Lithofacies Division and Type Evaluation of Shale Oil Reservoir in Fengcheng Formation of Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin
Abstract:Shale reservoir of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin is another important discovery after Lucaogou Formation in Jimusar Sag. During the sedimentary period of Fengcheng Formation, Mahu sag is characterized by near–terrigenous source supply, frequent volcanic activity and arid and hot climate, which creates conditions for the unique saline and alkaline lake sedimentary environment and is also an important reason for the complex and changeable lithology of Fengcheng Formation. Volcanic rock, internal rock, terrigenous clastic rock and multi–source mixed rock are frequently stacked longitudinally, forming shale oil reservoirs of meter to centimeter size. Based on the characteristics of lithologic changes, the lithology and lithofacies of shale oil reservoirs in Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin were analyzed by means of sub-ion polishing electron microscopy, energy spectrum testing and fluorescence analysis, with the structural style as the breakthrough point, cm–scale core observation as the basis and high–frequency sedimentary structure analysis as the auxiliary. The shale oil reservoirs of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu sag can be divided into 4 types and 8 types. The reservoir properties of glutenite, volcanic rock, mixed rock and internal rock are gradually weakened. Due to the differences in structure and composition, the mixed mudstone reservoir can be divided into mixed shale, laminate–laminate–like mixed mudstone, root–reticular mixed mudstone, snowflake–star–point mixed mudstone. Foliation development, dolomite content and its occurrence pattern are the important controlling factors for the difference of reservoir of reservoir physical properties of mixed rock reservoirs.
Key words:
- Shale oil /
- Reservoir types /
- Fengcheng Formation /
- Lithofacies division /
- Mahu depression
表 1 玛湖凹陷风城组岩心描述主要参数表
Table 1. Main parameters of core description of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag
岩性类型 颜色 层厚 构造 特征矿物
隙类型砂-砾岩 含云泥质粉砂岩、泥质粉砂岩 浅灰白色、银灰色、灰色、浅绿
灰色纹层、薄层、中层、厚层、巨厚层 块状、平行层理、粒序层理、透镜状层理 黄铁矿 结核状 近垂直裂缝、近水平裂缝、缝合线 富含油、油浸、油斑、油迹 裂缝、矿物溶孔 云质粉砂岩、粉砂岩 泥质粉细砂岩、粉细砂岩、泥质细砂岩、细砂岩 含泥砾粉砂岩 钙质中细砂岩、中细砂岩 中粗砂岩、粗砂岩、含砾粗砂岩、砂质细砾岩、细砾岩 火山岩 安山岩、
熔结凝灰岩浅绿灰色、浅灰褐色 厚层、
巨厚层块状、角砾状、包卷状 浊沸石、
石英气孔充填 近垂直裂缝、近水平裂缝、缝合线 富含油、油浸、油斑、油迹 裂缝、气孔 云岩 灰质云岩、
泥质云岩浅灰色 薄层、纹层 透镜状 泥级细粒混积岩 云质泥岩/页岩 黑色、黑灰色、深灰
层、中层页理、透镜状层理、水平层理、沙纹层理 燧石、钙质矿物、硅硼钙质矿物、石膏 纹层–似纹层状、 树根状–网状 、 雪花–星点状 页理缝、近水平裂缝、缝合线 油浸 、油斑 、油迹 矿物溶孔、晶间孔、裂缝 含云粉砂质泥岩/页岩 粉砂质泥岩/页岩 含云泥岩/页岩 表 2 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组储层类型表
Table 2. Shale oil reservoir types of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin
储层类型 大类 小类 亚类 种 分布层位 Ⅰ类 砂砾岩类 砾岩 巨厚(>1.0 m) 细砾岩
砂质细砾岩风城组一段 厚层(1.0~0.3 m) 中层(0.3~0.1 m) 薄层(<0.1 m) 砂岩 巨厚(>1.0 m) 含砾粗砂岩
风城组一段厚层(1.0~0.3 m) 中层(0.3~0.1 m) 薄层(<0.1 m) 粉砂岩 厚层(1.0~0.3 m) 云质粉砂岩
风城组一段中层(0.3~0.1 m) 薄层(<0.1 m) Ⅱ类 火山岩类 安山岩 巨厚(>1.0 m) 玄武质安山岩 风城组一段 凝灰岩 巨厚(>1.0 m) 熔结凝灰岩 Ⅲ类 混积岩类 页岩 无纹层 黏土质泥/页岩
风城组二段纹层状/似纹层状 泥岩 纹层/似纹层状 风城组三段
风城组一段树根状 雪花状/星点状 Ⅳ类 内源岩类 白云岩
蒸发岩薄层(<0.1 m) 砂屑白云岩、泥质白云岩、灰质白云岩
风城组二段表 3 细粒混积岩类页岩油储层类型物性特征对比表
Table 3. Properties of mixed rock reservoirs
混积岩储层类型 构造特征 平均有效孔隙度(%) 平均自由流体孔(%) 平均总孔隙度(%) 平均脆性 样品数(个) Ⅲ1类 页理发育 3.93 1.77 6.39 4.62 137 Ⅲ2类 纹层–似纹层状 3.04 1.38 4.93 5.15 518 硅硼钙纹层富集 3.28 1.32 5.88 4.31 147 Ⅲ3类 树根状/网状 2.92 1.27 5.33 4.54 53 Ⅲ4类 星点状 2.32 1.16 5.35 4.33 54 雪花状 2.64 0.95 5.51 4.17 234 -
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