Correlation analysis of multiple monitoring indicators of contaminated site based on self-organizing map
Abstract:In order to investigate the distribution characteristics of pollutants at contaminated sites, it is necessary to collect soil and groundwater samples by drilling and test them by the standard procedure. In the preliminary and detailed investigation, a large amount of data of soil and groundwater pollution will be obtained. These data are often characterized by large sample size, multiple monitoring indicators and complex data structures, and how to extract valuable information from the big data has become an important research issue. This study takes an organic contaminated site as an example, and carries out big data analytics by using self-organizing map (SOM) and k-means algorithm to explore the correlation between each organic pollution indicator of groundwater and soil. The results show that (1) the big data analytics based on self-organizing map can rapidly mine the complicated multi-dimensional monitoring data of contaminated site, and extract key information effectively. (2) The pollution indicators in groundwater are characterized by significant clustering, and the indicators in the same cluster are of similar spatial distribution characteristics. In view of this, a screening strategy may classify the indicators first and then rank them, and can be adopted at contaminated site to reduce the number of pollution indicators detected and finally save the cost of site detection. (3) The pollution indicators in soil and groundwater also have strong spatial correlation, which is mainly due to the slow seepage velocity of groundwater. According to the correlation of the spatial distribution of pollution indicators in soil and groundwater, it is helpful to trace the pollution sources at contaminated sites.
Key words:
- self-organizing map /
- contaminated site /
- multiple monitoring indicators /
- correlation analysis /
- soil /
- groundwater
图 3 自组织神经网络结构图[26]
Figure 3.
表 1 地下水中污染物数据统计特征
Table 1. Statistical characteristics of pollutant data in groundwater
污染物 均值/
(μg·L−1)标准差 极大值
上限倍数邻-二甲苯 8 702.00 1010 000.00 80 780.00 1 010.00 氯苯 4 386.00 453 000.00 36 400.00 755.00 四氯化碳 363.30 33 900.00 2 691.00 678.00 1,2-二氯乙烷 108.60 10 200.00 818.10 255.00 间&对二甲苯 763.20 109 000.00 8 463.00 109.00 三氯甲烷 411.30 28 900.00 2 614.00 96.33 锰 2 056.00 61 600.00 5 840.00 41.06 1,4-二氯苯 93.02 4 200.00 463.80 7.00 1,2-二氯苯 122.50 6 000.00 622.40 3.00 1,2,4-三氯苯 2.32 206.00 18.35 1.14 三氯乙烯 0.68 57.00 4.72 0.27 四氯乙烯 3.65 288.00 23.52 0.96 砷 9.07 268.00 26.53 5.36 乙苯 90.62 4 840.00 546.10 8.06 甲苯 144.30 5 150.00 684.60 3.67 苯 5.64 157.00 18.85 1.31 二硫化碳 1.16 102.00 8.79 1.02 2,4-二氯酚 1.25 88.30 9.33 / 2,6-二氯酚 0.17 20.10 1.59 / 1,2,3-三氯苯 0.82 59.30 5.61 0.33 1,3-二氯苯 17.90 911.00 95.78 / 溴苯 1.23 30.50 4.07 / 2-氯甲苯 7.21 239.00 29.90 / 1-萘胺 629.40 58 600.00 4 816.00 / 4-氯甲苯 68.27 6 550.00 604.80 / 异丙基苯 3.81 485.00 37.63 / 1,3,5-三甲苯 0.06 4.80 0.51 / 丙酮 8.08 1 350.00 104.50 / 4-甲基-2-戊酮 0.68 62.00 6.24 / 注:“/”表示非《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848—2017)要求控制指标。 表 2 地下水中污染物聚类分级优化筛选结果
Table 2. Clustering optimization results of pollutants in groundwater
聚类 污染物 极大值高于Ⅳ类水上限倍数 Cluster-1 氯苯 755.00 1,2-二氯乙烷 255.00 2-氯甲苯 / 1-萘胺 / Cluster-2 1,4-二氯苯 7.00 1,2-二氯苯 3.00 1,2,4-三氯苯 1.14 2,4-二氯酚 / 2,6-二氯酚 / 1,2,3-三氯苯 0.33 1,3-二氯苯 / 溴苯 / Cluster-3 邻-二甲苯 1 010.00 间&对二甲苯 109.00 三氯甲烷 96.33 锰 41.06 砷 5.36 乙苯 8.06 甲苯 3.67 苯 1.31 二硫化碳 1.02 4-氯甲苯 / 异丙基苯 / 1,3,5-三甲苯 / 丙酮 / 4-甲基-2-戊酮 / Cluster-4 四氯化碳 678.00 三氯乙烯 0.27 四氯乙烯 0.96 表 3 地下水和土壤数据统计特征
Table 3. Statistical characteristics of groundwater and soil data
污染物 地下水 土壤 均值/(μg·L−1) 极大值/(μg·L−1) 标准差 均值/(mg·kg−1) 极大值/(mg·kg−1) 标准差 二甲苯 7 790.33 995 700.00 78 790.33 6.28 236.00 38.27 氯苯 5 433.29 453 000.00 32 256.93 208.70 7 890.00 1 279.75 四氯化碳 311.25 35 450.00 2 077.31 0.79 12.50 2.65 三氯甲烷 527.11 27 680.00 1 701.52 0.50 8.15 1.49 1,2-二氯乙烷 548.30 10 200.00 902.40 0.01 0.34 0.06 1,2-二氯苯 145.09 6 000.00 599.40 25.87 615.00 110.86 甲苯 214.00 4 970.00 409.60 1.73 48.20 8.05 苯 9.08 157.00 121.20 0.08 1.21 0.24 异丙基苯 8.06 100.00 16.05 0.07 1.05 0.22 -
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