Analysis on the Current Situation and Development Trend of Energy Resources in China
Abstract:On the basis of authoritative data, the research on the status quo and development trends of China's energy sources is carried out. The world energy status is analyzed systematically in terms of oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, and renewable energy. Sequentially, the domestic energy resources status, including the reserves, production, and consumption of all types of energy resources in China are analyzed. Finally, the trend of China's energy development is predicted reasonably, and the existing problems are pointed out with several corresponding suggestions.
Key words:
- China /
- energy /
- current situation /
- oil /
- natural gas /
- nuclear power /
- coal /
- renewable energy
表 1 全国石油资源主要分布盆地
Table 1. Distributions of national petroleum resources in basins
盆地 地质资源量/亿t 可采资源量/亿t 渤海湾(陆上) 242.87 65.58 鄂尔多斯 158.38 26.72 松辽 134.28 39.86 塔里木 120.65 27.94 渤海湾(海域) 110.29 25.37 准噶尔 106.73 22.02 珠江口 74.32 29.63 羌塘 50.95 11.21 柴达木 38.19 6.24 北部湾 21.18 5.1 二连 17.84 2.67 四川 16.11 1.29 三塘湖 15.52 1.55 琼东南 14.89 6 措勤 11.04 1.64 海拉尔 10.1 2.01 合计 1 143.34 274.84 全国 1 257.13 300.67 注:数据来自2015年全国油气资源动态评价。 表 2 全国常规天然气资源主要分布盆地
Table 2. Distributions of national natural gas resources in basins
盆地 地质资源量/亿m3 可采资源量/亿m3 四川 206 907 112 031 塔里木 163 100 98 000 鄂尔多斯 154 542 85 721 东海 60 479 33 262 琼东南 51 607 32 977 松辽 49 566 22 120 莺歌海 44 209 27 232 柴达木 33 390 18 271 珠江口 29 958 17 264 准噶尔 24 676 10 156 渤海湾(陆上) 17 264 8 246 渤海湾(海域) 12 977 5 840 合计 848 675 471 121 全国 902 920 500 827 注:数据来自2015年全国油气资源动态评价。 -
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