Sinoprobe and parameters study on deep karst geothermal reservoir in the Donglihu Area, Tianjin and its exploitable potential analysis
研究目的 天津市地热资源储量丰富、开发利用程度高,蓟县系雾迷山组三、四段白云岩热储是目前的主力开采层位,随着开发强度不断增大,部分地区开采潜力已达极限。探测深部地热资源、增加可开采资源量,成为保障天津地区地热可持续开发的有效途径之一。
研究方法 本次研究以东丽湖为重点研究区,开展深部热储地球物理探测,实施地热科学钻探CGSD-01井。
研究结果 主要结果包括:(1)CGSD-01井在3715m钻遇雾迷山组二段,上覆雾迷山组三段底部发育一套紫红色泥质白云岩夹浅灰色细晶白云岩,厚度约73m,裂隙不发育,具有隔水-弱透水性质;(2)CGSD-01井成井深度4051.68m,孔底温度105℃,单位涌水量1.53m3/h·m,渗透系数0.40m/d,导水系数48.69m2/d;(3)雾迷山组二段地热水类型为Cl·SO4·HCO3-Na型,矿化度1.7g/L,初步推断地热水来源于大气降水,主要发生混合、阳离子交替吸附、碳酸盐岩溶解、硫酸盐还原等作用,且未达到平衡;(4)蓟县系雾迷山组二段单井最大涌水量可达130m3/h,出水温度100℃,单井可满足约30万m2建筑物供暖需求。
结论 在天津地区深部热储第二空间首次探获高产能雾迷山组二段新储层,探明了热储结构和主要参数,显示出良好的资源前景。
Abstract:This paper is the result of geothermal resource survey engineering.
Objective Tianjin is abundant in geothermal resources with high utilization level, and section 4-3 in Wumishan Formation of Jixian system is the main development dolomite reservoir at present. With the development intensity of geothermal fluid increasing, the exploitation potential of some areas has reached the limit. Exploring the deep geothermal resources and increasing the allowable productions have become one of the effective ways to ensure the sustainable development of geothermal resources in Tianjin.
Methods Donglihu area is the key research region in this study. Deep geophysical detection had been carried out and geothermal scientific exploration well CGSD-01 had been drilled.
Results The main results are listed as follows: (1)CGSD-01 drilling encountered the section 2 of Wumishan Formation at 3715 m, a set of purplish red argillaceous dolomite with light gray fine-grained dolomite is developed at the bottom of the section 3 of Wumishan Formation overlying, the thickness is about 73 m, and the fissures are not developed, which can be considered as aquiclude or aquitard; (2)The completion depth of CGSD-01 is 4051.68 m, and the bottom temperature is 106℃, specific field is 1.53 m3/h·m, permeability is 0.40 m/d, conductivity is 48.69 m2/d; (3)The geothermal fluid type of the section 2 of Wumishan Formation is Cl·SO4·HCO3-Na, salinity is 1.7 g/L. It is preliminarily inferred that the geothermal water is originated from atmospheric precipitation, and mainly occurs mixing, cation alternating adsorption, carbonate dissolution, sulfate reduction, and does not reach equilibrium state; (4)The maximum outflow rate of CGSD-01 can be reach to 130 m3/h, and the temperature is 100℃, which can meet the heating load of 300 thousand square meters building area.
Conclusions The high-yield new reservoir section 2 in Wumishan Formation of Jixian system was exposed for the first time in the second space of deep thermal reservoir in Tianjin area, and the thermal reservoir structure and main parameters of the reservoir were proved up, showing a good resource prospect.
表 1 天津东丽湖地区综合地层简表
Table 1. The simplified table of geological strata in Donglihu area, Tianjin
表 2 天津东丽湖CGSD-01井钻遇地层表
Table 2. Geological stratum of well CGSD-01 in the Tianjin
表 3 CGSD-01井雾迷山组二段热储热导率测试值
Table 3. Thermal conductivity test results of Wumishan Formation section 2 in well CGSD-01
表 4 CGSD-01井热储参数计算基本参数
Table 4. Reservoir parameters of well CGSD-01
表 5 CGSD-01井地热热储参数计算结果
Table 5. Interpretation results of pumping test for well CGSD-01
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