Evaporation between saturated bare soil and water – an analysis based on field observations and energy balance consideration
Abstract:Accurate estimation of evaporation rate in bare soil is of great significance for hydrogeological processes in arid regions. Potential evaporation has been regard as a standard to estimate the actual evaporation rate. In applications, evaporation rate in the saturated bare soil (PEs) is often replaced by water evaporation rate (PEw). Whether this simplification is adequate needs to be verified. This research is based on the measured potential evaporation rates (by lysimeters) and meteorological elements. The results show that PEs is higher than PEw on a yearly scale, and the differences are more obvious especially in spring and summer. In summer, PEs is greater than PEw at day but smaller at night. Besides, the curve of PEw lags behind PEs. Detailed analyses of evaporation dynamics over fully saturated bare sandy soils and water surface are provided by energy balance considerations. PE dynamics are mainly governed by available energy (Rn−Gs/Nw). Compared with water, the existence of solid particles in the saturated bare soil results in a smaller albedo and heat capacity, which has a further influence on Rn and Gs. Available energy for the saturated bare sandy soil is higher than that of water (Rn,s−Gs>Rn,w−Nw), resulting in a higher rate for PEs. The peak value of Gs exists earlier than Nw, leading to lag of PEw behind PEs. This research provides a theoretical basis for accurate calculation of the actual evaporation rate and groundwater resources.
Key words:
- potential evaporation /
- lysimeter /
- saturated bare soil evaporation /
- water evaporation
表 1 砂样颗粒分析
Table 1. Particle compositions of sands in the lysimeter
粒径 /mm 粒径组成/% ≥2.00 2.00~0.50 0.50~0.25 0.25~0.075 <0.075 细砂 0 0 32.7 57.5 9.8 粗砂 21.5 43.7 24.8 8.9 1.1 表 2 砂样水热参数
Table 2. Hydraulic and thermal parameters of sands in the lysimeter
砂样 饱和含水率/(cm3·cm−3) 热容/(MJ·m−3·K−1) 细砂 0.39 2.2 粗砂 0.37 2.1 -
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