Thermal Infrared Spectra Characteristics of Rare Metal Minerals and Rock in the Keketuohai Deposit, Xijiang
Abstract:BACKGROUND At present, the application of new materials and new energy in various fields continues to deepen, and rare metal deposits have ushered in a worldwide upsurge of research and exploration. The Keketuohai rare metal deposit is the earliest developed deposit for rare metal mineral in China. However, the thermal infrared (TIR) characteristics of minerals and rocks from this deposit have not been studied, which restricts remote sensing geological survey and relevant studies.
OBJECTIVES To analyze the characteristics of thermal infrared spectra of minerals and rock assemblages from the Keketuohai deposit, and provide the basic data for rare metal exploration.
METHODS A portable thermal infrared spectrometer was used to measure the spectrum data of typical minerals and rock assemblages of Keketuohai No.3 vein. Data was analyzed using techtonics/structural geology (TSG) and related databases.
RESULTS Typical rare metal minerals like spodumene, lepidolite, beryl and tourmaline can be separated with TIR. Compared with lepidolite, there was a new diagnosed peak for the TIR spectrum of lepidolite-bearing pegmatite. The spectrum peaks of spodumene-bearing pegmatite and tourmaline-bearing pegmatite were significantly shorter than those of spodumene and tourmaline. However, the spectrum peaks of beryl-bearing pegmatite were shorter than the peaks of beryl.
CONCLUSIONS A database of thermal infrared spectroscopy characteristics of typical minerals and rocks in the Keketuohai has been established, and the thermal infrared spectroscopy characteristics of spodumene and lepidolite, ore-bearing pegmatites and surrounding rocks in rare metal deposits have been summarized in this study. Basic data support for the identification of rare metal minerals using thermal infrared spectroscopy and the exploration of granite pegmatite deposits has also been provided.
Key words:
- Keketuohai /
- rare metals /
- thermal infrared spectroscopy /
- spodumene /
- lepidolite
表 1 标本基本信息
Table 1. Basic information of the specimens
标本编号 标本名称 采样层位 地质特征描述 KKTH-1 锂辉石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉叶钠长石-锂辉石带(含铍铌的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 晶体属单斜晶系,柱状,无色透明,可达宝石级,其晶体内部略有瑕疵 KKTH-2 锂辉石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉叶钠长石-锂辉石带(含铍铌的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 主要矿石矿物为锂辉石,含量约占95%。脉石矿物主要为白云母、石英,含量约占5% KKTH-3 锂云母 可可托海1号坑3号脉薄片状钠长石-锂云母带(含铌钽的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 主要矿石矿物为锂云母,含量约占95%。脉石矿物为叶钠长石,含量约占5% KKTH-8 白云母 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉白云母石英带伟晶岩中 矿石完全由白云母组成,片状,淡绿色 KKTH-9 黑云母 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉文象、变文象石英斜长石带伟晶岩中 晶体为单斜晶系,集合体呈片状。由于富含高价铁,所以标本呈现黑绿色 KKTH-10 电气石单晶 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉薄片状钠长石-锂云母带(含铌钽的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 晶体为三方晶系,呈三方柱状。柱面上呈现出纵纹,横断面呈球面三角形。由于富含铁,电气石呈黑色 KKTH-11 钠长石、
石英伟晶岩可可托海1号矿坑3号脉薄片状钠长石-锂云母带(含铌钽的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 主要矿石矿物为电气石,含量约占10%。脉石矿物主要为石英、片状钠长石,含量约占90%。电气石为三方晶系,单体呈六方柱状。柱面上呈现出纵纹,横断面呈球面三角形。由于富含锂,电气石呈粉红色 KKTH-12 电气石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉薄片状钠长石-锂云母带(含铌钽的锂矿带)伟晶岩中 主要矿石矿物为电气石,含量约占20%。脉石矿物主要为斜长石、锂云母,含量约占80%。晶体为三方晶系,单体呈六方柱状,集合体呈棒状。由于该电气石含有锂和铬,从而形成了色带现象,由中心向外形成色环,颜色由粉色向绿色过渡 KKTH-13 海蓝宝石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉糖晶状钠长石巢体带(主要含铍矿带)花岗伟晶岩中 海蓝宝石在矿物学中属于绿柱石,是一种含铍、铝的硅酸盐。晶体属六方晶系,单体呈六方柱状。由于含有Fe2+,标本呈淡蓝色。主要矿石矿物为绿柱石,含量约占10%。脉石矿物主要有长石、石英、白云母,含量约占90% KKTH-14 绿柱石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉糖晶状钠长石巢体带(主要含铍矿带)伟晶岩中 主要矿石矿物为绿柱石,含量约占5%。脉石矿物主要为叶钠长石、白云母、石英,含量约占95%。绿柱石晶体为六方晶系,单体呈六方柱状。标本呈淡绿色 KKTH-15 蓝晶石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉文象、变文象石英斜长石带伟晶岩中 晶体为三斜晶系,单体呈平行双面柱状,淡黄色 KKTH-16 铁铝榴石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉白云母石英集合体带 主要矿石矿物为铁铝榴石,含量约占5%。脉石矿物主要为绢云母、石英等,含量约占95%。铁铝榴石晶体为等轴晶系,单体为菱形十二面体和四角三八面体聚型,褐红色 KKTH-17 石英 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉块体石英带 烟灰色石英,晶体为三方晶系,单体呈六方柱状,具晶面横纹,在宝石学上称为“烟晶” KKTH-18 斜长石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉块体微斜长石带 晶体为三斜晶系,单体呈板柱状,灰白色 KKTH-19 萤石 可可托海1号矿坑3号脉石英-锂辉石带(与5带组合成含铍钽铌锂主矿带) 萤石晶体为等轴晶系,单体为六八面体。绿色或紫色,透明 -
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