Distribution and causes of karst collapse in Yangtze River Economic Belt and its influence on engineering construction
研究目的 岩溶塌陷是长江经济带主要环境地质问题之一,开展长江经济带岩溶塌陷分布、成因及其对工程建设的影响研究,对长江经济带立体综合交通走廊建设和新型城镇化建设地质环境安全保障具有重要意义。
研究方法 本文系统梳理了长江经济带岩溶塌陷研究成果,从岩溶环境特征、岩溶塌陷的成因类型和机制、发育及分布规律、对工程建设的影响及防控措施几个方面进行论述。
研究结果 研究结果表明,长江经济带岩溶塌陷易发区面积约25.4 万km2,有记录的岩溶塌陷灾害2146处,矿山疏干排水、抽水、工程施工等是这一地区岩溶塌陷的主要诱发因素。长江经济带岩溶塌陷具有以下发育分布规律:一是具有区域性和地带性的分布特征;二是发育地层一般为均匀状纯碳酸盐岩,沿断裂破碎带、褶皱轴部裂隙发育带、可溶岩与非可溶岩接触地带等岩溶洞隙密集发育带分布;三是多发生在岩溶地下水强径流带、河流两岸等地下水位变化幅度大、水动力条件易发生急剧变化的地段;四是多发生在人类工程活动强烈的地区,塌陷的规模取决于人类活动的性质和强度。为了降低岩溶塌陷对工程建设和安全运营影响,本文同时提出了相关建议和对策。
结论 长江经济带岩溶塌陷分布广、危害大,高易发区内线性工程、重要城市群等规划建设应对这一环境地质问题引起重视,该研究成果可为长江经济带国土空间规划、地质灾害防治提供基础支撑和理论依据。
Abstract:This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
Objective Karst collapse is one of the main environmental geological problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Conducting research on the distribution, causes, and impact on engineering construction of karst collapse in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is of great significance for the geological environment safety guarantee faced by the construction of multimodal transport corridor and urbanization in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
Methods This article systematically summarizes the survey results of karst collapse implemented by China Geological Survey since 2016, including the geological background, cause types and mechanisms, development and distribution patterns, impact on engineering construction, and prevention and control measures of karst collapse.
Results The research results indicate that the area of potential karst collapse in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is about 254000 square kilometers, with 2146 documented karst collapse disasters events. Mine drainage, pumping and engineering construction are the main inducing factors for karst collapse in this area. The karst collapse in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has the following formation and distribution characteristics: firstly, it has regional and zonal distribution characteristics; The second is that the underlying strata are generally homogeneous pure carbonate rocks, distributed along strong karstification zones such as fault fracture zones, the axis of strata fold and contact zones between soluble and non-soluble rocks; Thirdly, it often occurs in areas with large amplitude, high speed, and high frequency of groundwater level fluctuation such as concentrated flow zone of karst and river terraces; Finally, it often occurs in areas with strong human engineering activities, and the scale and quantity mainly depend on the type and intensity of human activities. In order to reduce the impact of karst collapse on engineering, this article also proposes relevant suggestions and countermeasures.
Conclusions The karst collapse in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is widely distributed and has a great impact. The planning and construction of linear engineering and Megalopolis in high risk areas should pay attention to this issue. The research results can provide basic support and theoretical basis for the spatial planning of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the prevention and control of geological disasters.
表 1 长江经济带岩溶环境一览
Table 1. List of environmental geology of karst in Yangtze River Economic Belt
编号 岩溶地质环境类型 分布范围 面积/km2 1 强岩溶化岭脊槽谷型 四川盆地东部 9504.39 2 强岩溶化为主的丛丘洼地型 黔北、川东南的一部分(云贵高原的北延部分) 94580.27 3 强岩溶化为主的山原峰丛洼地、峡谷型 滇东、黔中、黔南 97213.08 4 强岩溶化为主的峰林平原型 湘南永州西南地区 7328.42 5 强岩溶化为主的残丘盆地型 赣中南 986.38 6 强岩溶化为主的低山峰丛宽谷型 湘中、湘东及赣西 49714.31 7 强岩溶化为主的丘状低山沟谷型 皖中、皖北、苏西北地区 5979.38 8 强、中岩溶化为主的峰丛峡谷型 川西南—滇东北,云贵高原西部 34258.77 9 强、中岩溶化为主的溶丘型 长江中、下游两岸的大片地区 44129.11 10 强、中岩溶化为主的岭谷状洼地型 湘西、鄂西和黔东北的部分地区 37908.02 11 强、中岩溶化为主的高原断陷盆地型 滇中高原 40092.05 12 中、强岩溶化峰丛洼地及峰林谷地型 贵州都匀—贵阳—安顺地区以及湘南郴州一带 58883.16 13 弱岩溶化高、中山峡谷型 横断山脉大雪山一带 121371.64 14 弱岩溶化高原湖盆型 川西,与西藏交界地带 17229.91 15 弱岩溶化中山、山地型 高原、高山周围地形递降的斜坡带上 17442.03 表 2 长江经济带岩溶塌陷易发区及塌陷点数量统计
Table 2. Statistics of karst collapse prone areas and collapse points in Yangtze River Economic Belt
省 岩溶塌陷易发区面积/km2 岩溶塌陷/处 省 岩溶塌陷易发区面积/km2 岩溶塌陷/处 湖南省 29664 663 江苏省 446 58 贵州省 66867 603 重庆市 24653 67 湖北省 28892 348 安徽省 2451 29 云南省 71006 186 四川省 28719 20 江西省 4758 156 浙江省 2166 14 表 3 长江经济带岩溶塌陷与岩溶发育程度的关系
Table 3. Relationship between karst collapse and karst development degree in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
省区 Є O D C P T J K 岩溶发育程度 Є1 Є2 Є3 O1 O2 O3 D1 D2 D3 C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 T1 T2 T3 J K1 K2 强 中 弱 云南 2 1 1 1 76 6 46 9 5 3 137 5 8 四川 1 3 17 21 重庆 3 1 5 39 4 43 4 5 贵州 39 16 11 11 5 1 3 5 17 7 51 117 169 67 5 4 366 162 0 湖北 9 33 12 21 51 3 114 10 168 75 10 湖南 5 22 41 10 4 8 95 92 90 59 52 25 26 2 9 5 14 17 291 264 21 江西 3 3 16 32 6 2 51 9 2 安徽 2 1 2 13 14 4 江苏 2 22 6 28 2 浙江 7 2 5 14 合计 192 81 272 234 398 485 5 37 1133 525 46 百分比/% 11.27 4.75 15.96 13.73 23.36 28.46 0.29 2.17 66.49 30.81 2.70 -
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