Research on the Method of Gravity Data Edge Expanding Based on Step By Step Iterative Interpolation
Abstract:In order to study the edge expanding interpolation method considering the variation characteristics of gravity anomaly, we used 1∶50000 gravity data obtained from theoretical gravity anomaly simulation for research. Through the comparison of 7 interpolation methods in surfer software, it is considered that the radial basis function method can obtain better results in data expanding. On this basis, the idea of step by step iterative interpolation is proposed and the expanding parameters are optimized as follows: ① The kernel function is multiquadric function, ② The number of sectors to research is 4, ③ The maximum number of data to use from all sectors is 64, ④ The search radius R1/R2=6/18, and the radius R2 parallels to the main strike of the anomaly, ⑤ The search angle was selected when the search radius R2 is parallels to the main strike of the anomaly, ⑥ The R2 parameter is generally between 0 and 1, among them, R2 parameter is selected according to the residual error comparison results of boundary points when expanding for the first time, and 0.1 parameter can be selected for other levels of expanding. In the application of actual data edge expanding of LY block in west of Yin’e basin, the “three–step method” can be used for interpolation to jointly consider the external expanding and internal interpolation parameters. The expanding results show that the gravity anomaly at the junction of the expanding area and the measured area is continuous and smooth, and the expanding area better reflects the main strike and local variation characteristics of the anomaly.
Key words:
- gravity data /
- edge expanding method /
- step by step iterative /
- interpolation parameters
表 1 理论模型参数
Table 1. Parameters of the theoretical model
模型编号 角点坐标(m) 顶面埋深(m) 底面埋深(m) 密度差(g/cm3) A (10774,14001),(10244,14532),(2466,6754),(2996,6223) 500 1500 0.5 B (12731,12047),(12024,12755),(4246,4976),(4953,4269) 600 1600 0.5 C (14521,10254),(13990,10785),(6212,3007),(6742,2476) 500 1500 0.5 表 2 不同插值方法标准偏差结果
Table 2. Standard deviation results of different interpolation methods
插值方法 内部点 外扩第1级 外扩第2级 外扩第3级 外扩第4级 外扩第5级 带线性插值的三角剖分法 0.0412 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 自然邻点 0.0497 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 改进谢别德 133 11593 32642 5 #N/A #N/A 加权反距离 0.2093 1.0056 1.3398 1.3628 1.2244 0.9430 径向基函数 0.0230 0.4938 0.9367 1.1888 1.2818 1.2625 克里格 0.0415 0.5584 0.9797 1.1909 1.2506 1.1969 最小曲率 0.0882 0.4198 0.8386 1.1797 1.4419 1.6196 注:#N/A 表示在扩边区未形成“扩边 值” 。 表 3 5种核函数标准偏差结果
Table 3. Standard deviation results of five kernel functions
核函数 外扩
第5级薄板样条 0.3685 1.0353 1.7646 2.4110 3.0803 多重对数 0.5662 1.1369 1.4705 1.7352 2.4457 多重二次曲面 0.4087 0.8779 1.1968 1.3479 1.3751 反多重二次曲面 0.7376 1.1848 1.3064 1.2313 0.9944 自然三次样条 0.3575 1.1839 2.2529 3.3890 4.4181 表 4 不同R2标准偏差结果
Table 4. Standard deviation results of different R2
R2 外扩
