Discussion on Relative Lacustrine Level Changes of Triassic in Yingmaili Area, Tarim Basin
Abstract:Taking the Triassic in the Yingmaili area of Tarim Basin as an example, it combined with the traditional qualitative identification of high–resolution sequence and quantitative analysis method of wavelet transform. The sequence division of Triassic in Yingmaili area of Tarim Basin was done by using the data of logging, drilling and core, and the Fischer plots was drawn based on the calculation of super short–term sequence cycles. It turns out the law that the relative lacustrine level changes were integrally from a long–time lacustrine regression to a long time lacustrine transgressive and rose the largest during the SQ4. The complete lacustrine transgressive and lacustrine regression of Triassic was corresponded well to the long–term sequence cycles. Compared with integrated analysis, we find the lacustrine level changes is closely related with vertical evolution of sedimentary facies. This study clarifies the law of lake level changes of Triassic in Yingmaili area and its evolution relationship with sedimentary facies belt, which provides a basic basis for subsequent geological research.
图 1 塔里木盆地塔北隆起构造单元划分及研究区位置图(据顾家裕等,2004)
Figure 1.
表 1 SL1井三叠系超短期层序划分及厚度偏移累计统计表
Table 1. Accumulated statistical data table of super short-term sequences thickness deviation of Well SL1 of Triassic
层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) T3h 256 4 436.00 4 437.96 0.00 T2k 170 4 617.88 4 619.86 −0.81 T1e 85 4 811.26 4 813.28 −15.22 T3h 255 4 437.96 4 439.74 0.15 T2k 169 4 619.86 4 621.86 −0.68 T1e 84 4 813.28 4 815.16 −15.14 T3h 254 4 439.74 4 441.72 0.4 7 T2k 168 4 621.86 4 623.94 −0.58 T1e 83 4 815.16 4 816.92 −14.91 T3h 253 4 441.72 4 443.62 0.60 T2k 167 4 623.94 4 626.46 −0.55 T1e 82 4 816.92 4 818.70 −14.57 T3h 252 4 443.62 4 44 5.48 0.80 T2k 166 4 626.46 4 630.80 −0.97 T1e 81 4 818.70 4 820.30 −14.24 T3h 251 4 445.48 4 44 7.20 1.05 T2k 165 4 630.80 4 632.74 −3.20 T1e 80 4 820.30 4 821.80 −13.74 T3h 250 4 447.20 4 44 9.04 1.43 T2k 164 4 632.74 4 634.60 −3.04 T1e 79 4 821.80 4 823.68 −13.13 T3h 24 9 4 449.04 4 450.90 1.70 T2k 163 4 634.60 4 636.30 −2.79 T1e 78 4 823.68 4 825.80 −12.91 T3h 24 8 4 450.90 4 452.80 1.94 T2k 162 4 636.30 4 638.14 −2.39 T1e 77 4 825.80 4 827.70 −12.92 T3h 24 7 4 452.80 4 455.14 2.15 