Application of Thermal Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Quartz Content
Abstract:BACKGROUND Quartz is not only an important prospecting indicator of hydrothermal deposits, but also a key factor affecting the evaluation of shale gas reservoir fracturing. It is of great significance to carry out the rapid evaluation of quartz content in field drilling. However, the analysis process of conventional methods (X-ray diffraction method and scanning electron microscope) is relatively long.
OBJECTIVES To establish a rapid and large-scale quantitative evaluation model of quartz based on thermal infrared reflectance.
METHODS Handheld FTIR spectrometer and mineral quantitative analyzer were used to analysis the content and characteristic absorption peak intensity of quartz, from mudstone, sandstone, conglomerate, limestone and dolomite samples in the Qiangtang Basin.
RESULTS The relative depth (D8625, D12640, D14450) of quartz at the three characteristic center wavelength positions of 8625nm, 12640nm and 14450nm can be used to distinguish terrigenous clastic rocks from carbonate rocks. When D8625>0.14 or D12640>0.02 or D14450>0.02, the samples are mainly terrigenous clastic rocks. In addition, three quartz spectral characteristic parameters D8625, D12640, and D14450 all have a high correlation with the quartz content, and the least square method can be used to construct a quartz content evaluation model. Two indicators of goodness of fit (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the accuracy of the three models. Among them, the quartz content estimation model based on D8625 parameters had the highest goodness of fit (R2=0.9237), with the smallest root square error (RMSE=8.51). Based on this, it is believed that the D8625 quartz spectral parameters can be used as the optimal spectral index for evaluating the quartz content.
CONCLUSIONS Based on thermal infrared reflectance spectroscopy technology, a field method for quickly estimating the content of quartz in drilling core has been established, which provides reference for prospecting and exploration of hydrothermal deposits and shale gas exploration and development.
表 1 样品中石英含量及光谱特征参数
Table 1. Quartz content and spectral characteristic parameters in samples
样品编号 岩性 石英含量(%) D8625 D12640 D14450 样品编号 岩性 石英含量(%) D8625 D12640 D14450 QZ16-7 泥岩 78.73 0.237 0.0627 0.0292 QD17-19 灰岩 9.23 0.0125 0.00738 0.00124 QZ16-17 泥岩 41.77 0.176 0.0301 0.032 QD17-36 灰岩 8.09 0.00581 0 0.00385 QZ16-5 砂岩 79.02 0.235 0.0588 0.0268 QD17-26 灰岩 7.29 0.00937 0 0.00158 QZ16-10 砂岩 75.63 0.245 0.0593 0.0307 QD17-8 灰岩 7.26 0.02 0.00571 0.00353 QZ16-9 砂岩 71.74 0.24 0.0583 0.0304 QD17-22 灰岩 6.42 