Research on Seepage Barriers of Massive and Superimposed Thick Oil Layers in the Low Oil Formation of No. 9 Block in Tahe Oilfield
Abstract:The low oil formation reservoir of No. 9 block in the Tahe Oilfield is a superimposedmassive braided river delta reservoir, moreover, distribution and connectivity of the interlayers as well as complexity produced the sealing faults, argillaceous barriers, calcareous cemented zones and other different–level seepage barriers to control the movement of oil and water within the reservoir is to deepen the heterogeneity of the reservoir space; and the analytic hierarchy process is adopted based on the analysis of the reservoir configuration, and combined with dynamic and static, to clarify the seepage barrier types and levels;the formation mechanism of calcareous cement zone and its controlling factors is analyzed by researcher, so that establishes a geological model for the distribution of seepage barriers in massive thick oil layers; Researches show that the main seepage barriers of the low oil formation in No. 9 Block of Tahe Oilfield are sealing faults barriers, mud barriers, and calcium cemented zones, what is more, it can be divided into four levels according to the seepage blocking effect, and northeast sealing faults and the 6–level interface at the top of the composite channel are the first–level seepage barrier, the 3~5 level configuration interface controls the 2~4 level mud and calcareous seepage barriers; to establish three types of seepage barrier modes composed by completely uncover, partial cover, and completely cover. The spatial distribution of seepage barriers is characterized by hierarchical and sub–quantitative methods, which deepening the study of reservoir spatial heterogeneity, and laying the foundation for fine geological modeling based on flow units.
图 4 塔河油田9区三叠系下油组三角洲前缘储层构型模式图(据徐丽强等,2016修改)
Figure 4.
表 1 渗流屏障级次及特征
Table 1. Seepage barrier grades and characteristics
级别定义 对应构型界面级别 通体级别 一级 封闭性断层及垂向不同期次沉积体系间的非渗透性边界 6级(区域稳定沉积的泥岩隔层、不整合) 连通体 二级 同期水道与心滩坝沉积组合之间
非渗透性边界5级(沉积体系组合之间的泥岩或者泛滥平原沉积) 连通单元 三级 同期水道与心滩项之间的界面 4级(泥质河道、泥质半充填河道和洪水
漫流细粒沉积)连通单元 四级 心滩坝内部的非渗透性沉积 3级(心滩坝内部落淤层,坝上沟道 渗流单元 表 2 不同构型单元非均质性参数统计表
Table 2. Statistical table of heterogeneity parameters of different configuration units
层号 辫状河道 心滩 水下/水上分流河道 水下/水上河道侧缘 平均值 变异
系数级差 平均值 变异
系数级差 平均值 变异
系数级差 平均值 变异
系数级差 T2a1-1 — — — — — — — — 103 0.6 4 49.3 93.7 0.7 6.7 563.5 T2a1-2 68.3 0.42 1.7 3.6 — — — — 120.3 0.52 4 69.4 140.9 0.62 3 14.9 T2a1-3 221.9 0.55 2.5 11.5 136.1 0.4 1.9 7.4 150.6 0.5 3 34.3 106.5 0.52 2.9 10.7 T2a1-4 207.6 0.58 3.6 32 160.4 0.56 3.5 51.3 — — — — — — — — 平均 165.9 0.52 2.6 15.7 148.3 0.48 2.7 29.3 125.4 0.54 3.7 51 113.7 0.61 4.2 196.4 -
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