Spatio-temporal change and influencing factors of evapotranspiration in the Huaihe River Basin based on MODIS evapotranspiration data
淮河流域作为我国重要的粮食产地,其水资源利用情况具有很高的研究价值。利用MODIS蒸散发数据产品(MOD16/ET)、降水和气温时序数据以及土地利用数据,探讨了淮河流域2000—2014年蒸散量时空变化特征及其对气候变化、土地利用的响应。结果表明:淮河流域蒸散量在空间上表现为南高北低,蒸散量多年均值为589.1 mm,夏季最高,冬季最低。整体而言,淮河流域15年间蒸散量具有先增加后减少的趋势;趋势分析结果显示,31.4%的地区蒸散量呈显著或极显著减少趋势,5.4%的地区蒸散量呈显著或极显著增加趋势,63.2%的地区蒸散量无显著变化。从蒸散量的气候因子分区看,52.0%的区域表现为非气候因子驱动型,44.1%的地区为降水驱动型,双因子驱动型和气温驱动型范围很小,面积占比分别为2.4%、1.5%,表明人类活动对蒸散发的影响巨大。四种植被覆盖土地利用蒸散量均值表现为林地>水田>旱地>草地。根据2000—2014年土地利用转变引起蒸散量变化的统计结果,草地转变为水田时蒸散量明显增加,旱地转变为草地、林地转变为旱地后蒸散量明显减少。
Abstract:The Huaihe River Basin is an important grain production area in China, and the utilization of water resources in the basin is of great research value. To explore the spatial-temporal characteristics of evapotranspiration (ET) in the Huaihe River Basin from 2000 to 2014 and its response to climate change and land use, MOD16/ET products, precipitation and temperature data, and land use data are used in this article. The results show that ET is high in the south and low in the north of the study area. The annual average ET is 589.1 mm, the seasonal change of ET decreases in this order: summer (257.4 mm) > spring (144.6 mm) > autumn (121.8 mm) > winter (66.3 mm). EThas an increasing trend at first and then a decreasing trend over the 15 years. According to the results of trend analysis, 31.4 % of the regions showed a significant or extremely significant decreasing trend of ET, 5.4% of the regions showed a significant or extremely significant increasing trend of ET, and 63.2% of the regions showed no significant change. Analyses of the driving climatic factors on ET change shows that about 52.0% of the study area was impacted by non-climatic driving factor, while 44.1% was driven by precipitation, and 2.4% and 1.5% were separately driven by the two climate factors and temperature, indicating that the ET change in this region is mainly affected by human activities. The average value of ET of the four types of vegetation coverage land use decreased in this order: woodland (639.29 mm) > paddy field (633.24 mm) > dry land (568.72 mm) > grassland (556.37 mm). According to the statistical results of ETof different land use types from 2000 to 2014, the conversion of grassland to paddy fields significantly increases ET, and the conversion of dry land to grassland and woodland to dry land significantly reduces ET.
表 1 变化趋势等级
Table 1. Variation trend level
变化等级 极显著减少 显著减少 不显著变化 显著增加 极显著增加 条件 <0且
P>0.05 >0且
P≤0.01 0.01<P≤0.05 0.01<P≤0.05 P≤0.01 表 2 淮河流域蒸散发驱动分区准则
Table 2. Rules of regionalization for the drivers of ET change
蒸散发驱动类型 分区准则 t检验(降水) t检验(气温) F检验 降水驱动型 t≥t0.05 F≥F0.05 气温驱动型 t≥t0.05 F≥F0.05 气温、降水驱动型 t≤t0.05 t≤t0.05 F≥F0.05 非气候因子驱动型 F≤F0.05 表 3 不同地貌类型划分及其蒸散量数据统计
Table 3. Classification of different geomorphic types and ET data statistics
序号 高程/m 地貌类型 平均ET/mm 标准差/mm 1 ≤20 平原 647.1 72.5 2 (20,200] 丘陵 571.2 84.6 3 (200,500] 低山 566.2 167.0 4 (500,1500] 中山 683.6 142.0 5 >1500 高山 610.1 91.7 表 4 淮河流域不同土地利用类型年均蒸散量统计
Table 4. Annual average ET of different land use types in the Huaihe River Basin
年份 水田 旱地 林地 草地 面积/
(104 km2)均值/mm 总量/
(108 m3)面积/
(104 km2)均值/mm 总量/
(108 m3)面积/
(104 km2)均值/mm 总量/
(108 m3)面积/
(104 km2)均值/mm 总量/
(108m3)2000年 4.56 633.24 289.02 14.04 568.72 798.36 1.82 639.29 116.63 0.97 556.37 53.76 2005年 4.56 636.26 289.35 13.96 582.38 812.90 1.83 656.59 120.39 0.95 561.65 53.39 2010年 4.51 664.50 299.77 13.90 570.22 792.41 1.84 662.17 121.72 0.95 556.24 52.85 2014年 4.49 603.27 270.75 13.80 533.41 736.35 1.83 616.47 113.18 0.96 507.93 48.63 -
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