High Precision Strontium Isotope Measurement of Rock Standard Materials by Multi-dynamic TIMS
铷-锶(Rb-Sr)同位素体系的放射性同位素衰变规律可以用于分析成矿物质来源和确定成矿时代,对于理解矿床的形成过程、确定矿床的成因以及对进一步找矿都具有十分重要的作用。多接收表面热电离质谱(MC-TIMS)是当前地质样品高精度锶同位素组成分析的首选技术,但法拉第杯之间的杯系数差异严重制约了仪器测量的精确度和准确度。本文采用动态多接收校正方法开展了TIMS的高精度锶同位素分析,通过蒙特卡洛模拟和实际测量论证了这一方法在提高锶同位素分析精确度和准确度方面的有效性。结果表明,采用动态多接收校正方法能够有效地消除杯系数的影响,不仅能确保测量的准确度,还能提高2~3倍的测量精确度,实现优于8ppm的仪器长期测试精度。地质样品的化学前处理采用AG 50W-X8树脂和Sr特效树脂两柱可以实现分离。淋洗曲线实验表明该分离流程具有很好的普适性,全流程空白小于150pg,锶回收率≥95%。采用本方法对13种具有不同岩性和锶含量的国家标准物质进行了高精度锶同位素分析测定,其中9种为首次报道,丰富了该系列标样的锶同位素数据库,为更广泛的地质应用提供有力支撑。
- 动态多接收 /
- 多接收表面热电离质谱 /
- 杯系数 /
- 锶同位素 /
- 国家标准物质
Abstract:BACKGROUND Strontium isotopes are a powerful geochemical indicator for tracing the sources and ages of ore-forming materials. TIMS is internationally recognized as the “gold standard” for determining Sr isotopic compositions, however, its analysis accuracy is severely limited by the attenuation of Faraday cup efficiency. How to effectively eliminate the influence of Faraday cup efficiency change is the key to improving the accuracy of Sr isotopes measured by TIMS. In addition, matrix reference materials are crucial for validating measurements on geological samples. Therefore, it is necessary to calibrate the Sr isotope composition of new geological reference materials to replace the unavailable standards (e.g., USGS).
OBJECTIVES To develop a high-precision Sr isotope analysis method using multi-dynamic TIMS and accurately calibrate a set of GBW reference materials with varying sample matrices.
METHODS Samples were completely digested by the high-pressure bomb method. Complete separation of Sr from sample matrices was accomplished through a two-stage column separation method consisting of ion exchange resin (AG 50X-12) and extraction resin (Sr spec). Sr isotopes were measured using a multi-collector TIMS and collected in a three-lines cup configuration. The internal normalization method was used to correct for instrument mass bias, and the multi-dynamic collection method was employed to mitigate the effects of Faraday cup efficiency drift.
RESULTS (1) Significant Faraday cup deterioration (up to 160μg/g on C cup) was observed during an 8 months Sr isotope analytical session. Nevertheless, the results from the Monte Carlo simulation indicate that the multi-dynamic collection method can eliminate 99.6% of the cup coefficient effect. Moreover, long-term testing of NBS987 shows that employing the multi-dynamic collection method results in an instrumental precision of 8μg/g, which is 2-3 times more accurate than traditional static collection methods. Overall, results from both theoretical predictions and practical testing confirmed that the multi-dynamic collection method can effectively eliminate the effects of the cup effect drift. (2) The Sr recovery of the leaching experiments for BCR-2 and BHVO-2 with AG 50W-X8 resin column were 99.16% and 98.91%, respectively. The total Sr recovery of the two-stage columns was as high as 95%, thus preventing any potential Sr isotope fractionation resulting from Sr losses during the column separation process. Furthermore, the total blank throughout the entire procedure was no higher than 150pg for Sr, which was negligible compared to the large sample size. (3) High precision Sr isotope compositions were determined for 13 geological reference samples with various sample matrices, resulting in 87Sr/86Sr ratio measurements ranging from 0.704078 to 0.807402. Among these results, GBW07104, GBW07105, GBW07106, and GBW07108 were found to be consistent with previously reported values within the uncertainties and the other nine reference materials were reported herein for the first time.
CONCLUTIONS The cup effect can significantly impact the Sr isotope measured by MC-TIMS, but it can be effectively mitigated by using a multi-dynamic collection method. Furthermore, independent test results demonstrate the uniformity of the Sr isotope composition in these GBW standards, rendering them suitable for both quality control and interlaboratory comparison purposes.
Key words:
- multi-dynamic collection /
- cup efficiency /
- strontium isotope /
- GBW reference materials
表 1 锶同位素的两柱化学纯化流程
Table 1. Two-stage chemical separation of strontium isotope.
