Geological Conditions and Favorable Area Prediction of Shale Gas in Wufeng Formation–Longmaxi Formation of Kuankuo–Fuyan Area, Northern Guizhou
为对黔北宽阔–浮焉地区五峰组–龙马溪组页岩气有利区进行预测,在前人研究成果调研基础上,利用26条露头剖面资料、QSD1钻井资料、样品分析测试资料,结合地震、电磁资料,对研究区五峰组–龙马溪组底面埋深、页岩的岩类学特征及沉积相、分布、总有机碳含量(TOC)、有机质成熟度(Ro)、脆性矿物含量的变化进行了分析并预测了页岩气有利区。研究区五峰组–龙马溪组底面埋深多为0~1 500 m,最大埋藏深度为1 926 m;主要由泥岩、粉砂质泥岩组成,夹薄层泥质粉砂岩、偶见泥灰岩,为泥质深水陆棚微相沉积;地层厚度普遍超过30 m,东北部地层厚度大,最大厚度超过90 m,西南部地层厚度小,最大厚度不足50 m;TOC分布具有中部低(<2.0%)、东北部和西南部高(>3.5%)的特征;Ro为1.20%~3.17%、平均值多大于2.50 %,主要为过成熟烃源岩;脆性矿物含量多在50%以上,具有中部低(<60%)、东北部和西南部高(>70%)的特征。综合上述页岩气有利区预测指标,分3类预测了有利区的分布,浮焉–小雅向斜中部Ⅰ类有利区是下步页岩气勘探的首选靶区。
Abstract:In order to predict the favorable shale gas area of Wufeng Formation – Longmaxi Formation in Kuankuo – Fuyan area, Northern Guizhou Province, on the basis of previous research results, based on data of 26 outcrop profiles and well QSD1, sample analysis and testing, combined with seismic and electromagnetic data, the buried depth of the bottom of Wufeng Formation – Longmaxi Formation, the petrological characteristics and sedimentary facies types of shale, the changes of total organic carbon (TOC), organic matter maturity (Ro) and brittle mineral content are analyzed, and the favorable areas for shale gas are predicted. The buried depth of the bottom of Wufeng Formation – Longmaxi Formation in the study area is mostly 0~1 500 m, and the maximum buried depth is 1 926 m; It is mainly composed of mudstone and silty mudstone, intercalated with thin argillaceous siltstone and occasional marlstone, which is argillaceous deep–water shelf sediments; The thickness of the strata is generally more than 30m, in the northeast is large, and the maximum thickness is more than 90 m, in the southwest is small, and the maximum thickness is less than 50 m; The distribution of TOC is low (<2.0%) in the middle and high (>3.5%) in the northeast and southwest; Ro is between 1.20% and 3.17%, and the average value is more than 2.50%, which is mainly over mature source rock; The content of brittle minerals is more than 50%, which is low (<60%) in the middle and high (>70%) in the northeast and southwest. Based on the above prediction indexes of shale gas favorable areas, the distribution of favorable areas is predicted in three categories. The type I favorable area in the middle of Fuyan Xiaoya syncline is the preferred target area for shale gas exploration in the next step.
图 2 贵州省宽阔–浮焉地区地质简图(贵州省地质调查院,2010)及资料分布示意图
Figure 2.
图 5 五峰组—龙马溪组地层对比及沉积相分析剖面图(露头及钻井位置见图4)
Figure 5.
表 1 五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气地质条件基础数据表
Table 1. Basic data of shale gas geological conditions of Wufeng Fm.–Longmaxi Fm.
