Regional Variation and Influencing Factors of Shear Strength Parameters of Malan Loess in Lüliang Area
Abstract:Taking the undisturbed Malan loess from 94 sampling points in 29 counties in Lüliang Area as the research object, the undisturbed Malan loess was subjected to direct shear tests and undisturbed loess wetting water content and salt content shear tests to reveal the loess in the area. The regional distribution of loess shear strength parameters in the area is revealed, and the influencing factors of undisturbed Malan Loess shear strength parameters are analyzed. The results show that in the horizontal area, the shear strength parameters c and φ of the undisturbed Malan loess in the Lüliang area are higher on the east side than on the west side; in the vertical space, the correlation between c and φ and the sampling depth is low. The experiment of influencing factors also reveals that c, φ have discrete distribution with natural water content and natural dry density. Under the condition of wetting water content, undisturbed Malan loess c has a good exponential function relationship with wetting water content, φ has a linear negative correlation with wetting water content, and salinity has a positive correlation with c and φ. The effect of salt content on increasing internal friction angle is more obvious than that of cohesion. Compared with salt content, moisture content has a more significant effect on c and φ. This research provides the foundation and necessary conditions for solving the geological disasters in the Loess Plateau of western Shanxi Province.
Key words:
- Malan loess /
- cohesion /
- internal friction angle /
- wetting water content /
- salt content /
- Lüliang area
表 1 研究区马兰黄土物理力学指标统计结果表
Table 1. Statistical results of physical and mechanical indexes of Malan loess in the study area
区域 指标 含水率w (%) 干密度ρd(g/cm3) 相对
密度Gs孔隙比e 饱和度Sr(%) 液限wL(%) 塑限wP(%) 塑性指数Ip(%) 内摩擦角φ (°) 内聚力c (kPa) 东侧 最小值 2.75 1.26 2.62 0.71 7.52 11.40 25.72 8.32 21.71 4.88 最大值 18.14 1.84 2.77 1.50 61.42 20.20 46.39 27.84 39.40 61.52 平均值 9.63 1.43 2.67 1.05 24.61 17.27 31.87 14.61 30.75 26.64 标准差 3.96 0.12 0.04 0.19 10.85 1.91 3.89 4.09 4.15 13.36 变异系数 0.4114 0.0820 0.0141 0.1839 0.4407 0.1103 0.1219 0.2799 0.1349 0.5016 西侧 最小值 2.95 1.30 2.35 0.49 2.66 3.66 25.61 6.87 2.55 0.85 最大值 19.15 1.88 2.85 1.23 51.75 28.10 40.75 34.10 44.97 88.62 平均值 9.11 1.48 2.67 1.01 25.00 17.83 31.43 13.60 27.13 22.44 标准差 2.88 0.11 0.10 0.25 8.83 4.15 2.46 5.01 9.28 19.42 变异系数 0.3161 0.0739 0.0374 0.2469 0.3531 0.2330 0.0781 0.3684 0.3419 0.8657 注:表中数据由长安大学地质工程与测绘学院实验中心测试完成(2016~2020年)。 -
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