Application of audio magnetotelluric method in prospecting for deep hidden manganese ore: A case study in the Pujue manganese mine in Songtao, Guizhou, China
Abstract:The Pujue manganese deposit is a typical Datangpo-type sedimentary deposit of Nanhua period in eastern Guizhou. In the Pujue mining area the early-formed sedimentary manganese deposits were significantly influenced by the subsequent structures in aspects of burial and preservation. Analyzing the deep tectonic framework and its relationship with the manganese-bearing rock series is of great importance to the ore-prospecting prediction and deep exploration of the manganese deposits in the area as well. Our aim is to find out the spatial distribution of metallogenic geological bodies and fault structures and their relationship in the Pujue Manganese mining area. We used audio magnetotelluric method to study the characteristics of underground electrical structure and tectonic framework in the area, and built a theoretical model similar to the geoelectric structure of the study area based on the physical property analysis. Through inversion calculation under different schemas, we gave preference to a two-dimensional inversion method of nonlinear conjugate gradient TM model, which is suitable for Occam-TE one-dimensional inversion as the initial model. We used the above inversion method to invert the measured data from the area, and thus identified the spatial distribution characteristics between the tectonic framework and the manganese-bearing rock series and their contact relationship. It demonstrates that the fault F0 hasn't damaged the manganese-bearing rock series in the deep. Our research results show that AMT is of great significance in guiding the deep prospecting prediction in the Pujue manganese mining area and its adjacent areas.
Key words:
- Pujue manganese deposit /
- audio magnetotelluric method /
- inversion /
- tectonic framework
图 1 黔东及毗邻区南华纪早期武陵次级裂谷盆地结构与构造古地理图(周琦等, 2016b)
Figure 1.
图 2 黔渝湘毗邻区南华纪两界河-大塘坡期南华裂谷盆地复原(周琦等, 2016b)
Figure 2.
表 1 岩(矿)矿物性特征统计
Table 1. Statistics of physical properties of rocks (minerals)
岩性名称 地层代号 样点数/点 电阻率平均值/(Ω·m) 极化率平均值/% 地表黏土 Q 31 135.71 1.62 白云岩 €3-4ls、€2q、Z1d、Nh2l 52 3203.29 1.86 灰岩 €2q 38 5121.47 1.67 砂岩 €2p、€2b 40 1677.38 1.88 页岩 Nh2d2、€2jm 35 540.98 2.30 炭质页岩 Nh2d1 41 24.41 20.28 含砾砂岩 Nh3n、Nh2t 45 1662.41 2.76 板岩 Pt3h 68 1382.70 2.22 氧化锰矿石 Nh2d1 30 49.86 8.27 块状锰矿石 Nh2d1 35 19.04 11.98 -
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