A Review of Progress in Microbeam Lu-Hf Isotopic Analysis on Minerals
- Lu-Hf同位素 /
- 锆石 /
- 石榴石 /
- 微区分析
Abstract:BACKGROUND Mircobeam Lu-Hf isotopic analysis on minerals provides an important means to understand the microscopic process of magmatic activity and metamorphic reaction and to trace provenance of sediment, which greatly promotes the development of petrogeochemistry. Many methods were provided to obtain accurate and precise microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic data, and many mineral standards for microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic analysis were developed.
OBJECTIVES To review and understand the microbeam methods for Lu-Hf isotopic analysis.
METHODS Systematic compilations of published data of standards and discussion on the different methods for microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic analysis.
RESULTS The development history of microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic analysis in the past 30 years is reviewed, and the influence of 176Yb and 176Lu isobars, REE oxides, and Ta-rich matrices on the precision and accuracy of Hf isotope measurement is systematically evaluated as well as the different correction strategies and programs provided in previous studies. In addition, a comprehensive compilation of the different Yb and Lu isotopic compositions reported in references and the different methods of microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic analyses on various Hf-rich minerals such as zircon, baddeleyite, zirconolite, zirkelite, calzirtite, eudialyte, rutile, cassiterite, and columbite-group minerals is made. The micro-drill/micro-saw sampling Lu-Hf isotopic analysis of Lu-rich minerals has played an important role in revealing the multi-stage orogenic process and the duration of mineral growth. The advent of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-Q-MS/MS) has increased the spatial resolution of Lu-Hf single-spot/isochron dating analysis of Lu-rich minerals to the micrometer scale. This method relies on the collision reaction of Hf and NH3 to realize the online separation of Hf from Lu, and achieves the purpose of synchronous measurement of 176Lu/177Hf and 176Hf/177Hf ratios, which is introduced in detail.
CONCLUSIONS The new generation of tandem multi-collector sector field mass spectrometer with collision/reaction cell has high stability and sensitivity, which can be used to determine online separation of Hf from REEs, produce high-precision Hf isotope measurements for high Yb/Hf or Ta-rich minerals under high spatial resolution conditions, and significantly improve the precision and accuracy of microbeam Lu-Hf isotopic analysis. This deserves extensive attention in the future.
Key words:
- Lu-Hf isotope /
- zircon /
- garnet /
- microbeam analysis
图 1 文献报道的自然界Yb同位素组成(数据见表 1)
Figure 1.
图 2 (a) 主要富铪矿物标样176Hf/177Hf-年龄相关图;(b)主要富铪矿物标样176Yb/177Hf-176Lu/177Hf相关图(数据来源见表 2)