T2k 161 4 638.14 4 640.14 −2.12 T1e 76 4 827.70 4 829.50 −12.72 T3h 24 6 4 455.14 4 457.62 1.91 T2k 160 4 640.14 4 642.44 −2.02 T1e 75 4 829.50 4 831.24 −12.41 T3h 24 5 4 457.62 4 459.90 1.54 T2k 159 4 642.44 4 644.52 −2.21 T1e 74 4 831.24 4 833.04 −12.04 T3h 24 4 4 459.90 4 462.30 1.37 T2k 158 4 644.52 4 648.42 −2.18 T1e 73 4 833.04 4 834.72 −11.74 T3h 243 4 462.30 4 464.56 1.07 T2k 157 4 648.42 4 650.58 −3.98 T1e 72 4 834.72 4 836.14 −11.31 T3h 242 4 464.56 4 466.58 0.92 T2k 156 4 650.58 4 652.92 −4.03 T1e 71 4 836.14 4 837.54 −10.63 T3h 241 4 466.58 4 468.54 1.00 T2k 155 4 652.92 4 655.20 −4.27 T1e 70 4 837.54 4 838.98 −9.92 T3h 240 4 468.54 4 470.30 1.15 T2k 154 4 655.20 4 656.96 −4.4 4 T1e 69 4 838.98 4 840.52 −9.26 T3h 239 4 470.30 4 471.92 1.4 9 T2k 153 4 656.96 4 658.46 −4.10 T1e 68 4 840.52 4 842.36 −8.69 T3h 238 4 471.92 4 472.82 1.98 T2k 152 4 658.46 4 659.82 −3.4 9 T1e 67 4 842.36 4 844.14 −8.43 T3h 237 4 472.82 4 474.20 3.18 T2k 151 4 659.82 4 661.82 −2.75 T1e 66 4 844.14 4 845.84 −8.10 T3h 236 4 474.20 4 475.96 3.91 T2k 150 4 661.82 4 664.00 −2.64 T1e 65 4 845.84 4 847.18 −7.70 T3h 235 4 475.96 4 477.90 4.25 T2k 14 9 4 664.00 4 666.94 −2.71 T1e 64 4 847.18 4 848.62 −6.93 T3h 234 4 477.90 4 479.58 4.42 T2k 14 8 4 666.94 4 669.60 −3.55 T1e 63 4 848.62 4 850.38 −6.26 T3h 233 4 479.58 4 481.08 4.85 T2k 14 7 4 669.60 4 672.32 −4.10 T1e 62 4 850.38 4 852.42 −5.92 T3h 232 4 481.08 4 482.56 5.4 5 T2k 14 6 4 672.32 4 675.08 −4.72 T1e 61 4 852.42 4 855.02 −5.85 T3h 231 4 482.56 4 484.44 6.08 T2k 14 5 4 675.08 4 677.30 −5.37 T1e 60 4 855.02 4 857.78 −6.35 T3h 230 4 484.44 4 486.12 6.30 T2k 14 4 4 677.30 4 679.00 −5.4 9 T1e 59 4 857.78 4 860.08 −7.00 T3h 229 4 486.12 4 490.12 6.73 T2k 143 4 679.00 4 680.76 −5.08 T1e 58 4 860.08 4 864.00 −7.20 T3h 228 4 490.12 4 492.82 4.83 T2k 142 4 680.76 4 682.82 −4.74 T1e 57 4 864.00 4 866.12 −9.01 T3h 227 4 492.82 4 495.24 4.24 T2k 141 4 682.82 4 686.58 −4.69 T1e 56 4 866.12 4 868.16 −9.03 T3h 226 4 495.24 4 497.56 3.92 T2k 140 4 686.58 4 688.80 −6.35 T1e 55 4 868.16 4 870.56 −8.96 T3h 225 4 497.56 4 499.82 3.71 T2k 139 4 688.80 4 690.88 −6.4 6 T1e 54 4 870.56 4 874.18 −9.26 T3h 224 4 499.82 4 501.62 3.56 T2k 138 4 690.88 4 693.22 −6.43 T1e 53 4 874.18 4 876.68 −10.77 T3h 223 4 501.62 4 503.36 3.86 T2k 137 4 693.22 4 695.44 −6.67 T1e 52 4 876.68 4 879.70 −11.16 T3h 222 