
结论 土壤镉不超标而农作物镉超标的现象可能与土壤的低pH、低CaO、高SiO2等特点有关,这一认识对于指导区域内粮食安全生产具有重要指导意义。
Abstract:This paper is the result of agricultural geochemical survey engineering.
Objective As a heavy metal, cadmium (Cd) mainly enters the food chain through the "soil=plant" system and affects human health. It is great significant to study the accumulation of cadmium in crops to ensure human health and safety.
Methods Soil and rice samples from Nanchong, Bazhong and Guang'an in the northeast Sichuan were collected. The cadmium content in soil and rice was analyzed by ICP=MS, and the data were statistically analyzed by CART decision tree and correlation coefficient methods.
Results The research shows that the cadmium content of the soil in the northeast Sichuan is relatively low, ranging from the safety threshold. In contrast, the cadmium content of the rice (brown rice) varies from 0.002 to 0.803 mg/kg and with an average value of 0.076 mg/kg, 14.0% of which is above the safety threshold. The daily cadmium intake of adults reaches 90.4 μg/d in the region with excessive cadmium in rice, exceeding the permissible cadmium intake of 60 μg/d.
Conclusions The phenomenon that cadmium content does not exceed the safety threshold in soil but it does in rice may be related to the characteristics of low pH, low CaO and high SiO2 of the soil. This recognition is great significance for guiding grain production in this region. 0.071 to 0.92 mg/kg and with an average value of 0.254 mg/kg. The cadmium content of almost all (99.9%) soil samples is below
图 4 土壤氧化物及水稻预测镉超标率与下伏地层相关关系(地层代号参见图 1)
Figure 4.
表 1 研究区土壤镉统计参数(mg/kg)
Table 1. Statistical parameters of soil cadmium in study area (mg/kg)
表 2 典型区水稻镉含量特征(mg/kg)
Table 2. Statistical parameters of rice cadmium in typical area (mg/kg)
表 3 模型区CART分类结果
Table 3. CART classification results in model area
表 4 水稻镉与土壤重要微量元素和氧化物的相关关系
Table 4. Correlation between cadmium in rice and important micro elements and oxides in soil
表 5 研究区镉摄入量估算
Table 5. Estimation of daily cadmium intake in study area
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