Figure 2.
表 1 不同文献报道的自然界Yb-Lu同位素组成
Table 1. Natural Yb and Lu isotopic compositions reported in different references
测量方式 172Yb/171Yb 173Yb/171Yb 174Yb/171Yb 176Yb/171Yb 176Yb/172Yb 176Yb/173Yb 173Yb/172Yb 174Yb/172Yb 176Lu/175Lu 文献来源 TIMS 1.526374 1.124778 2.216312 0.885860 0.580369 0.787586 0.736896 1.452011 - [67] TIMS+MC-ICPMS 1.526400 1.124800 2.216300 0.885900 0.580385 0.787607 0.736897 1.451979 0.02656 [6] TIMS 1.532075 1.132685 2.242466 0.901821 0.588627 0.796180 0.739314 1.463679 0.02655 [61] MC-ICPMS 1.532227 1.132685 2.242716 0.901864 0.588597 0.796218 0.739241 1.463697 - [61] MC-ICPMS 1.530570 1.130172 2.235486 0.897145 0.586151 0.793813 0.738400 1.460558 - [66] TIMS - - - - - 0.795200 - - 0.02656 [68] TIMS 1.525914 1.123456 2.215594 0.884110 0.579397 0.786956 0.736251 1.451979 0.02645 [63] MC-ICPMS 1.526049 1.123575 2.215790 0.884081 0.579327 0.786847 0.736264 1.451979 0.02645 [63] TIMS 1.529607 1.129197 2.232678 0.895504 0.585447 0.793045 0.738227 1.459642 0.02655 [65] TIMS 1.531736 1.132338 2.241970 0.901691 0.588673 0.796310 0.739251 1.463679 0.02655 [65] TIMS 1.532105 1.132554 2.242509 0.901976 0.588717 0.796409 0.739215 1.463679 - [69] MC-ICPMS 1.530245 1.131999 2.238963 0.900121 0.588220 0.795161 0.739750 1.463140 - [70] MC-ICPMS - - - - 0.587150 - - 1.461820 - [62] MC-ICPMS - 1.132685 - - - 0.796390 - - - [71] 注:“-”代表无数据。 表 2 主要富铪矿物标样的REE-Hf同位素组成特征
Table 2. REE-Hf isotopic compositions of Hf-rich mineral standards
标准溶液 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 JMC475 - - - - - - 0.282160 - - [4, 83-84] 锆石 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 Zr 2-1 0 - 0.000001 0.000005 0.000002 0.000000 0.282209±9 6105 330 [85] Zr 3-1 0 - 0.000001 0.000006 0.001997 0.000504 0.282213±8 6819 382 [85] Zr 3-2 0 - 0.000001 0.000005 0.002283 0.000568 0.282210±10 7598 304 [85] Zr 4-1 0 - 0.000012 0.000003 0.001426 0.000356 0.282230±7 10011 300 [85] Zr 4-2 0 - 0.000010 0.000004 0.002033 0.000524 0.282234±8 8648 796 [85] MUNZirc 0 0 - - - 0.000130±65 0.000007±4 0.282135±7 - - [58] MUNZirc 1 0 - 0.000534 0.004097 0.029±13 0.00147±67 0.282135±7 8933 - [58] MUNZirc 2 0 - 0.000282 0.002999 0.078±37 0.0029±12 0.282135±7 10415 - [58] MUNZirc 3 0 - 0.001090 0.010273 0.109±29 0.0044±15 0.282135±7 9232 751 [58] MUNZirc 4 0 - 0.005968 0.037853 0.321±64 0.0127±24 0.282135±7 11790 601 [58] FM0411 1.2±0.1L 206Pb/238U 0.0006 0.0027 0.0058±13 0.00017±2 0.282983±4 9323 422 [20, 86-87] 61.308A 2.488±0.004 206Pb/238U - - 0.030697 0.00186 0.282977±14 5780 - [88] 61.308B 2.508±0.002 206Pb/238U - - 0.030772 0.00228 0.282977±6 5537 - [88] Penglai 4.4±0.1 206Pb/238U 0.0019 0.0059 0.0140±80 0.00038±20 0.282906±10 5152 355 [86, 89-90] FCT 28.402±0.023 206Pb/238U 0.0036 0.0109 0.055±11 0.00210±43 0.282538±16 10773 1055 [91-92] SK10-2 32.10±0.49L 206Pb/238U - - - - 0.282752±53 - - [44, 93-94] GHR1 48.106±0.023 206Pb/238U - - 0.048±30 0.0019±12 0.283050±17 - - [95] Monastery 90.1±0.5 206Pb/238U - - 0.00061±16 