The Duncan-Chang statistical damage correction model of unsaturated soil considering matric suction
Abstract:In order to reflect the whole deformation process of unsaturated foundation soil, the consolidated drained triaxial compression test is carried out on the unsaturated soil of a foundation project. It is found that the partial stress-strain curve of unsaturated soil is similar to hyperbola, and the matrix suction has an obvious influence on the mechanical behavior of soil. The greater the matrix suction, the higher the partial stress of soil. According to the deformation characteristics and engineering characteristics of unsaturated soil, the Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model is selected as the basic model, and the statistical damage theory is introduced. Assuming that the micro element strength of unsaturated soil obeys the Weibull probability density distribution, the Duncan-Chang statistical damage model is established. By establishing the relationship between the initial tangent modulus and matrix suction, a new Duncan-Chang statistical damage model of the unsaturated soil considering matrix suction is established. The parameter analysis method is given, and the empirical expression of the Weibull distribution parameters is obtained, which is used to modify the model. The damage accumulation law of unsaturated soil under different matrix suction conditions is analyzed, and the partial stress-strain test curve of unsaturated soil is compared with the traditional Duncan-Chang model, which proves the feasibility and rationality of the model. The research results provide a certain reference for the study of mechanical properties and identification simulation of unsaturated soil.
Key words:
- unsaturated soil /
- matric suction /
- initial tangent modulus /
- Duncan-Chang model /
- statistical damage
图 9 文献[24]非饱和黏土数据的计算值与试验值对比曲线
Figure 9.
表 1 Eu和b值
Table 1. Eu and b values
s/kPa Eu/MPa b/10−4 100 16.113 22.436 200 23.684 16.628 300 33.601 12.041 400 37.583 9.747 表 2 参数m和F0值
Table 2. Values of parameters m and F0
s/kPa m F0/kPa β R2 100 0.364 385.720 −1.569 0.9762 200 0.487 527.936 −2.376 0.9841 300 0.612 656.831 −4.083 0.9825 400 0.793 703.367 −5.954 0.9763 -
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