Abstract:The dispersion effect of sodium hexametaphosphate(SHMP) on flotation system of serpentine-pentlandite was investigated and the mechanism was studied by flotation experiments, Zeta potential, and SEM measurement.The results showed that the hetero-aggregation between serpentine and pentlandite results in the attachment of serpentine slimes on pentlandite surface and changed the surface characteristics of pentlandite, thus decreased the pentlandite flotation recovery.However, the pentlandite flotation recovery was increased by adding SHMP. The mechanism studies demonstrate that the serpentine particles coat on the pentlandite surface by hetero-aggregation because the surface electrical properties of serpentine and pentlandite are same in a certain pH range.It reduces the hydrophobicity of pentlandite surface and decreases the flotation recovery of pentlandite. The hetero-aggregation between pentlandite and the particles of serpentine can be eliminated by adding SHMP. Because the addition of SHMP significantly changes the surface electrical properties of serpentine, and makes electrostatic attraction convert into electrostatic repulsion between pentlandite and the particles of serpentine, thereby improving the flotation recovery of pentlandite.
Key words:
- serpentine /
- pentlandite /
- hetero-coagulation /
- sodium hexametaphosphate
表 1 单矿物化学多元素分析结果
Table 1. Results of single mineral chemical multielement analysis
矿物 元素质量分数/% MgO SiO2 CaO Al2O3 Fe Ni Cu S 镍黄铁矿 0.21 1.19 - 0.21 35.36 28.29 0.86 33.21 蛇纹石 38.79 39.27 0.32 0.71 3.86 - - - 表 2 单矿物样品的粒度组成
Table 2. Particle size composition of mineral samples
矿样 d10/μm d50/μm d90/μm 平均粒径/μm 镍黄铁矿 3.87 30.8 116.8 51.49 蛇纹石 1.89 12.67 48.12 20.89 -
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