0.000009 0.282738±8 - - [45, 96-99] KIM-5 90±3S 206Pb/238U 0.0001 0.0004 0.000430 0.000015±4 0.282660±24 9114 192 [100-102] Jilin 117.63±0.04 206Pb/238U 0.0054 0.0140 0.0310±14 0.00082±35 0.282926±14 9135 510 [103] Qinghu 159.38±0.12 206Pb/238U 0.0019 0.0063 0.026±13 0.00068±21 0.283002±4 11750 802 [104-105] LV-11 ~290 206Pb/238U - - 0.166±11 0.0026±2 0.282837±28 - - [106] Plesovice 337.13±0.37 206Pb/238U 0.0018 0.0061 0.005107 0.000125 0.282482±12 11167 - [98-99, 107] TEMORA-1 416.75±0.24 206Pb/238U 0.0039 0.0173 0.032±15 0.00110±30 0.282685±11 7801 - [20, 38, 51, 108-110] TEMORA-2 418.37±0.14
416.78±0.33206Pb/238U 0.0020 0.0078 0.035±14 0.00109 0.282686±8 9362 239 [97-98, 109, 111-112] R33 419.26±0.39
420.53±0.16206Pb/238U 0.0047 0.0184 0.070±29 0.001990±87 0.282764±14 9764 1373 [50-51, 98, 109, 111] M127 524.36±0.16 206Pb/238U 0.0017 0.0060 0.0177±14 0.000654±64 0.282396±4 12400 500 [113] GZ7 530.26±0.05 206Pb/238U 0.0020 0.0059 0.012528 0.00049 0.281666±4 10060 290 [114] SA01 535.08±0.32 206Pb/238U 0.0031 0.0055 0.0127±87 0.00045±28 0.282293±7 9797 563 [115] SA02 535.10±0.24 206Pb/238U 0.0148 0.0205 0.0203±62 0.00064±17 0.282287±16 8976 507 [116] GZ8 543.92±0.06 206Pb/238U 0.0010 0.0036 0.006325 0.00024 0.281662±5 11600 240 [114] BB12 557.4±6.8 206Pb/238U 0.0005 0.0011 0.007068 0.000062 0.281677±11 6177 - [117] BR266
559.27±0.11206Pb/238U 0.0007 0.0025 0.004910 0.000217 0.281630±10 8778 258 [97, 118-121] BB17 559.2±6.0 206Pb/238U 0.0013 0.0032 0.010624 0.000141 0.281677±6 8085.5 - [117] BB9 560.2±4.7 206Pb/238U 0.0005 0.0011 0.006797 0.000052 0.281675±14 6008 - [117] M257 561.3±0.3 206Pb/238U 0.0005 0.0013 0.002986 0.000096 0.281518±11
0.281544±1810610 - [35, 49, 110, 122] BB16 562±3L 206Pb/238U 0.0002 0.0006 0.00134±47 0.000050±17 0.281669±12 8807 - [123-124] CZ3 563.9±1.3 206Pb/238U 0.0001 0.0004 0.00098±1 0.000034±1 0.281732±7 12980 250 [20, 34, 121, 125-126] Peixe 564±4 206Pb/238U 0.0016 0.0069 0.022229 0.000835 0.281944±29 4958 201 [50, 127-128] Tanz 566.16±0.78 206Pb/238U - - - - 0.281820±7 - - [129] SL7 569±3S 206Pb/238U - - - - 0.281620±30 - - [13] LKZ-1 570.0±2.5 206Pb/238U 0.0003 0.0011 0.00358±35 0.000104±1 0.281794±16 7740 310 [130] GJ-1 601.86±0.37 206Pb/238U 0.0013 0.0033 0.00590±42 0.000238±5 0.282000±5 6681 57 [51, 131-134] Mud tank 731.65±0.49 206Pb/238U 0.0011 0.0034 0.003204 0.000093 0.282507±6 11800 - [97-98, 100, 132, 135] WJS810 816.88±0.49 206Pb/238U - - 0.017655 0.000779 0.282534±6 9671 - [136] 91500 1065.4±0.3
1066.01±0.61207Pb/206Pb 0.0005 0.0023 0.00739±45 0.00031±14 0.282308±6 5900 300 [20, 38, 51, 88, 119, 132, 137-138] FC-1
1099.96±0.58207Pb/206Pb 0.0054 0.0201 0.0450±19 0.001262 0.282184±16 11031 1222 [97-99, 111, 119, 139-144] CN92-1UQ-Z1 1142.8±0.8 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.020±10 0.00080±12 0.282172±16 - - [20, 145] LH94-15 1830.3±1.9 207Pb/206Pb - - - - 0.281730±6 - - [146-147] QGNG 1851.6±0.6