离子交换树脂 淋洗步骤 淋洗液类型 淋洗液体积
(AG 50W-X8)洗柱 6mol/L盐酸 30 洗柱 高纯水 10 平衡柱 2.5mol/L盐酸 5 上样 2.5mol/L盐酸 1 淋洗样品 2.5mol/L盐酸 1 淋洗杂质元素 2.5mol/L盐酸 4×4 收集锶 2.5mol/L盐酸 15 第二柱
(Sr特效树脂)洗柱 3mol/L硝酸 1×3 洗柱 高纯水 1×3 平衡柱 3mol/L硝酸 1 上样 3mol/L硝酸 0.2 淋洗样品 3mol/L硝酸 0.4 淋洗杂质元素 3mol/L硝酸 1×3 收集锶 高纯水 2 表 2 锶同位素分析采用的动态多接收杯结构
Table 2. Multi-dynamic cup configuration used for strontium isotope analysis in this study.
法拉第杯 L3 L2 L1 C H1 H2 H3 聚焦电压
(V)子杯结构1 − − 84Sr 85Rb 86Sr 87Sr 88Sr −2 8 子杯结构2 − 84Sr 85Rb 86Sr 87Sr 88Sr − 0 0 子杯结构3 84Sr 85Rb 86Sr 87Sr 88Sr − − 2 −8 注:表中“−”表示对应杯中不接收任何同位素信息。 表 3 13种国家标准物质的锶同位素组成
Table 3. Strontium isotope composition of 13 Chinese geological reference materials.
标准物质编号 岩性 Sr含量
(μg/g)87Sr/86Sr 不确定度* 测量仪器 文献来源 GBW07104
(GSR-2)安山岩 790 0.704917 0.000011 − − 0.704918 0.000011 − − 0.704919 0.000014 − − 0.704918 0.000002 TIMS 本文 0.704929 0.000012 TIMS Guo等(2023)[15] 0.704931 0.000032 MC-ICP-MS Chen等(2022)[38] 0.704914 0.000030 TIMS Yang等(2020)[4] GBW07105
(GSR-3)玄武岩 1100 0.704079 0.000013 − − 0.704080 0.000011 − − 0.704076 0.000013 − − 0.704076 0.000012 − − 0.704078 0.000005 TIMS 本文 0.704076 0.000036 TIMS Fourny等(2016)[39] 0.704093 0.000010 TIMS Guo等(2023) [15] 0.704081 0.000016 MC-ICP-MS Chen等(2022)[38] 0.704090 0.000016 MC-ICP-MS Wu等(2021)[40] GBW07106
(GSR-4)石英砂岩 58 0.719944 0.000012 − − 0.719948 0.000015 − − 0.719909 0.000011 − − 0.719898 0.000030 − − 0.719925 0.000050 TIMS 本文 0.719936 0.000052 MC-ICP-MS Chen等(2022)[38] GBW07107
(GSR-5)页岩 90 0.807405 0.000011 − − 0.807413 0.000016 − − 0.807390 0.000014 − − 0.807399 0.000016 − − 0.807402 0.000019 TIMS 本文 GBW07108
(GSR-6)泥质灰岩 913 0.708383 0.000012 − − 0.708407 0.000013 − − 0.708382 0.000011 − − 0.708399 0.000012 − − 0.708393 0.000024 TIMS 本文 0.708406 0.000060 MC-ICP-MS Chen等(2022)[38] GBW07112
(GSR-10)辉长岩 612 0.704383 0.000011 − − 0.704382 0.000012 − − 0.704371 0.000010 − − 0.704379 0.000014 TIMS 本文 GBW07114
(GSR-12)白云岩 27 0.708334 0.000013 − − 0.708327 0.000018 − − 0.708348 0.000051 − − 0.708336 0.000022 TIMS 本文 GBW07120
(GSR-13)石灰岩 107 0.709394 0.000013 − − 0.709430 0.000012 − − 0.709416 0.000012 − − 0.709414 0.000036 TIMS 本文 GBW07121
(GSR-14)花岗片麻岩 690 0.709400 0.000012 − − 0.709401 0.000013 − − 0.709396 0.000012 − − 0.709399 0.000005 TIMS 本文 GBW07725
(GSR-16)含铀砂岩 252 0.726437 0.000012 − − 0.726436 0.000013 − − 0.726437 0.000001 TIMS 本文 GBW07726
(GSR-17)二辉斜长麻粒岩 818 0.704278 0.000016 − − 0.704297 0.000011 − − 0.704294 0.000013 − − 0.704289 0.000021 TIMS 本文 GBW07727
(GSR-18)峨眉山玄武岩 271 0.705919 0.000014 − − 0.705922 0.000013 − − 0.705920 0.000011 − − 0.705921 0.000003 TIMS 本文 GBW07728
(GSR-19)辉石橄榄岩 38 0.708531 0.000012 − − 0.708519 0.000014 − − 0.708529 0.000014 − − 0.708509 0.000017 − − 0.708522 0.000020 TIMS 本文 注:表中“-”代表本实验TIMS的地质标样的单次测试结果;“*”示意表中不确定度的表示方法有两种情况,单次测试结果的不确定度为2SE(带“-”符号),多次测试平均结果的不确定度为2SD(粗体),文献报道值的不确定度也为2SD。
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