4 503.36 4 504.98 4.23 T2k 136 4 695.44 4 696.96 −6.78 T1e 51 4 879.70 4 882.20 −12.08 续表1 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) T3h 221 4 504.98 4 506.76 4.71 T2k 135 4 696.96 4 698.24 −6.20 T1e 50 4 882.20 4 884.66 −12.4 7 T3h 220 4 506.76 4 508.52 5.04 T2k 134 4 698.24 4 699.76 −5.37 T1e 4 9 4 884.66 4 886.94 −12.83 T3h 219 4 508.52 4 509.76 5.38 T2k 133 4 699.76 4 701.58 −4.79 T1e 4 8 4 886.94 4 888.84 −13.00 T3h 218 4 509.76 4 511.02 6.25 T2k 132 4 701.58 4 703.30 −4.50 T1e 4 7 4 888.84 4 890.62 −12.80 T3h 217 4 511.02 4 512.90 7.09 T2k 131 4 703.30 4 705.02 −4.12 T1e 4 6 4 890.62 4 892.20 −12.47 T3h 216 4 512.90 4 515.06 7.32 T2k 130 4 705.02 4 706.44 −3.73 T1e 4 5 4 892.20 4 893.96 −11.95 T3h 215 4 515.06 4 517.40 7.26 T2k 129 4 706.44 4 707.96 −3.05 T1e 4 4 4 893.96 4 896.20 −11.60 T3h 214 4 517.40 4 519.64 7.03 T2k 128 4 707.96 4 709.68 −2.4 6 T1e 43 4 896.20 4 898.24 −11.74 T3h 213 4 519.64 4 521.92 6.90 T2k 127 4 709.68 4 711.72 −2.07 T1e 42 4 898.24 4 900.10 −11.67 T3h 212 4 521.92 4 524.88 6.72 T2k 126 4 711.72 4 713.84 −2.01 T1e 41 4 900.10 4 901.86 −11.42 T3h 211 4 524.88 4 527.48 5.87 T2k 125 4 713.84 4 715.90 −2.02 T1e 40 4 901.86 4 904.32 −11.08 T3h 210 4 527.48 4 530.06 5.37 T2k 124 4 715.90 4 717.52 −1.98 T1e 39 4 904.32 4 907.00 −11.43 T3h 209 4 530.06 4 532.24 4.90 T2k 123 4 717.52 4 719.14 −1.4 9 T1e 38 4 907.00 4 909.34 −12.01 T3h 208 4 532.24 4 533.98 4.82 T2k 122 4 719.14 4 720.96 −1.01 T1e 37 4 909.34 4 911.28 −12.24 T3h 207 4 533.98 4 535.18 5.19 T2k 121 4 720.96 4 722.74 −0.72 T1e 36 4 911.28 4 912.80 −12.08 T3h 206 4 535.18 4 536.80 6.09 T2k 120 4 722.74 4 724.46 −0.40 T1e 35 4 912.80 4 914.12 −11.4 9 T2k 205 4 536.80 4 539.12 6.58 T2k 119 4 724.46 4 726.06 −0.01 T1e 34 4 914.12 4 916.46 −10.71 T2k 204 4 539.12 4 541.84 6.36 T2k 118 4 726.06 4 727.36 0.4 9 T1e 33 4 916.46 4 918.90 −10.94 T2k 203 4 541.84 4 544.62 5.75 T2k 117 4 727.36 4 728.68 1.30 T1e 32 4 918.90 4 920.80 −11.28 T2k 202 4 544.62 4 546.86 5.08 T2k 116 4 728.68 4 730.42 2.09 T1e 31 4 920.80 4 922.20 −11.07 T2k 201 4 546.86 4 548.48 4.94 T2k 115 4 730.42 4 732.34 2.4 5 T1e 30 4 922.20 4 923.56 −10.36 T2k 200 4 548.48 4 549.26 5.43 T2k 114 4 732.34 4 734.50 2.64 T1e 29 4 923.56 4 925.30 −9.62 T2k 199 4 549.26 4 551.16 6.75 T2k 113 4 734.50 4 737.88 2.58 T1e 28 4 925.30 4 927.26 −9.25 T2k 198 4 551.16 