Abstract:The crystal anisotropy of molybdenite makes its "surface" and "edge" have very different properties, which further affects the flotation behavior of molybdenite. Through density functional theory, the reasons for the differences in the properties of molybdenite "surface" and "edge" are demonstrated from the atomic level, and the effects of water, kerosene, and xanthate on the surface of molybdenite are discussed. The results show that the "surface" of the molybdenite is strongly hydrophobic and the "edge" is strongly hydrophilic. In addition, kerosene is mainly adsorbed on the S-containing atomic face of molybdenite by electrostatic interactions, whereas xanthate is adsorbed on molybdenum "edge" by the bonding interaction of the S atom in its C-S single bond with Mo atom at the molybdenite "edge".
Key words:
- molybdenite /
- density functional theory /
- surfaces properties /
- adsorption
表 1 辉钼矿单胞的晶胞参数 /Å
Table 1. Geometrical parameters of molybdenite cell
表 2 辉钼矿(0001)面和(1010)面弛豫前后的参数 /Å
Table 2. Parameters of molybdenite (0001) and (1010) surfaces before and after relaxation
参数 0001 (1010) 弛豫前 弛豫后 弛豫前 弛豫后S面 弛豫后Mo面 Mo-S 2.411 2.411 2.411 2.370 2.548 2.291 S-S(1010) 3.119 3.119 3.119 1.975 - S-S((0110)) 3.185 3.185 3.185 3.184 - Mo-Mo(表面) 3.185 3.185 3.185 - 2.264 Mo-Mo(层间) 3.185 3.185 3.185 - 3.068 表面能/(J·m-2) - 0.004 - 3.577 3.577 表 3 体相与弛豫后辉钼矿(0001)面和(1010)面的Mulliken电荷布居值
Table 3. Mulliken charge populations of molybdenite bulk and relaxed molybdenite (0001) and (1010) surfaces
表面 原子 电荷布居/e 电荷/e s p d 体相 S 1.86 4.16 0.00 -0.02 Mo 2.48 6.45 5.03 0.04 (0001)面 S 1.86 4.16 0.00 -0.02 Mo 2.48 6.45 5.03 0.04 (1010)面 S1 1.91 4.20 0.00 -0.11 S2 1.90 4.10 0.00 0.00 Mo4 2.44 6.32 5.08 0.16 Mo1/2 2.59 6.16 5.16 0.09 Mo3 2.46 6.42 5.01 0.11 S3/4/5/6 1.86 4.20 0.00 -0.06 表 4 水和浮选药剂在辉钼矿(0001)面和(1010)面的吸附能 /(kcal·mol-1)
Table 4. Adsorption energies of water and flotation reagents on molybdenite (0001) and (1010)
种类 (0001)面 (1010)面 水 106.96 -165.58 直链烷烃(C12H26) -24.05 -44.06 直链芳香烃(C12H18) -76.51 -104.80 甲基黄原酸钠 87.62 -227.02 丁基黄原酸钠 49.42 -299.69 -
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