Geological Characteristics and Genetic Analysis of Laoyachao Gold Deposit in Shuikoushan, Hunan Province
Abstract:Laoyachao gold deposit is located in the south margin of Hengyang basin and the middle part of Shuikoushan lead−zinc gold deposit. Gold ore bodies mainly occur in cryptoexplosive breccia system and contact fracture zone, which are controlled by structure, magmatic rock and stratum. Based on the regional geological background of gold deposits, ore deposit geological features, trace elements, S−Pb−O isotope characteristics, metallogenic temperature, pressure and salinity characteristics, orebody characteristics, ore characteristics, characteristics of wall rock alteration and assaying the fineness of native gold, as the basis, combining with the analysis of ore−forming geological conditions, deposit genetic type is determined as cryptoexplosion−liquid compound genesis of gold deposits (medium to low temperature).
表 1 老鸦巢矿区主要地层岩石化学成分表
Table 1. The chemical composition of the main strata in Laoyachao deposit
段别 岩性 岩石化学成分(%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 栖霞组 灰岩 1.76 0.40 0.20 54.44 微量 含燧石灰岩 8.91 2.17 0.38 48.96 微量 碳质灰岩 5.99 0.78 0.45 50.48 0.11 当冲组 泥灰岩 32.94 7.24 4.19 20.83 5.48 硅质泥灰岩 43.16 7.60 10.80 17.04 6.32 硅质岩 77.88 8.03 0.87 1.32 0.97 含锰硅质岩 55.32 6.96 5.71 1.03 2.30 表 2 老鸦巢矿区主要金矿体特征
Table 2. The main characteristics of gold orebody in Laoyachao deposit
矿体编号 矿体规模 产状(°) 形态 平均品位
厚度(m)Ⅰ 65~185 346 2.61 210~260∠30~50 似层状、透镜状 4.92 74.07 220.87 Ⅱ 30~110 213 3.07 240~250∠25~30 透镜状、似层状 4.45 87.85 70.41 Ⅲ 40~170 371 4.12 210~150∠35~45 似层状、透镜状 5.56 75.76 92.08 Ⅳ 135~565 407 7.50 220~240∠25~50 透镜状、不规则状 5.61 94.70 101.93 Ⅴ 35 34 1.50 255∠35 透镜状 8.81 – – 表 3 老鸦巢矿区自然金的赋存状态表
Table 3. The occurrence state of natural gold in Laoyachao deposit
矿物名称 方铅矿 闪锌矿 黄铁矿 磁铁矿 石英 方解石 脉石 空洞、裂隙中 脉石与各金属
矿物接触面上含金量(%) 0.02 1.84 7.00 3.40 30.16 4.65 27.42 10.58 14.93 占比(%) 0.38 3.05 5.34 4.58 44.66 6.49 15.27 1.91 18.32 表 4 老鸦巢矿区自然金电子探针分析结果表
Table 4. Results of natural gold electron probe analysis in Laoyachao deposit
样号 载体矿物 分析项目及结果(%) 成色(‰) Au/Ag Au Ag 10057 方解石与黄铁矿接触界面 90.246 9.071 908.6 9.45 10045 黄铁矿 92.965 6.781 932.9 13.71 10045 磁铁矿 87.346 11.921 879.9 7.33 10045 磁铁矿与石英接触界面上 86.545 13.090 868.6 6.61 11168 脉石中 86.695 12.505 873.9 6.93 平均 88.759 10.674 892.6 8.81 注:数据来源于曹琼等,2014。 表 5 老鸦巢矿区Ⅶ~XIII中段各类岩石含Au品位表
Table 5. Gold grade table of all kinds of rocks in the middle section Ⅶ~XIII of Laoyachao deposit
泥灰岩砂页岩 样品个数 118 2292 835 1747 349 67 298 18 Au平均品位(10−6) 0.43 3.50 1.58 1.08 0.58 0.50 0.42 0.29 注:数据来源于曹琼等(2014)。 表 6 区域及水口山矿田二叠系各地层岩石Au元素含量表
Table 6. Table of Au content in strata of Permian in Shuikoushan ore field
区域二叠系 Au含量(10−9) 矿田二叠系岩石 Au含量(10−9) 4号花岗闪长岩体Au含量(10−9) P2c 1.914 碎屑岩 2.22 76.4 P2dl 1.457 泥质岩 3.23 P1d 3.320 硅质岩 2.77 P1q 0.999 碳酸盐岩 1.83 地壳Au含量 4×10−9 表 7 老鸦巢矿区Pb同位素组成及参数表
Table 7. Isotopic composition and parameters of lead in Laoyachao mining area
序号 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb μ Th/U Δα Δβ Δγ 1 18.493 15.782 38.745 9.81 3.85 91.17 30.69 48.43 2 18.10 15.32 39.11 8.95 4.14 45.48 −0.76 45.27 3 18.63 15.85 39.35 9.93 4.04 97.93 35.05 64.08 4 18.36 15.50 39.21 9.27 4.07 63.65 11.14 49.79 5 18.34 15.64 38.87 9.55 3.96 77.23 21.11 49.08 表 8 老鸦巢矿区矿物包裹体测试分析结果表
Table 8. Table of mineral inclusion test analysis results in Laoyachao mining area
样品种类 压力
(%)花岗闪长岩中的灰白石英 433 390 46.41 矽卡岩化中的石榴子石 320 375 16.20 硫化矿石中灰白石英(J1) 258 360 45.39 硫化矿石中透明石英(J2) 8 138 4.83 表 9 老鸦巢矿区单矿物标型元素与矿床成因关系表
Table 9. The relationship between single mineral type element and deposit genesis in Laoyachao mining area
矿物名称 元素对 数值 判别成因标准 内生 外生 黄铁矿 Co/Ni 1.72 >1 <1 S/Se 15000 <20000 >20000 Pb/Ni 25.8 高 低 Tl/Se 0.05 低 高 矿物名称 元素对 数值 判别成因标准 高温 中温 低温 闪锌矿 TFe(%) 3.3 10~20 3~10 1~3 In(10−6) 66 150~520 11~240 0~30 Cd(%) 0.28 0.20 0.6 1.5 Ga(10−6) 24 1.3~14 1.1~32 18~200 Ga/In 0.364 0.001~0.50 0.01~5 1~100 -
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