4 552.92 6.96 T2k 112 4 737.88 4 740.08 1.31 T1e 27 4 927.26 4 929.28 −9.11 T2k 197 4 552.92 4 554.26 7.30 T2k 111 4 740.08 4 742.10 1.21 T1e 26 4 929.28 4 931.36 −9.02 T2k 196 4 554.26 4 555.90 8.07 T2k 110 4 742.10 4 743.70 1.30 T1e 25 4 931.36 4 933.36 −9.00 T2k 195 4 555.90 4 558.02 8.53 T2k 109 4 743.70 4 745.30 1.80 T1e 24 4 933.36 4 935.24 −8.89 T2k 194 4 558.02 4 560.38 8.52 T2k 108 4 745.30 4 746.96 2.31 T1e 23 4 935.24 4 936.62 −8.67 T2k 193 4 560.38 4 563.40 8.26 T2k 107 4 746.96 4 750.12 2.75 T1e 22 4 936.62 4 938.12 −7.94 T2k 192 4 563.40 4 565.90 7.35 T2k 106 4 750.12 4 752.60 1.70 T1e 21 4 938.12 4 940.02 −7.33 T2k 191 4 565.90 4 570.16 6.96 T2k 105 4 752.60 4 755.10 1.33 T1e 20 4 940.02 4 941.84 −7.13 T2k 190 4 570.16 4 571.96 4.80 T2k 104 4 755.10 4 759.68 0.93 T1e 19 4 941.84 4 943.18 −6.84 T2k 189 4 571.96 4 573.66 5.11 T2k 103 4 759.68 4 762.38 −1.54 T1e 18 4 943.18 4 944.38 −6.08 T2k 188 4 573.66 4 575.22 5.51 T2k 102 4 762.38 4 766.70 −2.14 T1e 17 4 944.38 4 945.98 −5.17 T2k 187 4 575.22 4 576.78 6.06 T2k 101 4 766.70 4 769.02 −4.35 T1e 16 4 945.98 4 947.84 −4.67 T2k 186 4 576.78 4 578.32 6.60 T2k 100 4 769.02 4 771.86 −4.57 T1e 15 4 947.84 4 949.56 −4.42 续表1 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) 层位 编号 顶深(m) 底深(m) 累计偏差(m) T2k 185 4 578.32 4 580.14 7.17 T2k 99 4 771.86 4 776.34 −5.30 T1e 14 4 949.56 4 951.00 −4.04 T2k 184 4 580.14 4 581.92 7.4 5 T2k 98 4 776.34 4 779.36 −7.68 T1e 13 4 951.00 4 952.54 −3.37 T2k 183 4 581.92 4 584.02 7.78 T2k 97 4 779.36 4 781.90 −8.59 T1e 12 4 952.54 4 954.54 −2.81 T2k 182 4 584.02 4 587.64 7.78 T2k 96 4 781.90 4 784.54 −9.03 T1e 11 4 954.54 4 956.50 −2.70 T2k 181 4 587.64 4 589.98 6.27 T2k 95 4 784.54 4 787.12 −9.56 T1e 10 4 956.50 4 958.72 −2.55 T2k 180 4 589.98 4 592.58 6.04 T2k 94 4 787.12 4 791.02 −10.03 T1e 9 4 958.72 4 960.26 −2.67 T2k 179 4 592.58 4 597.16 5.54 T2k 93 4 791.02 4 793.36 −11.83 T1e 8 4 960.26 4 961.96 −2.10 T2k 178 4 597.16 4 599.74 3.07 T2k 92 4 793.36 4 797.48 −12.06 T1e 7 4 961.96 4 963.74 −1.70 T2k 177 4 599.74 4 603.04 2.59 T2k 91 4 797.48 4 800.14 −14.08 T1e 6 4 963.74 4 965.48 −1.37 T2k 176 4 603.04 4 605.62 1.40 T2k 90 4 800.14 4 802.34 −14.63 T1e 5 4 965.48 4 967.36 −1.01 T2k 175 4 605.62 4 607.80 0.92 T1e 89 4 802.34 4 804.54 −14.73 T1e 4 4 967.36 4 969.18 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