Depositional process and model of debrite dominated deep-water system in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
研究目的 碎屑流是深水环境沉积物搬运和分散的重要机制,其相关的砂岩储层是含油气盆地重要的勘探目标,然而,与经典浊流及浊积系统相比,对碎屑流主控型深水体系的发育规律目前仍知之甚少。
研究方法 本文基于岩心、测井及全三维地震资料,通过系统的岩心观察描述、测井及地震资料解释,对渤海湾盆地东营凹陷始新统沙三中亚段深水体系沉积过程及模式开展研究。
研究结果 结果表明,沙三中深水体系发育九种异地搬运岩相,可概括为四大成因类型,反映了块体及流体两种搬运过程。岩相定量统计表明,该深水体系主要由碎屑流沉积构成,浊流沉积很少,碎屑流中又以砂质碎屑流为主。重力流在搬运过程中经历了滑动、滑塌、砂质碎屑流、泥质碎屑流及浊流等5个阶段演变,发育5类主要的深水沉积单元,包括滑动体、滑塌体、碎屑流水道、碎屑流朵体及浊积薄层砂。从发育规模及储层物性上,砂质碎屑流水道、朵体及砂质滑动体构成了本区最重要的深水储层类型。
结论 认为沙三中时期充足的物源供给、三角洲前缘高沉积速率、断陷期频繁的断层活动以及较短的搬运距离是碎屑流主控型深水体系形成及演化的主控因素,最终基于沉积过程、沉积样式及盆地地貌特征综合建立了碎屑流主控型深水体系沉积模式。本研究将进一步丰富深水沉积理论,为陆相深水储层预测提供借鉴。
Abstract:This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.
Objective Debris flow represents an important mechanism of sediment transport and dispersal in deep-water environment, the related sandstone reservoir constitute one of the important targets for petroleum exploration in petroliferous basins, while deep-water systems dominated by debris flows are still poorly understand compared to well-studied turbidity currents and turbidite systems.
Methods The depositional process and model of gravity flows which developed in the Middle Sub-member of the 3rd Member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin have been studied through the integration of core data examination, well logging data and 3D seismic data interpretation.
Results It is suggested that nine base types of lithofacies can be recognized in slump-derived gravity flow deposits, which can be summarized into four main origin types, which indicate mass transport and flow transport processes, respectively. Quantitative lithofacies analysis suggests that the slump-derived gravity flow depositional system is dominated by debris flows, while turbidity currents are less important, and sandy debris flows represent the most important debris flow type. The slump-derived gravity flows undergo five evolution stages including slide, slump, sandy debris flow, muddy debris flow and turbidity currents, which correspondingly develop five types of deep-water depositional elements during transportation and evolution, including slide, slump, debrite channel, debrite lobe and turbidite sheet. Sandy debrite channels, lobes and sandy slides constitute the most important deep-water reservoirs in the study area according to their wide distribution and reservoir property.
Conclusions It is proposed that adequate sediment supply, high depositional rate on delta-front, frequent tectonic activities and short transport distance are the main controlling factors. Accordingly, a depositional model is proposed to depict slump-derived gravity flow systems based on depositional processes, sedimentary patterns and basin morphology. This study seeks to improve deep-water sedimentary theories and provide guidance for petroleum exploration of deep-water sands in deep-lacustrine basins.
图 4 东营凹陷沙三中亚段滑动体垂直物源地震剖面解释及砂岩分布(剖面位置见图 1)
Figure 4.
图 5 东营凹陷沙三中亚段滑塌体地震反射剖面解释(剖面位置见图 1)
Figure 5.
表 1 东营凹陷始新统沙三中亚段重力流岩相类型划分
Table 1. Lithofacies classification of gravity flow deposits of the Es3m in the Eocene Dongying Depression
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