0.0182 0.00748 0.0131 QD17-5 砂岩 66.82 0.209 0.0561 0.0295 QD17-15 灰岩 6.24 0.0077 0.00364 0.00462 QD17-1 砂岩 64.14 0.191 0.0609 0.0247 QD17-23 灰岩 5.97 0.0173 0.00175 0 QD17-2 砂岩 63.47 0.184 0.0605 0.0334 QZ16-20 灰岩 5.91 0.0151 0.0018 0.00199 QD17-3 砂岩 62.43 0.183 0.0524 0.0307 QD17-35 灰岩 5.69 0 0.00309 0.00768 QZ16-3 砂岩 62.30 0.227 0.061 0.0386 QD17-7 灰岩 5.67 0.00286 0.00319 0.00323 QZ16-1 砂岩 60.44 0.229 0.0534 0.0258 QD17-9 灰岩 5.28 0.0159 0.00291 0 QZ16-23 砂岩 58.86 0.226 0.0397 0.0488 QD17-16 灰岩 5.21 0 0.00336 0.00245 QD17-41 砂岩 52.97 0.187 0.0487 0.03 QD17-13 灰岩 5.19 0.00824 0.00329 0 QZ16-25 砂岩 43.44 0.155 0.035 0.0237 QD17-11 灰岩 4.72 0.00864 0.00211 0 QZ16-19 砂岩 36.94 0.161 0.0394 0.0429 QD17-10 灰岩 4.48 0.00247 0.00352 0 QZ16-8 砂岩 36.04 0.156 0.0497 0.0327 QD17-12 灰岩 4.29 0 0.00141 0 QD17-40 砂岩 35.21 0.195 0.0467 0.0317 QD17-21 灰岩 3.98 0.017 0.00258 0 QZ16-11 砂岩 34.90 0.148 0.0283 0.0251 QZ16-21 灰岩 3.79 0.00358 0.00286 0.000608 QZ16-16 砂岩 34.89 0.142 0.0352 0.0311 QD17-27 灰岩 3.79 0.00502 0.000941 0.000561 QD17-24 砂岩 34.75 0.174 0.0374 0.0194 QD17-25 灰岩 3.45 6.40E-05 0.00312 0.000744 QD17-38 砂岩 56.36 0.211 0.0527 0.0295 QD17-20 灰岩 2.46 0.00739 0.00196 0.000867 QZ16-29 砾岩 71.46 0.174 0.0413 0.0276 QD17-17 灰岩 2.05 0.0183 0.0038 0 QZ16-28 砾岩 71.24 0.214 0.0374 0.0273 QD17-29 灰岩 1.71 7.40E-05 0.000914 0.00274 QZ16-31 砾岩 62.77 0.199 0.0484 0.0107 QZ16-14 灰岩 1.59 0.00212 0.00149 0 QZ16-30 砾岩 58.09 0.218 0.0415 0.032 QD17-30 灰岩 1.03 0 0.000962 0.000291 QZ16-26 砾岩 57.63 0.196 0.0323 0.028 QD17-18 灰岩 0.93 0.00835 0.00271 0.00269 QD17-34 灰岩 26.14 0.16 0.0465 0.0355 QD17-31 灰岩 0.60 0.00821 0.0015 0 QD17-32 灰岩 14.28 0.0754 0.0133 0.00752 QZ16-27 白云岩 39.33 0.202 0.0458 0.032 QZ16-13 灰岩 12.43 0.0841 0.00925 0.00446 QZ16-22 白云岩 24.13 0.111 0.0199 0.022 QD17-14 灰岩 9.41 0.00144 0.00464 0.0027 QZ16-18 白云岩 6.29 0.00603 0.000557 0 表 2 三个模型石英含量反演结果及模型均方根误差
Table 2. Inversion results of quartz content and root mean square error of three models
样品编号 石英含量QEMSCAN分析结果(%) 三个模型预测的石英含量(%) D8625模型
(RMSE=10.38)QZ16-10 75.63 70.34 68.92 51.38 QZ16-28 71.24 61.60 44.44 46.41 QD17-2 63.47 53.14 70.26 55.33 QZ16-3 62.30 65.27 70.82 62.94 QZ16-30 58.09 62.73 49.03 53.28 QD17-41 52.97 53.99 57.07 50.36 QZ16-27 39.33 58.22 53.83 53.28 QD17-40 35.21 56.24 54.84 52.84 QD17-24 34.75 50.32 44.44 34.85 QD17-32 14.28 22.51 17.51 17.47 QD17-19 9.23 4.77 10.89 8.28 QD17-8 7.26 6.89 9.02 11.63 QD17-15 6.24 3.42 6.71 13.23 QD17-35 5.69 1.24 6.10 17.70 QD17-16 5.21 1.24 6.40 10.05 QD17-10 4.48 1.94 6.58 6.47 QZ16-21 3.79 2.25 5.84 7.36 QD17-20 2.46 3.33 4.83 7.74 QZ16-14 1.59 1.84 4.31 6.47 QD17-31 0.60 3.56 4.32 6.47 -
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