An experimental study of the anti-cracking characteristics of foreign-clay based on rock slope
Abstract:Foreign-clay spraying is currently a common technology for ecological restoration of exposed rock slopes. However, under arid climate conditions, the large amount of internal water loss of the foreign-clay on the slope surface will easily cause shrinkage and cracking, which will affect the overall stability of the slope and the growth of surface vegetation. In this paper, aiming at the problem of cracking of the foreign-clay on the slope surface, by changing the thickness of the soil, polymer composite foreign-clay with different polyurethane (PU) concentrations is prepared to analyze the development characteristics of cracks through a series of indoor drying tests. In addition, particles (Pores) and cracks analysis system (PCAS) are used to conduct a quantitative analysis of the geometry of crack network, so as to further explore the influence of soil thickness and polymer additive concentration on fracture development.
Key words:
- rock slope /
- foreign-clay /
- clay thickness /
- polymer materials /
- crack development characteristics
表 1 不同厚度试样表面开裂参数统计表
Table 1. Statistics of cracking parameters on the surface of the samples with different thicknesses
S1 10.70 400 214 194949 128.15 81.46 S2 14.14 181 76 257678 207.89 133.27 S3 16.07 60 34 292922 307.89 170.92 S4 19.15 35 29 345635 310.49 173.90 表 2 不同聚氨酯浓度的试样表面开裂参数统计
Table 2. Statistics of cracking parameters on the surface of the samples with different CPU
S4 19.15 35 29 345635 310.49 173.90 S5 19.02 42 29 348008 276.25 174.6 S6 19.12 45 25 351756 315.03 171.47 S7 20.53 44 26 372286 347.75 185.32 S8 20.55 35 22 351467 355.59 207.05 -
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