Characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the groundwater and formation mode of the Beihai springs in the northern Laiyuan Basin
Abstract:As the source of the Jumahe River, the Juma springs has received the attention of many experts and scholars. Previous studies focused mainly on the chemical and dynamic characteristics of the groundwater and the spring discharge characteristics, the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes characteristics were seldom examined, and the explanation of the causes of the Beihai springs was only a rough qualitative overview. To illustrate the characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the groundwater in the northern Laiyuan Basin and reveal the forming mode of the Beihai springs in detail, groundwater samples in different aquifers were systematically collected for the first time in the study are area and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic components were determined in this paper. The results show that the values of δD and δ18O in the water samples fall on or near the regional meteoric water line, indicating that the meteoric water is the main recharge source of the groundwater. The altitude effect is obvious and the groundwater flow path is long for the groundwater in the dolomite aquifer and limestone aquifer, the groundwater flow path is short and the evaporation effect is strong for the groundwater in the unconsolidated sediment aquifer. The deuterium excess of the sample in the dolomite aquifer, limestone aquifer and unconsolidated sediment aquifer are 6.0‰−11.6‰, 4.2‰−11.2‰ and 3.8‰−8.0‰, respectively, much smaller than that in the meteoric water, showing that the karst water and the pore water undergo different processes. When the groundwater in the dolomite aquifer and limestone aquifer flows from the recharge areas to the discharge areas, hydraulic connection and mixing occur in the fault zone near Xiaoxizhuang and Xianglutun. Groundwater rises during the process of flow to the center of the basin because of the resistance effect of the fault, and groundwater in the dolomite aquifer and limestone aquifer is subsequently recharged by the pore water in the unconsolidated sediment aquifer, at last the groundwater emerges on the ground surface in the form of springs as the Beihai springs. Before the pore water joins in, the average recharge comes from the limestone aquifer and dolostone aquifer is about 48.4%−57.6% and 42.4%−51.6%, respectively.
表 1 涞源北盆地样品氢氧同位素特征
Table 1. Analytical results of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the groundwater samples
样品编号 采样地点 含水岩组 构造或地貌部位 井深/m 水温/℃ δD/‰ δ18O/‰ 氘盈余值d/‰ d平均值/‰ 含水岩组 构造部位 T5-68 四角台村 白云岩含水岩组 团圆向斜两侧 泉点 8 −78 −11.2 11.6 8.5 9.8 T4-15 陈家庄村 12 9 −76 −10.8 10.4 T4-41 十八盘村西 180 9 −76 −10.9 11.2 T1-54 泉峪村 120 8 −73 −10.1 7.8 TZ10 石棉三矿 160 8 −69 −9.6 7.8 T2-40 白绸村北 向斜侵没端东侧 240 8 −69 −9.5 7.0 7.0 T3-38 北坡底村 斜山峪河谷发育带 200 10 −66 −9.1 6.8 6.8 T3-36 土巷口村北 184 8 −70 −9.6 6.8 T1-48 中庄村 上庄乡河谷发育带 160 9 −71 −10.0 9.0 8.9 T1-46 狮子峪 85 10 −73 −10.4 10.2 T3-31 上老芳村南 305 9 −71 −9.8 7.4 T4-28 坡水村东 留家庄乡河谷发育带 195 8 −66 −9.4 9.2 9.2 T4-27 留家庄村 216 10 −69 −9.8 9.4 T3-37 张家铺村 220 9 −71 −10.0 9.0 T3-32 岳家庄村 金家井乡河谷发育带 150 9 −71 −9.7 6.6 6.8 T3-34 王家井村 150 10 −69 −9.6 7.8 T1-53 梁家庄村 160 10 −66 −9.0 6.0 T4-20 分水岭村 灰岩含水岩组 分水岭边界附近 泉点 6 −76 −10.9 11.2 8.8 9.8 T4-25 嗅水盆村中 17.4 8 −73 −10.3 9.4 T3-74 谷家庄北 泉点 6 −72 −10.1 8.8 T4-40 东沟村西南 团圆向斜两翼 6.6 11 −66 −9.3 8.4 9.1 T4-14 马圈沟村 30 10 −69 −9.9 10.2 T3-1 沙岭村北 160 10 −72 −10.1 8.8 T4-1 南庄村西 165 9 −68 −9.7 9.6 T3-30 东泉头村 220 10 −69 −9.7 8.6 T4-10 石片村东北 团圆向斜核部 60 8 −71 −10.1 9.8 9.8 T4-9 团圆村西南 85 7 −70 −10.1 10.8 T4-32 任家沟村 105 9 −68 −9.6 8.8 T4-16 水石塘村西 195 8 −70 −9.9 9.2 T4-4 窑子沟村西 泉点 9 −68 −9.8 10.4 T4-33 南坡底村西北 斜山峪河谷发育带 180 7 −70 −9.9 9.2 9.7 T4-36 斜山村南 90 9 −71 −10.1 9.8 T4-38 黄土岭村西 180 8 −73 −10.4 10.2 T2-42 艾河村西北 向斜侵没端 140 8 −68 −9.6 8.8 8.5 T2-44 红泉村东 180 7 −67 −9.4 8.2 T2-49 龙虎寺村西北 山麓地带 155 8 −69 −9.6 7.8 6.4 T2-68 北上屯村东北 190 9 −66 −9.1 6.8 T2-52 香炉屯村南 200 11 −69 −9.3 5.4 T2-51 水泉村东 220 9 −67 −8.9 4.2 T2-48 赵家井村中 180 8 −68 −9.5 8.0 T2-93 沿村 松散含水层 盆地内 40 9 −73 −9.8 5.4 6.4 7.0 T2-81 西关加油站 20 11 −72 −10.0 8.0 T2-78 冀家会村 120 12 −72 −10.0 8.0 T2-36 南石佛村 150 9 −73 −9.9 6.2 T2-38 北石佛村 134 10 −72 −9.9 7.2 T3-41 顾家营村 108 12 −69 −9.4 6.2 5.9 T3-40 北韩村 200 13 −70 −9.5 6.0 T1-61 小北关村 100 11 −70 −9.5 6.0 T2-94 西环沿村 32 10 −69 −9.1 3.8 T2-89 西关村 10 9 −70 −9.7 7.6 T2-400 拒马源公园 断裂带附近 泉点 12 −72 −9.8 6.4 6.4 6.4 -
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