Enrichment Enrichment Regularity of Y–9 Reservoir of Yan’an Formation in Shawagou Area of Jingbian Oilfield, Ordos Basin
Abstract:Based on the study of reservoir characteristics, reservoir distribution and type, the oil and gas enrichment law of Y–9 reservoir in Shawagou Y–9 reservoir in Jingbian is summarized by using the method of superposition of basic reservoir forming geological conditions and reservoir distribution. The results show that Y–9 reservoir in the study area is a mesopore–low permeability reservoir, and Y–9 reservoir type is a tectonic–lithologic reservoir. Distribution and enrichment of Y–9 reservoir are controlled by various factors, including the Jurassic paleogeomorphology controls on reservoir play a leading role, provide important channels for hydrocarbon migration, deep valley favorable facies belt and nose–like uplift structure provides a favorable hydrocarbon accumulation place, the development of interlayer condition and effective reservoir and caprock controls the vertical distribution and scale of reservoirs. Comprehensive analysis shows that the area where mudstone interlayer is not developed, sand body of branch channel and superimposed tectonic uplift is the oil and gas rich area, which is the key position for exploration.
Key words:
- reservoirs /
- reservoir characteristics /
- enrichment law /
- Y–9 /
- Jingbian oilfield /
- Ordos basin
表 1 研究区延9油层组储层孔隙结构特征表
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区域 层位 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10−3 um2) 排驱压力(MPa) 中值压力(MPa) 中值半径(μm) 分选系数 退汞效率(%) 沙洼沟 延9 范围 1.8~18.29 0.014~1.39 0.01~15.84 0.25~49.52 0.015~2.94 0.43~7.2 13.54~40.58 平均 9.34 0.27 4.18 18.01 0.58 1.59 28 -
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