剖面名称 五峰组厚度 (m) 龙马溪组厚度(m) 脆性矿物含量(%) Ro(%) TOC(%) 顶部层位 SP01 4.33 76 60.8(50~73)/5 3.04(2.85~3.20)/7 1.18(0.47~3.31)/23 S1x SP02 10.8 30.5 70.0(63~78)/3 2.99(2.56~3.57)/7 1.89(0.28~6.3)/21 S1x SP03 4.1 38 62.3(49~78)/4 2.66(2.24~3.08)/4 1.29(0.44~4.63)/16 S1x SP04 6.99 66.59 50.3(46~58)/3 2.79(2.54~3.18)/6 1.17(0.26~5.03)/23 S1x SP05 6.3 58.25 37.0/1 2.76(2.07~3.17)/3 1.38(0.22~4.90)/13 S1x SP06 4.8 35.4 44.8(20~59)/4 2.88(2.75~3.04)/4 1.88(0.20~6.48)/16 S1x SP07 7.56 38.11 50.5(50~51)/2 2.84(2.58~3.04)/5 3.20(0.72~6.72)/12 S1x SP08 6.52 34.36 73.0/1 2.83/1 3.81(2.76~4.53)/7 S1x SP09 4.9 61.1 / / / S1x SP10 11.7 56.4 65.8(53~74)/4 3.05(2.93~3.20)/3 3.19(0.43~5.49)/7 S1x SP11 13.3 70.4 60.0/1 2.80/1 2.99(2.34~3.89)/4 S1x SP12 5.7 55.6 54.5(53~56)/2 2.86(2.50~3.17)/3 3.71(0.81~5.81)/9 S1x SP13 4.5 69.8 71.3(57~86)/3 2.85(2.70~3.01)/5 2.62(0.32~4.93)/18 S1x SP14 6.67 50.7 48.0/1 3.07(2.96~3.17)/2 1.57(0.24~5..21)/6 S1x SP15 9.1 25.7 74.0/1 1.68(1.20~2.52)/3 2.20(0.50~3.70)/6 S1x SP16 10.71 20.55 81.0/1 2.30(1.9~2.68)/2 2.40(0.62~4.31)/7 S1x SP17 11.25 80.05 71.5(63~80)/2 2.66(2.46~2.85)/2 2.91(0.51~3.82)/8 S1x SP18 7.12 18.36 74.0/1 2.44(2.23~2.65)/2 2.92(0.70~5.22)/11 S1x SP19 8.27 >10.63 67.5(66~69)/2 2.75(2.45~3.04)/2 2.85(1.62~4.31)/8 S1l SP20 9.62 36.42 71.0/1 2.58(2.29~2.75)/3 2.49(0.66~4.91)/13 S1x SP21 19.68 23.37 68.0/1 2.64(2.36~2.93)/4 4.03(0.99~6.01)/14 S1x SP22 19.44 >28.87 68.0(64~72)/2 2.80(2.30~3.08)/4 3.16(0.86~6.43)/16 S1l SP23 6.75 28.01 69.0/1 2.51(2.08~2.85)/5 2.75(0.88~4.85)/9 S1x SP24 5.89 30.04 69.0/1 2.84(2.77~2.94)/3 1.01(0.41~2.53)/5 S1x SP25 4.72 23.74 62.0/1 2.88(2.75~3.01)/2 1.08(0.61~1.90)/3 S1x SP26 7.27 28.03 / / / S1x QSD1 5.5 49.5 56(41~80)/27 / 1.84(0.10~3.17)/11 S1x 注:脆性矿物含量、Ro、TOC数据:平均值(最小值~最大值)/样品数;S1x.新滩组,S1l.龙马溪组。 表 2 宽阔–浮焉地区五峰组—龙马溪组露头样品有机质碳同位素数据表
Table 2. Carbon isotope data of the Wufeng Fm.–Longmaxi Fm. in the Kuankuo–Fuyan area
样品编号 13 CPDB/‰ 有机质类型 样品编号 13 CPDB/‰ 有机质类型 样品编号 13 CPDB/‰ 有机质类型 sp17-7-s −30.6 Ⅰ型 sp02-6a −29.7 Ⅱ1型 sp04-12a −28.6 Ⅱ1型 sp21-18H −30.6 sp04-6-1a −29.7 sp01-25-s11a −28.5 sp13-9-sa −30.5 sp07-11 −29.7 sp02-14a −28.5 sp16-17-s −30.5 sp01-12-s6a −29.6 sp06-13 −28.4 sp19-11H −30.5 sp02-9a −29.6 sp07-21a −28.3 sp19-13H −30.5 sp08-5-sa −29.6 sp10-22-sa −28.3 sp19-7H −30.5 sp01-15-s7a −29.5 sp12-17a-sa −28.3 sp21-7H −30.5 sp01-7-s1a −29.5 sp01-30-s16a −28.2 sp13-5-sa −30.4 sp11-6-sa −29.5 sp02-18a −28.2 sp18-8H −30.4 sp22-13H −29.5 sp03-11a −28.2 sp21-3H −30.4 sp23-10H −29.5 sp03-12 −28.2 sp16-19-s −30.3 sp03-6 −29.3 sp01-33-s20a −28.1 sp20-7H −30.3 sp17-13-s −29.3 sp05-11a −28.1 sp15-5-s −30.2 sp22-30H −29.3 sp05-14a −28.1 sp13-3-sa −30.1 sp02-4 −29.2 sp04-30 −28 sp14-17-s −30 sp12-4-sa −29.2 sp02-24a −27.9 sp21-12H −30 sp22-17H −29.2 sp04-22a −27.8 sp22-23H −30 sp06-7 −29.1 sp04-18a −27.7 sp10-10-s −29.9 Ⅱ1型 sp07-5 −29.1 sp06-21 −27.3 Ⅱ2型 sp24-2H −29.9 sp20-15H −29.1 sp06-4a −27.3 sp03-4a −29.8 sp23-18H −29 sp04-23a −27 sp10-12-s −29.8 sp25-19H −29 sp03-19a −26.9 sp10-6-sa −29.8 sp24-9H −28.8 注:δ13C (‰)值≤−30‰为I 型,−30‰~−27.5‰为II1 型,−27.5‰~−25‰为II2 型,>−25‰为III 型(黄籍中,1988)。 表 3 宽阔–浮焉地区五峰组—龙马溪组露头样品有机质显微组分数据表
Table 3. Organic macerals data of the Wufeng Fm.–Longmaxi Fm. in the Kuankuo–Fuyan area
样品编号 腐泥组(%) 腐殖组(%) 类型指数 干酪根类型 样品编号 腐泥组(%) 腐殖组(%) 类型指数 干酪根类型 sp01-12-s6a 78 22 82.8 Ⅰ sp10-22-sa 80 20 87.5 Ⅰ sp01-15-s7a 78 22 81.5 Ⅰ sp10-6-sa 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp01-25-s11a 81 19 85.5 Ⅰ sp11-6-sa 81 19 83 Ⅰ sp01-33-s20a 77 23 86 Ⅰ sp12-17a-sa 71 29 83 Ⅰ sp01-7-s1a 86 14 90.5 Ⅰ sp12-4-sa 83 17 82.8 Ⅰ sp02-14a 81 19 85.5 Ⅰ sp13-3-sa 86 14 89.3 Ⅰ sp02-4 87 13 89.8 Ⅰ sp13-5-sa 93 7 94 Ⅰ sp02-6a 93 7 94 Ⅰ sp13-9-sa 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp03-11a 73 27 84 Ⅰ sp14-17-sa 46 54 57.3 Ⅱ1 sp03-19a 81 19 86.8 Ⅰ sp15-5-s 86 14 85.5 Ⅰ sp03-4a 94 6 89.5 Ⅰ sp16-17-s 34 66 47.3 Ⅱ1 sp03-6 85 15 88.8 Ⅰ sp17-13-s 97 3 94.8 Ⅰ sp04-12a 72 28 83.5 Ⅰ sp17-7-s 84 16 89.5 Ⅰ sp04-22a 70 30 81.3 Ⅰ sp18-8H 92 8 86 Ⅰ sp04-23a 68 32 80.3 Ⅰ sp19-11H 97 3 94.8 Ⅰ sp05-11a 77 23 82.3 Ⅰ sp19-13H 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp06-4a 82 18 87.3 Ⅰ sp20-7H 95 5 91.3 Ⅰ sp06-7 85 15 90 Ⅰ sp21-12H 96 4 93 Ⅰ sp07-21a 93 7 92.8 Ⅰ sp22-17H 94 6 89.5 Ⅰ sp07-5 87 13 86 Ⅰ sp22-23H 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp08-5-sa 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp23-10H 95 5 91.3 Ⅰ sp10-10-sa 98 2 96.5 Ⅰ sp24-2H 94 6 89.5 Ⅰ sp10-12-sa 94 6 93.3 Ⅰ sp25-19H 95 5 91.3 Ⅰ 表 4 宽阔–浮焉地区五峰组—龙马溪组露头样品暗色泥质岩矿物组成统计表
Table 4. Mineral composition statistics of outcrop samples from Wufeng Fm.– Longmaxi Fm. in Kuankuo–Fuyan area
矿物成分 石英 钾长石 斜长石 方解石 白云石 菱铁矿 黄铁矿 硬石膏 黏土矿物 最大值(%) 80 5 15 29 5 2 11 15 80 最小值(%) 10 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 14 平均值(%) 48.5 3.1 6.5 8.8 3.5 2 2.8 5.4 37.9 样品数 48 32 40 23 6 4 12 5 48 -
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