第5级0 0.5584 0.9797 1.1909 1.2504 1.1892 0.1 0.4087 0.8779 1.1968 1.3479 1.3751 0.2 0.3608 0.8442 1.2099 1.4089 1.4746 0.4 0.3125 0.8105 1.2350 1.5078 1.6245 0.6 0.2876 0.7948 1.2562 1.5872 1.7404 0.8 0.2715 0.7869 1.2738 1.6525 1.8357 1 0.2593 0.7827 1.2883 1.7066 1.9171 2 0.2211 0.7878 1.3621 1.8961 2.2390 4 0.2324 1.1089 2.0364 2.7648 3.5768 6 0.2310 0.9977 2.0765 2.9441 3.9323 8 0.2708 1.2062 2.1974 2.8556 4.9508 10 0.3494 1.5053 3.1809 4.2262 6.5030 表 5 外扩第1级点的标准偏差结果
Table 5. Standard deviation results of the first level expanding points
R1~R2 6~12 6~9 6~6 9~6 12~6 各向异性比率 0.5 0.667 1 1.5 2 搜索角度=
角度0° 0.3059 0.2550 0.2715 0.3310 0.3674 32° 0.4297 0.3617 0.2861 0.2529 0.2586 45° 0.5503 0.3898 0.2796 0.2263 0.2055 90° 0.2694 0.2825 0.2715 0.2850 0.3355 122° 0.1785 0.2127 0.2861 0.3758 0.4532 135° 0.1385 0.1908 0.2796 0.3816 0.4872 表 6 半径R1=6、R2=12时外扩区标准偏差结果
Table 6. Standard deviation results of expanding area whenradius R1=6 and R2=12
角度 外扩
第5级0° 0.3059 0.8721 1.5104 2.0137 2.3485 32° 0.4297 1.3634 2.4833 3.4310 3.9359 45° 0.5503 1.4258 2.0933 2.6701 3.0374 90° 0.2694 0.9643 1.6802 2.1498 2.3067 122° 0.1785 0.5567 0.9594 1.2718 1.4273 135° 0.1385 0.4560 0.8938 1.2566 1.4601 表 7 不同搜索半径外扩区标准偏差结果
Table 7. Standard deviation results of expanding area with different search radius
第5级6~9 0.667 0.1908 0.6063 1.1106 1.5160 1.7281 6~12 0.5 0.1385 0.4560 0.8938 1.2566 1.4601 6~18 0.333 0.0738 0.2743 0.6327 0.8879 1.0395 6~24 0.25 0.0574 0.2645 0.5969 0.9025 1.0871 6~30 0.2 0.0793 0.3245 0.7580 1.1690 1.5718 表 8 不同搜索点数外扩区标准偏差结果
Table 8. Standard deviation results of expanding area with different search points
搜索点数 48 64 80 96 外扩第1级 0.0781 0.0738 0.0957 0.1037 外扩第2级 0.3628 0.2743 0.2779 0.3088 外扩第3级 0.6909 0.6327 0.5561 0.5834 外扩第4级 0.9767 0.8879 0.8673 0.8632 外扩第5级 1.1345 1.0395 1.0415 1.0765 表 9 仅考虑内部或外部最佳参数时外扩区标准偏差结果
Table 9. Standard deviation results of expanding area when only considered internal or external optimal parameters
参数选取 内部点 外扩第1级 外扩第2级 外扩第3级 外扩第4级 外扩第5级 仅考虑外扩最佳参数时 0.01659 0.0738 0.2743 0.6327 0.8879 1.0395 仅考虑内插最佳参数时 0.01656 0.4235 1.7454 3.7984 6.0762 8.8219 表 10 不同搜索角度时新模型的扩边结果
Table 10. Edge expanding results of new model with different search angles
角度0° 32° 45° 90° 122° 135° 外扩第1级 0.3109 0.1547 0.0738 0.4983 1.1727 1.0471 外扩第2级 1.4690 0.4251 0.2743 1.2504 2.8641 1.9599 外扩第3级 2.6924 0.6833 0.6327 1.9878 5.6132 4.0206 外扩第4级 3.5599 0.8962 0.8879 2.6471 8.4885 6.5704 外扩第5级 3.9009 1.0328 1.0395 3.2340 10.7697 8.3004 表 11 不同搜索角度时Y模型的扩边结果
Table 11. Edge expanding results of Y model with different search angles
第5级0° 1.4208 3.9802 5.9726 7.6232 8.8935 8° 0.9059 2.3075 3.7689 5.6709 6.6191 39° 0.4838 1.3818 2.1895 3.0557 3.2056 45° 0.3833 1.1941 1.9197 2.4483 2.7107 70° 0.3108 0.9633 1.4703 1.8648 2.2582 90° 0.3309 1.3128 1.7726 2.2548 2.7663 98° 0.3186 0.8561 1.1129 1.3845 1.9681 129° 0.0935 0.2776 0.4958 0.7509 1.0083 135° 0.1206 0.3465 0.5737 0.7635 0.9791 160° 0.4661 1.1499 1.9294 2.1958 2.2504 -
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