深海自主/遥控式水下机器人(ARV)作为新兴的复合型水下机器人,融合了自主式水下机器人的灵活性和遥控式水下机器人的人机交互性等优势,开启了自主与遥控混合作业的新模式。深海ARV可切换为AUV自主航行模式,独立采集周边区域近海底地形地貌、地质结构以及环境参数等数据,也能下潜至目标区域后切换为ROV遥控模式进行局部观察和采样操作,其探测作业一体化技术代表了具备复杂使命执行力的第三代深海水下机器人的发展方向。通过分析国内外深海混合型水下机器人的发展现状,结合ARV在中国深海矿产资源调查中的主要应用案例和取得的成果,以6000米级 “问海一号”ARV系统的研发为例,给出其关键技术集成以及面对的技术挑战,并对未来深海ARV的应用场景、功能集成和发展方向提出了一些设想和建议。
- 自主/遥控式水下机器人(ARV) /
- AUV自主航行 /
- ROV遥控 /
- 深海矿产资源调查 /
- “问海一号”ARV系统
Abstract:Deep-sea autonomous/remote-operated underwater vehicle (ARV) as an emerging hybrid underwater device, it combines the advantages of the flexibility of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and the human-computer interaction of remotely operated vehicle (ROV), promoting a new model of hybrid autonomous and remote-controlled operations. The deep-sea ARV can be switched to AUV autonomous navigation mode to independently collect data of near-seabed topography, geological structure, and environmental parameters of the surrounding area. It can also be switched to ROV mode for local observation and sampling, depending on the target area of interest, showing future development direction of third-generation deep-sea underwater vehicles with complex mission execution capabilities. The development status of hybrid deep-sea ARV at home and abroad is reviewed. Aiming at deep-sea mineral resources investigation in China, the research and development of the 6 000-m Wenhai 1 ARV system is introduced, along with its key technology and technical challenges, and its main application cases and achievements. At last, some ideas and suggestions on future application scenarios, functional integration, and development directions for deep-sea ARV are presented.
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