Geological Characteristics and Genetic Analysis of Diopside–Tremolite Deposit in Laozhuang, Nanzhao County, Henan Province
Abstract:Laozhuang diopside–tremolite deposit in Nanzhao county is the only diopside–tremolite deposit in Henan Province. The mining area is located in the north of Luanchuan–Minggang regional fault, and the tectonic position is in the south margin of North China block. There are two diopside–tremolit eorebodies in the mining area, which occur in the upper part of Nannihu formation of Luanchuan group of Qingbaikou system in stratoid form. The orebody morphology is simple. The wall rock alteration are mainly tremolite and diopside, followed by potassic feldspar and phlogopitization. The natural types of ores are mainly phlogopite diopside skarn, phlogopite diopside skarn and phlogopite diopsides karn. The mineral composition is mainly tremolite and diopside, followed by potash feldspar and phlogopite, a small amount of calcite. The chemical composition of the ore are SiO2, CaO, MgO and Al2O3, followed by FeO, K2O, Na2O and CO2. Ore grade: tremolite + diopside (Tl + Di) is relatively high and stable, and the average ore grade (Tl + Di) is 68.25%. The preliminary test of diopside raw ore replacing wollastonite in the production of glazed tile shows that the product has stable performance and obvious energy saving effect. The deposit belongs to skarn type and the metallogenic epoch is early Cretaceous. The formation of the deposit is controlled by early Cretaceous Zhuyuan quartz syenite porphyry, dolomite marble in the upper Nannihu formation and interlayer fracture zone. Skarn stage is the main metallogenic stage. Diopside is formed in dry skarn stage, tremolite is formed in wet skarn stage, and potash feldspar, phlogopite and calcite are formed in oxidation stage.
表 1 南召县老庄矿区矿石特征表
Table 1. Ore characteristics of Laozhuang mining area in Nanzhao County, Henan Province
矿石类型 分布 颜色 结构构造 矿物成分 备注 金云母透辉石透闪石矽卡岩型 矿体底部 灰白–灰绿色 鳞片粒柱状变晶结构、
30%)、方解石(<3%)、磁铁矿等微量主要类型 金云母透闪石透辉石矽卡岩型 矿体中部 灰白色 鳞片粒柱状变晶结构,
钾长石(10%~30%)、方解石(<3%)、磁铁矿等微量主要类型 金云母透闪石矽卡岩型 矿体顶部 暗绿色 鳞片柱粒状变晶结构,
磁铁矿等微量主要类型 钾长石透辉石矽卡岩型 矿体顶部、底部 灰白–浅绿色 粒状变晶结构,
磁铁矿等微量次要类型 透闪石矽卡岩型 矿体顶部 浅绿色 粒柱状变晶结构,束状、
纤维状、放射状、片状构造透闪石(50%~85%)、钾长石(5%~40%)、透辉石(≤5%)、方解石(5%~25%),金云母、磁铁矿等微量 次要类型 表 2 南召县老庄区矿石化学成分、矿物成分表(%)
Table 2. Chemical composition and mineral composition of ores in Laozhuang District, Nanzhao County
化学成分 矿体编号 矿区 I II 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 最小值 最大值 平均值 SiO2 35.46 62.30 52.76 6.28 49.07 46.70 6.28 62.30 50.26 CaO 5.90 33.81 13.36 7.14 22.38 15.52 7.14 33.81 14.23 MgO 2.12 14.98 10.84 6.69 19.98 14.26 6.69 19.98 12.22 TFeO(FeO+Fe2O3) 3.05 8.44 4.81 3.15 6.46 4.57 3.15 8.44 4.71 Al2O3 6.29 13.58 10.75 6.46 12.64 10.21 6.46 13.58 10.53 K2O 0.30 8.10 3.31 0.00 4.85 2.56 0.00 8.10 3.01 Na2O 0.10 2.45 0.63 0.10 0.45 0.23 0.10 2.45 0.47 CO2 0.00 13.17 0.65 0.00 15.32 2.10 0.00 15.32 1.23 透闪石(Tl) 0.00 85.09 41.05 0.00 84.72 46.74 0.00 85.09 43.34 透辉石(Di) 0.00 70.96 27.61 0.00 74.13 20.92 0.00 74.13 24.91 透闪石+透辉石(Tl+Di) 39.42 85.30 68.66 43.48 84.72 67.66 39.42 85.30 68.25 钾长石(Kp) 2.67 31.40 12.54 0.00 17.75 5.58 0.00 31.40 9.73 金云母(Phl) 0.00 27.38 10.88 0.00 43.93 15.92 0.00 43.93 12.91 方解石(Cal) 0.00 29.90 1.48 0.00 34.78 4.75 0.00 34.78 2.80 表 3 南召县老庄矿区单矿物电子探针分析结果表
Table 3. Single mineral EPMA analysis results of Laozhuang mining area in Nanzhao County
矿物名称 化学成分(%) SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 ∑ 透闪石 55.215 0.055 3.51 5.65 0.195 19.50 13.26 0.345 0.11 0.015 97.855 透辉石 53.19 0.01 0.59 2.99 0.26 15.90 25.63 0.24 0.00 0.005 98.815 钾长石 63.60 0.00 18.88 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.13 0.55 16.39 0.01 99.71 金云母 41.05 0.69 17.09 8.17 0.26 19.24 0.17 0.12 9.39 0.00 96.18 -
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