Status quo and prospect in acoustic detection technology for submarine cobalt-rich crust exploration
Abstract:Cobalt-rich crusts are one of the deep-sea mineral resources with great potential, and have become an important target of exploration in the world. Acoustic detection technology has been widely used to search for cobalt-rich crust resources due to its unique advantages in large-area survey and local continuous fine exploration. The distribution characteristics of cobalt-rich crusts are summarized, the traditional exploration methods are commented, the application status of acoustic detection technologies such as multi-beam system, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler probe are reviewed, and in-situ high-frequency thickness measurement in the exploration of cobalt-rich crusts is introduced. In addition, the status quo in research and development in this regard in China and other countries of the world are compared, and three suggestions on future demand of cobalt-rich crusts exploration are proposed: to develop integrated acoustic detection technology to realize comprehensive measurement of seafloor characteristics, to make comprehensive use of deep-sea submersible to achieve high-precision near seabed exploration, and to deeply integrate the Big Data and artificial intelligence technology to obtain intelligent processing of massive acoustic data.
表 1 常用声学探测技术在富钴结壳探测中的应用
Table 1. The applications of common acoustic detection technologies in cobalt-rich crusts detection
技术名称 工作方式 获得声学参数 空间/地层分辨率/m 富钴结壳探测目标 优势与不足 参考文献 多波束系统 利用声学换能器向海底发射宽扇区覆盖声波,并进行窄波束接收,通过发射、接收形成的照射脚印,对所测区域进行条带式测量 声回波强度 0.10~0.40 海山地形、地貌特征;底质类型;空间分布 可实现全覆盖,工作高效;船载方式、分辨率较低 文献[10,
21, 30-31,
49-54]侧扫声呐 利用声学换能器向航迹两侧海底发射宽角度声波,对所测区域进行大规模扫测 声回波强度 0.05 海山地形、地貌特征;底质类型 深拖方式,分辨率较高;粗略空间定向 文献[34-35,55] 浅地层剖面 利用声学换能器垂直向海底发射低频声波,对所测区域进行连续走航式探测 反射波的波速、振幅和返回时间 0.10 沉积类型、特征;
结壳—沉积物分布界限;结壳厚度获取浅地层内部结构信息;分辨率较低 文献[12,
36-39,56]原位高频测厚 基于深海潜水器利用高频声学探头,对富钴结壳进行原位自动连续测厚 原频、差频反射波的时延差;富钴结壳的声速 0.01 结壳厚度;矿体分布 近底原位,分辨率高;工作效率较低 文献[40-45,
57-62] -
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