Metallogenic Regularity and Prospecting Prediction of Gold Polymetallic Deposits in Yueyashan–Laodonggou Area of Beishan Metallogenic Belt, Inner Mongolia
Abstract:The Yueyashan–Laodonggou area of Inner Mongolia is located in the southeast of Beishan ore belt, where has existed a series of gold polymetallic deposits, such as Yueyashan and Laodonggou gold–polymetallic deposit. Based on the systematically analyzed of the geological characteristics and key ore–controlling factors of typical gold–polymetallic deposits in this area, the comprehensive metallogenic prediction is carried out in this paper. The study shows that the gold in the area is mostly occurs with silver, lead, zinc. The gold orebodies are controlled by Caledonian–Hualixi intermediate acidic rock mass and NW–NWW faults, is a typical hydrothermal vein–type gold–polymetallic deposit. The high magnetic anomalies, NW–NWW faults and superposition sites of Au–Ag–Sb geochemical anomalies are favorable ore–prospecting areas of gold polymetallic deposits. The MRAS software is used to synthesize all kinds of prospecting information, four prospecting targets have been delineated, and high–quality mineralization and alteration were observed in four of them by field verification, which pointed out the direction for the next–stage work in this area.
图 1 北山地区月牙山–老硐沟一带地质略图(据段海龙等,2021)
Figure 1.
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