- 浅水 /
- 多次波组合压制 /
- 确定性水层多次波压制 /
- 自由表面多次波压制 /
- 高精度Radon变换
Abstract:In shallow water seismic exploration, multiple waves are generally developed and difficult to suppress as water is shallow. How to better suppress shallow water multiples has been an important part of marine seismic data processing. At present, it is difficult to completely suppress shallow water multiples by relying on a single multiple suppression technology. Therefore, a combination suppression technology of shallow water multiples was explored. First, deterministic water-layer demultiplex (DWD) was used to suppress short-period multiples, and then the Surface-Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) was used to suppress the long-period multiples with a short offset distance. Finally, high-resolution Radon transform was used to suppress the residual medium and long offset long-period multiples. It can be seen from the multiple suppression effect of real shallow water data in the Liaodong Bay, the combined suppression technology achieved a good suppression of shallow water multiples as shown in the data reported. The notch frequency was better recovered, the data quality was effectively improved, and the signal-noise ratio was effectively improved.
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