River capture and divide migration of the Zhuozishan area in the northwestern margin of the Ordos Block
分水岭是水系演化中的动态因素,通过连续或不连续的水系袭夺而发生迁移,从而导致水系重组。传统的对水系演化的研究主要集中单个河流袭夺事件,而新提出的利用分水岭两侧chi(χ)值差异来描述分水岭的动态迁移过程,能够解释大尺度的河流袭夺事件,描述水系的整体演化过程。文章基于12.5 m DEM数据提取了鄂尔多斯西北缘桌子山地区的chi(χ)值揭示其空间分布具有东高西低的特点,反映桌子山的分水岭处于向东迁移过程。综合分析进一步揭示,在桌子山东西两侧的构造升降和降水条件都无明显差异的条件下,岩性抗侵蚀能力差异是控制桌子山分水岭向东迁移的主要因素,当抗侵蚀能力更强的寒武系、奥陶系灰岩位于背斜西翼,而中元古宙长城系(Pt)沉积碎屑岩位于其下部时,背斜西翼的河流具有更强的侵蚀能力,西翼河流可能会穿过背斜核部,从而侧向袭夺东侧的河流。
Abstract:Divide is a dynamic feature of a landscape that routinely migrates, either through progressive or discrete river capture, in some cases even leading to the complete reorganization of river networks. Most of the existing geomorphological or drainage evolution studies focus on the single river capture, and few report on the overall movement and the geomorphologic adjustment of divide.Recently, it was proposed in a digital study of fluvial geomorphology that the chi (χ) value difference on both sides of the drainage divide could be used to explain the large-scale river capture and demonstrate the reorganization of drainage when describing the dynamic migration process of divide. In this paper, the chi (χ) values were calculated using the 12.5 m DEM data. The chi (χ) values were higher in the east and lower in the west, indicating an eastward migration. The lithological erosion resistance is the main factor controlling the eastward migration of the divides in Zhuozishan under the condition that there are no obvious differences in the tectonic uplift and precipitation conditions on the east and west sides. When the Cambrian and Ordovician limestones with stronger erosion resistance lie in the west wing of the Zhuozishan anticline, the other weak sedimentary clastic rocks located in its lower part, the river in the west wing would be through the core of the anticline, laterally capturing the rivers on the east of the anticline.
Key words:
- river capture /
- divide migration /
- Ordos /
- Zhuozishan
图 3 河道高程和chi(χ)值的线性关系(据Whipple et al., 2017修改)
Figure 3.
图 4 均衡和非均衡状态的流域盆地及河道chi(χ)值剖面(据Willett et al., 2014修改)
Figure 4.
表 1 岩石抗侵蚀强度分类表
Table 1. Classification of the erosion resistance values of different rocks based on the lithological strength
地层符号 岩性 岩性强度分类 地层时代 是否火成岩 LA LL LE Q4 冲积、湖积、风积砂土、粘土、砂砾 松散沉积物 第四系全新统 否 6.0 12 1.71 Q3 湖积洪积砂砾层 松散沉积物 第四系上更新统 否 6.0 11 1.62 Q2 冲洪积半固结砂层、砂土层 半固结沉积物 第四系下更新统 否 6.0 11 1.62 N 桔黄色泥质砂砾岩、细砂岩 弱的沉积岩 新近系 否 5.8 10 1.50 E 砖红色泥岩、细砂岩、砂质泥岩 弱的沉积岩 古近系 否 5.2 10 1.45 K 杂色砂岩、砂砾岩 弱的沉积岩 白垩系 否 4.2 10 1.35 J 黄绿色砂岩与泥岩互层,黑色页岩与钙质砂岩互层 弱的沉积岩 侏罗系 否 3.3 10 1.27 T 灰紫色砂岩与紫色泥岩互层、细粒长石石英砂岩 弱的沉积岩 三叠系 否 2.7 10 1.21 P 紫红色细粒砂岩、灰白色砂岩 强的沉积岩 二叠系 否 2.5 4 0.62 C 灰黑—黑色页岩、灰黑色粉砂质页岩 弱的沉积岩 石炭系 否 1.8 10 1.12 O 青灰色厚层灰岩、灰色白云质灰岩 强的沉积岩 奥陶系 否 1.2 4 0.50 灰岩、鲕状灰岩、竹叶状灰岩 强的沉积岩 寒武系 否 1.0 4 0.48 Pt 中粒石英砂岩、紫红色页岩、白云质灰岩夹石英砂岩 强的沉积岩 长城系 否 1.0 6 0.67 Ar 黑云母斜长片麻岩 变质岩 前长城系 是 0.0 2 0.29 γ2 元古代花岗岩 花岗岩 元古代 是 0.0 2 0.29 -
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