1851.5±0.3207Pb/206Pb - - 0.0181±48 0.000731 0.281612±4 - - [51, 97-99, 119, 148] Phalaborwa 2052.2±0.8 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.014±11 0.0004±3 0.281234±11 - - [20, 149] KV01 EKC02-51 3227.2±0.2 207Pb/206Pb 0.0019 0.0066 0.0149±42 0.00068±17 0.280810±13 10410 675 [119, 150] OG1 3465.4±0.6
3466.09±0.33207Pb/206Pb 0.0037 0.0096 0.033±13 0.00119±26 0.280633±34 9346 641 [99, 151-153] 斜锆石 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 SK10-2 32.9±0.5S 206Pb/238U - - 0.0063±13
0.0206±950.00023±4 0.282739±13 - - [20, 64, 154] Kovdor 378.54±0.23
378.5±1.4206Pb/238U 0.0003 0.0005 0.000772 0.000025 0.282767±5 7806 319 [64, 155-157] OG-1 411.91±0.25 206Pb/238U - - 0.0036±13 0.000067±11 0.282694±7 - - [64] Karlshamn 954.2±1.1 207Pb/206Pb - - - 0.000113 0.282228±5 - - [1] FC-1
1099.6±1.5207Pb/206Pb - - 0.0073±23 0.000109±28 0.282167±5 - - [64, 144, 156] SA003 1256.2±1.4 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.049±17 0.00067±14 0.282167±5 - - [64] Sorkka 1256.2±1.4 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.056±36 0.00066 0.282149±10 - - [1, 64] Phalaborwa 2059.60±0.35 207Pb/206Pb 0.0002 0.0002 0.000078±33
0.281187±1413224 450 [2, 20, 158] 钛锆钍矿 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 Phala-ZrkA 1937±32S 207Pb/206Pb 0.5824 0.3145 0.024362 0.000424±9 0.281296±5 4364 - [159] 异性石 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 LV01 376±6L 206Pb/238U - - 0.092430 0.00277 0.282761±18 2986 - [160] 金红石 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 SR-1 0 - - - - - 0.281879±8 42500 710 [161] SR-2 0 - - - - - 0.281888±7 3990 280 [161] SR-2B 0 - - - - - 0.281874±9 2790 81 [161] SR-3 0 - - - - - 0.281877±23 388 45 [161] SR-3A 0 - - - - - 0.281882±26 416 45 [161] R19 489.4±3.3 206Pb/238U - - - 0.002089 0.282163±17 8.645 - [162-163] JDX 509±8S 206Pb/238U - - 0.00020±15 0.000018±4 0.281795±15 50.1 0.7 [164-165] R10/R10b 1090±5
1089.23±0.96207Pb/206Pb - - 0.00038±48 0.000026±81 0.282178±12 38.8 1.5 [162, 165-166] Sugluk-4 1720.8±4.7 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.00008±39 0.000003±16 0.281172±107 51.3 9.3 [165-166] RMJG 1751.5±4.3 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.000017 0.000001 0.281652±6 103 17 [167] PCA-S207 1865.0±7.5 207Pb/206Pb - - 0.0006±17 0.000019±49 0.281246±146 37 13 [165-166] Diss - - - - - - 0.283258±17 5.081 0.049 [162] R1 - - - - - 0.000013 0.283097±8 49 9 [161] 铌铁矿族矿物 年龄(Ma) 年龄类型 160Gd/177Hf 161Dy/177Hf 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf Hf (μg/g) σ 参考文献 713-79 218±2L 206Pb/238U - - 0.000017 0.000001 0.282749±28 712 - [74, 168] NP-2 380.3±2.4 206Pb/238U - - 0.005372 0.000239 0.282169±32 211 - [74, 169] Coltan139 505.4±1.0 206Pb/238U - - 0.147949 0.003503 0.281991±3 454 - [74, 170] U-3 966±12L 206Pb/238U - - 0.000040 0.000002 0.281703±26 1430 - [74] U-1 971±12L 206Pb/238U - - 0.000725 0.000021 0.281845±38 469 - [74] 注:上标L代表LA-ICPMS,上标S代表SIMS,“-”代表暂无数据。 -
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